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PTI government failed to protect DI Khan jail despite intelligence warning

Calm down mate.

Because i was watching it with my own eyes that's how i came to this conclusion.

It wasn't a big accident, just a small push because there was traffic. He just fell of his bike and his bike fell to the floor and then he picked it up.

Now the driver or some F8cker in that jeep should have come out and said sorry and helped him pick his bike up!

nothing happened to the JEEP.

I do have respect for everyone, however if you try to make me look like a lair & insult me - I dont like it- period.

Why would i make this up or Lie in this month of ramdhan. Get your head straight mate.

Now go F*ck yourself for trying to make out that i am chatting rubbish!. Don't quote me Again.

Lecturing me on how you respect Ramzan.....yeah I can see the respect you have for ramzan in your last two lines. I know one or two words of english too.....a nice way to get away since you cant argue with the hard facts....which btw you said on first page. So better show some respect next time rather than getting personal.

Coming back to the post, please tell me where have I said you made this up, I kust said, How did you came to this conclusion at the jeep driver was at fault? You might have seen the half story perhaps?
The guy on the bike might have braked hard, parked in wrong lane, reckless driving and the list goes on, so unless you carryout an investigation, please dont come to conclusion that fast.
Now you my friend had a chance to note the reg number and report it to next MP you see on traffic signal....or the bike rider should have done it.....believe me strict action would have been taken......

Dont let you personal hatred get in the way of your thinking.

I see such accidents very often and most of the time its other drivers hitting army jeep......

Tell you what a similar case happened once, biker was struct by Hilux from behind, though it was bikers fault but soliders stopped and call out the rescue 1122.
Anybody else find it funny that the Army claims it does not have the largest share in the budget after debt servicing?
Well when you take away the cost of new procurement and future upgrade costs it isnt that much. Dont forget we are in a state of war......so personally I believe this is what they meant when they said, we dont have the largest share
In This matter I am with Intelligence Agencies ... I know for a fact that KPK gov was informed earlier to beef up their security on some prisons, as there were serious security threats , but like always those warnings were shrugged off ... So Yes This Time KPK gov is responsible for this huge failure , and they need to take the responsibility & accept their fault & make sure this never happens again ... instead of blaming it on other institutions .

This has happened even before. Even before Srilankan team attack it was said that intelligence agencies already informed Punjab govt about the attack. The fact is everyone knows that prisons all over person are under threat of attack from terrorists. So intelligence agencies didn't provide anything new or surprising. The job of intelligence agencies is not just to tell this is going to happen but there real job is to capture the terrorists even before they conducted the attack. Where was our intelligence agencies when dozens and dozens of terrorists were planning for the attack. Where was army itself when hundreds of terrorists crossed over from FATA and entered DI Khan. Why weren't they intercepted at any check post. And why weren't they intercepted on there way back to FATA?

KPK govt is responsible but the real responsibility is on inept and useless PA and intelligence agencies.
so 3 days ago intel was shared, the IG jail says he was informed the very day, which means the ordinary procedure to convey the intel got delayed for a day, which is normal.

now the IG jail in his ordinary prudence, after receiving the intel would have requested for backup and ammo from the police/FC maybe? but the very day attack takes place.

hence KPK govt failed to prevent the attack. :rolleyes:

by the way, the intel of attack in Anarkali Lahore was prevailing for 3 weeks, they arrested 5 people in that connection, yet it did happen.

and @F.O.X here listen News Hour - 30th July 2013 - ڈی آئی خان جیل حملہ، غفلتوں کی داستان

Intel is forwarded as soon as it is received .. this particular intel was forwarded days before the attack , there was even a meeting held a day before in which officials from various agencies briefed civil administration of KPK that there will be an attack on 29th . but guess what they said we are fine .. we can handle it .. we dont need army or FC . and guess the result .
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im not blaming forces...our forces are one of da best forces in world....i dont know the reasons and many dont...that is why IK is askin to have close door meeting with PM and COAS to know everything in detail!

And that's rubbish.
Lecturing me on how you respect Ramzan.....yeah I can see the respect you have for ramzan in your last two lines. I know one or two words of english too.....a nice way to get away since you cant argue with the hard facts....which btw you said on first page. So better show some respect next time rather than getting personal.

Coming back to the post, please tell me where have I said you made this up, I kust said, How did you came to this conclusion at the jeep driver was at fault? You might have seen the half story perhaps?
The guy on the bike might have braked hard, parked in wrong lane, reckless driving and the list goes on, so unless you carryout an investigation, please dont come to conclusion that fast.
Now you my friend had a chance to note the reg number and report it to next MP you see on traffic signal....or the bike rider should have done it.....believe me strict action would have been taken......

Remember the point we are talking about "discipline".

Firstly i edited that bit after & FCK dont mean nothing. (that's up to you how you read it out).

