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The leader is leaving....................

While other takes days to leave CM house and PM house, Imran khan had only one diary book which he picked and left PM house to Bani Gala on his own car.
Not a single corruption charge on him during his 3.5 years tenure.
A great loss to the nation.


Well played! It'll be a long and brutal struggle...

The top military leadership must be in a panic mode now! They can now please neither the Western powers (for they'll fear whether their commands can be carried out within the nuclear powered military's ranks and files) nor the common folks (for their perception is that they're sell outs). They need to get hold of the situation fast. Now, these political stooges they brought into the power definitely will fail to deliver. Most probably they'll again go back to IK for help....

The Pak military in general would now understand it's better to work under a strong Civil leader who would shield them from the outsiders. Reis Erdo'an has proved it to the Turkish Army, who were basically the guardians of the secular state for 80 years conducting numerous coups at the behest of the West, with almost ZERO respect for the political leaders. Now, they're his fan for he has been giving them victories after victories by HIS PERMISSION...

Interesting time ahead....

*Reis Erdo'an is now the leader of the both Deep State and Deep Nation in Turkey. Insha'Allah IK will be so.
**After the 1997 post-modern coup via judiciary-military nexus in Turkey, Erdo'an was sent to jail for reciting a poem glorifying the Muslims! He was banned from politics for life. But, after 2002 elections, where his party had a overwhelming victory, they had to restore his status as the party leader and PM.
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This could be about PTI getting rid of all electable while they have the public’s attention, and putting in place only true loyalists. Putting SMQ in the lead is also smart. It makes the party less about one man and reaffirms that it is a party based on principles. I hope IK uses this time to rebuild PTI’s ground game for each and every NA seat, it just seats currently held by PTI. Even if it looks hopeless, if he tries for ever seat, it’s the only way to get to at least a 2/3 majority. Rebuilding the ground game now, from the regular workers at the bottom ball the way up, while we have IK in the lead, will make the party a force to contend with for decades to come should the struggle demand it.
Tried and dusted..didnt work

He needed some corruotion to keep aleem khan and JGT incgeck but that didnt work
Well played! It'll be a long and brutal struggle...

The top military leadership must be in a panic mode now! They can now please neither the Western powers (for they'll fear whether their commands can be carried out within the nuclear powered military's ranks and files) nor the common folks (for their perception is that they're sell outs). They need to get hold of the situation fast. Now, these political stooges definitely will fail to deliver. Most probably they'll again go back to IK for help....

The Pak military in general would now understand it's better to work under a strong Civil leader who would shield them from the outsiders. Reis Erdo'an has proved it to the Turkish Army, who were basically the guardians of the secular state for 80 years conducting numerous coups at the behest of the West, with almost ZERO respect for the political leaders. Now, they're his fan for he has been giving them victories after victories by HIS PERMISSION...

Interesting time ahead....

*Reis Erdo'an is now the leader of the both Deep State and Deep Nation in Turkey. Insha'Allah IK will be so.

America tried to remove President Erdagan but thee people of Turkey sided with their leader and bought him back.
InshAllah Imran Khan will come back stronger with the help of Allah and his people, the corrupt Generals, Judges need
to shot dead along with the corrupt Sharifs and Bhutto's.
America tried to remove President Erdagan but thee people of Turkey sided with their leader and bought him back.
InshAllah Imran Khan will come back stronger with the help of Allah and his people, the corrupt Generals, Judges need
to shot dead along with the corrupt Sharifs and Bhutto's.
Pakistani people are still going through the infancy of ghulami of almost 175 years. They wont come out on streets for their leader, they need a kick in the back end to come out.
America tried to remove President Erdagan but thee people of Turkey sided with their leader and bought him back.
InshAllah Imran Khan will come back stronger with the help of Allah and his people, the corrupt Generals, Judges need
to shot dead along with the corrupt Sharifs and Bhutto's.
For the solution of the domestic political issues, bloodshed rarely work in the present world. Their exposure in the political crimes would put them into the oblivion among the public. It's basically their demise....
Lastly speaker will likely not acceot the resignation for next 18 months

Does any Speaker has the right to not accept resignation of any MNA or MPA? I have seen for shorter period they have not accepted--such as when the PTI's KP govt from the 2013 elections, which BTW helped PTI--but for 18 months??
If PTI legislators resign then by-elections would be called.
PTI can resign from all provincial assemblies too. It will be almost impossible to hold by- elections in all those seats, so it could end being a general elections. On the other hand apart from KPK, other province speakers might not accept the resignation and could just drag on for as long as they wish, this will mean just General elections in KPK only, which will mean nothing as they already have 2/3rd majority there.
No those 20 candidates were in reserve
They didnt vote
With them the number will be 190ish
They used their defections to prise away the smaller coalition partners away from the PTI government.
These were the trump cards, PTI /IK had from the start, he is 2 week late doing it, i mention all these steps in my thread.

But in a sense , it worked out well for Imran, now everything is out in the open, who was part of the American plans, who helped and provided support. The role of the judiciary, this is without a shadow of a doubt NRO2.

If we now think about IK's constant remarks "Mein NRO nahi doonga", it is clear this was going on for a while, pressure was put on IK constantly but he refused to compromise. The result is Bajwa got rid of him with the help of the crooks. Or more correctly he provided all the help crooks needed to get rid of IK.

People have realised it, the comments on DG ISPR twit are revealing, people are mega angry on social networks.

Listen to what S Jan saying.


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