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OMG another fake degree

yusuf ayub khan

27-09-2013 | SAMAA
ABBOTABAD: Election Tribunal Abbotabad on Friday disqualified
Yousuf Ayub Khan‚ member Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa assembly in the fake
degree case.
The lawmaker was elected from PK-50 Haripur on the ticket of Imran
Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf.
Yousuf Ayub Khan, the grandson of former Pakistan president Ayub
Khan, was KPK minister for Communication and Construction.
Declaring Khan as disqualified over his fake academic record, the
tribunal has directed the Election Commission to hold bye-election in
PK-50 constituency.
His documents were challenged by PML-N’s Qazi Asad

OMG another fake degree

yusuf ayub khan

27-09-2013 | SAMAA
ABBOTABAD: Election Tribunal Abbotabad on Friday disqualified
Yousuf Ayub Khan‚ member Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa assembly in the fake
degree case.
The lawmaker was elected from PK-50 Haripur on the ticket of Imran
Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf.
Yousuf Ayub Khan, the grandson of former Pakistan president Ayub
Khan, was KPK minister for Communication and Construction.
Declaring Khan as disqualified over his fake academic record, the
tribunal has directed the Election Commission to hold bye-election in
PK-50 constituency.
His documents were challenged by PML-N’s Qazi Asad


well at least he is not target killer and his leader is not a fat toad in vilayet.......

but seriously...they bozos cant even pass a phuddu exam like BA in 3rd division?????
well at least he is not target killer and his leader is not a fat toad in vilayet.......

but seriously...they bozos cant even pass a phuddu exam like BA in 3rd division?????

who in MQM is an MPA, involved in target killing?
then why don't you go to the supreme court?

never mind I wated neough time n this...just remember, on the day of judgment you have to justify all your actions to an entity whcih knows not only what and how you did but also why you did them.....so continue supporting these characters....
never mind I wated neough time n this...just remember, on the day of judgment you have to justify all your actions to an entity whcih knows not only what and how you did but also why you did them.....so continue supporting these characters....

accusing somebody of crime when he didnt commit, you will have to answer for lying and for this blame game in the judgement day too, remember that

never talk without proof
I would say the same thing. The Punjabi Army Actions in BD then they laid their arms all 90,000 of them and Punjabi Armies Medals, Land gift, Corruption in Fuji Foundation Betraying their Own Musharraf (because he was not Punjabi). So Janab Saleem Sahib shouldn't this be applicable on all parties. You Punjabis Latest crime is that you did not vote for Imran and elected again the biggest thug and clueless Nawaz Clan.

there was, and has been no "punjabi"..that is all bharati propaganda...it has always been a clique of robber barons and their close associates [usually their clan].....and in BD it was the indian BSF and army masquerading as muktis that did 90 % of the atrocities....the army had controlled the criminal operations by oct--that is why the indian army invaded.....read the book by major general hakeem arshad qureshi about 1971...

what is this you punjabis..I am NOT punjabi.....

it seems you are seeped in bharati propaganda....thE ARMY CHIEF WAS A "ethnic" pathan and in real fact it was the "sindhi" [he is actually a hindustani] zulfiqar who sold the country off in the UN and in the country....zulfiqar and his descendents are proud that they served as "prime minsters" for a barbaric puppet principality as stooges of teh empire....in other words treachery and crminalirty is seeped in their blood....

as for nawaz and his clan..they are enemies of the muslims....and they were NOT eelcted ..they rigged the elections and sold their soulds to the devil....a thousand and one curese on them and those of their ilk...

and i see you have the other murtids --the iibn saud as one of your flags....no more need be said as these are the worst enemies of islam and the muslims...
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