Basically we were on the way from Islamabad and there was alot of traffic. The army Jeep full of soldiers hit a person on bike from the back (i saw it with my own eyes it wasn't the bike rider fault). I was expecting the driver coming out helping and apologizing to the poor fella. you know what they done started laughing including the ugly driver.

That was my first post explaining the whole situation. There is nothing to ask about or confirm i have already told you what happened believe or not up to you.

Alright dont be political that you never said i was making this up bla bla. Your entire post suggests this & does not mean you have to write it in the post.

I did see the whole thing there were no lanes signs, our car was stopped in the first lane, the bike was stopped in second or 3rd lane traffic was stopped and the Hilux came just gave a little a push. I wasn't driving so my concentration was all there.

Personal hatred would be the last thing i based my talk/thinking on, its more on Facts/evidence.

You said & i quote "the soliders were laughing- is that a bad thing?" << that just tells me everything doesnt it? Even if it was the bikers fault, you dont start laughing at some one after you have hit them, in this case it was the other way round.

All I am saying is! Jaise Awamm.... Waiseee leaders... waiseee Army(generals).

The way we treat awam the majority agree on this, the way we treat our leaders the majority agree on that! So nothing special about the Generals/Army.

however the facts are different, the majority still support the Army even though they are worse. This is psychology & that's their success, Different nations 1% controls their population in a different way.
That is why I asked @F.O.X for some information to support his claim, which is highly suspect.

There are four provinces you have to add all their budgets regarding Police & law enforcement into account not just federal budget . that is why i said read the current fiscal year budget of all provinces ... i dont have time to go through all that .

@F.O.X sahab, is it "PTI government fault, reinforcements arrived late, is it PTI government fault 100+ prison security guards were not present at time of attack?

Who the hell do you think is responsible for the Police ? or Prisons ? ARMY ?

Army is not suppose to reinforce when 70 militants attack .. Police is suppose to handle that ..
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This all boils down to 2 things:

Anti-terrorism laws

Security policy

What has been so far on these by the govt??

These issues are at the crux of the matter, create a framework and we are half way there.

What is the f**king delay?
This has happened even before. Even before Srilankan team attack it was said that intelligence agencies already informed Punjab govt about the attack. The fact is everyone knows that prisons all over person are under threat of attack from terrorists. So intelligence agencies didn't provide anything new or surprising. The job of intelligence agencies is not just to tell this is going to happen but there real job is to capture the terrorists even before they conducted the attack. Where was our intelligence agencies when dozens and dozens of terrorists were planning for the terrorist. Where was army itself when hundreds of terrorists crossed over from FATA and entered DI Khan. Why weren't they intercepted at any check post. And why weren't they intercepted on there way back to FATA?

KPK govt is responsible but the real responsibility is on inept and useless PA and intelligence agencies.

KPK authorities were told the exact date of attack .. even the time .. .. not every time you have the location of terrorists .. some times you intercept a communication & then proceed further ..

there were more then 400 Policemen available in that Jail ... not a single one of them resisted ... Hell last i heard they opened the Doors themselves to let the attackers in . .. so please spare me if i dont take your word for it .
KPK authorities were told the exact date of attack .. even the time .. .. not every time you have the location of terrorists .. some times you intercept a communication & then proceed further ..

there were more then 400 Policemen available in that Jail ... not a single one of them resisted ... Hell last i heard they opened the Doors themselves to let the attackers in . .. so please spare me if i dont take your word for it .

So what if they provided this all the info. It is provided all the time. Nobody gives it importance because intelligence agencies aren't performing there real job that is to apprehend terrorsits during the plannign stage. Where was army when a convoy of 150 terrorists was traveling from FATA to DI Khan. Where were they. Where there checkposts. And why didn't they intercepted while entering or leaving DI Khan?

Why you PA fans can't accept PA's failures and incompetency?
R u cerius Jr. Think Tank? From what we read from Pakistan's financial bill, the budget of the pak army is over 30% of the national budget. R u sure that poor civilian police gets that kind of money?

which idiot told u that
or u have some mental problems
its just 18 percent
Why did they kidnap a female constable?Either they are perverts or she was an insider for ttp.Anyway sounds bad to me.
People whining about the failure of KPK govt. What about Mehran base attack? What about Kamra attack? What about ISI HQ attack? What about GHQ attack?

Were they also KPK govt failures?
So what if they provided this all the info. It is provided all the time. Nobody gives it importance because intelligence agencies aren't performing there real job that is to apprehend terrorsits during the plannign stage. Where was army when a convoy of 150 terrorists was traveling from FATA to DI Khan. Where were they. Where there checkposts. And why didn't they intercepted while entering or leaving DI Khan?

Why you PA fans can't accept PA's failures and incompetency?

Sorry i cannot argue with people like you .. who only thinking straight int eh direction in their nose .. and refuse to accept their mistakes .. you people are beyond me . & are a true reason our country is this much screwed .
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