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Provoking India: In a first, China and Pakistan hold joint border patrols

India would get her *** kicked on a one front war let alone a two front war

I don't understand this myself. I suppose they are saying they will prepare for a two front war, but not saying it will be successful. China has massive conventional superiority over india in every sphere, not to mention it's own arms industry. There is no match here and never ever will be.
India media is sh!t. No need to give much importance to what they say or write in their news titles.
Definatily india media provoking their own people people in Pakistani kashmir they are happy and its more peaceful than any where in Pak..
We used to take them seriously as world now they just bark regularly like a mad dog..
They are killing innocent people of Kashmir and at the same time barking..
U cant make fool people forever.
And why on earth we need action when warning is sufficient to get our message through, and yes the entire world see how effective the SCS verdict end, we have shown to the world that we don't need action to get what we want.

You are certainly not getting the PH and Vietnamese occupied islands thats for sure. Paper Tiger meowed about the verdict meaning nothing....ground reality meanwhile doesn't change either.

Cant deal with those small countries, forget about South Tibet. Negotiations are all just an excuse for officials to have some tea and cakes....meanwhile PLA gets sent back each time it tries to enter....so it has stopped trying and resorted to crying through its mouthpieces and loyal band of illiterate frustrated 5 cent CPC trolls :lol:

A frontier defense regiment of the PLA in Xinjiang, along with a border police force from Pakistan, carry out a joint patrol along the China-Pakistan border. (Photo courtesy: People's Daily Online)


    • Azad Kashmir (***) is a disputed territory.
    • China refers to *** as "Pakistan-administered Kashmir".
    • The People's Daily referred to the region only to "Pakistan".
A frontier defence regiment of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) in the western Xinjiang region and a border police force from Pakistan carried out the joint patrols along the China-*** border, according to photographs posted online in the English-language website of the official People's Daily.

The People's Daily described the region as the "China-Pakistan border", however Xinjiang borders only Azad Kashmir (***) which is seen by India as an integral part of Indian territory.


China usually refers to the region as "Pakistan-administered Kashmir" - and calls Jammu and Kashmir "Indian-administered Kashmir" - but the People's Daily curiously referred only to "Pakistan".

The move to hold joint patrols in the sensitive *** region has not previously acknowledged by China or Chinese media.

Analysts said it underlines China's intent to further deepen its footprint in ***.


China has gone forward with an ambitious $46 billion corridor from Xinjiang through *** to the Gwadar port in Pakistan, despite India's protests. China has said the projects were "purely commercial" and "without prejudice" to the Kashmir issue which was "for India and Pakistan to solve".

Beijing holding joint patrols with Pakistan, however, on land that Delhi sees as Indian territory is likely to cause further strains in relations with India.


Indian media picking words very carefully aye.Just like if mongols were alive today they would say half of the world belongs to them but that's not going to happen!!
Aksai Chin belongs to China Historically it is a part of china.Even the word Chin Means Chinese.

Indian media has the as usual habbit of making issue out of nothing...Man..it is the deal between China and Pakistan...Why should we always think whatever is happening between China and Pakistan should always be directed against India only...Come on guys take a break...Do read our news papers too much...Apart from few news papers like Hindu and some others, all of our news papers are just show biz papers only..
When someone wants to be angry, he is always able to find something to be angry at.

So why is China so angry ? China should not redirect her anger on US towards India.

Strong ppl you see , they fight together. Will see who stays back when the first bullet is fired.

China would fight India until the last Pakistani

Pakistan would fight India until the last Kashmiri

India would fight for Kashmir until the last Indian.

The sums up the situation on the ground.
Indian media has the as usual habbit of making issue out of nothing...Man..it is the deal between China and Pakistan...Why should we always think whatever is happening between China and Pakistan should always be directed against India only...Come on guys take a break...Do read our news papers too much...Apart from few news papers like Hindu and some others, all of our news papers are just show biz papers only..
If two good ppl come together you can say that but not with these. There is a creeping increase of chinese military presence in kashmir. chinese may not fight with India but well may provide logistical support to pak to take on India.
India did the same mistake with tibet and now we know the consequences. Some times it makes sense to be a paranoid it is a survival instinct.
You are certainly not getting the PH and Vietnamese occupied islands thats for sure. Paper Tiger meowed about the verdict meaning nothing....ground reality meanwhile doesn't change either.

Cant deal with those small countries, forget about South Tibet. Negotiations are all just an excuse for officials to have some tea and cakes....meanwhile PLA gets sent back each time it tries to enter....so it has stopped trying and resorted to crying through its mouthpieces and loyal band of illiterate frustrated 5 cent CPC trolls :lol:

What is the point for China to take back those islands from PH and Vietnam, base on our capability we could take all back by force...but likely India will cry that China is bullying these countries, why we want to upset India? :rofl:

China is more than capable to deal with India but we just don't want to let US to size the opportunity to plot behind our back so we just put thing on standby...it's been a 19th round on the negotiation and we have never give up, each time we set a rendez-vous, Indians are always shown promptly and on time:D. And when we patrol in deep inside Indian territory, your army are so hopeless and cowardly use your media to express their anger such as the tent pitching even:rofl: and you're bragging that you send our army back? :rofl:..and China has never cry but give a warning unlike India just know how to cry in order to earn pity and sympathy...LMAO

China would fight India until the last Pakistani

Pakistan would fight India until the last Kashmiri

India would fight for Kashmir until the last Indian.

The sums up the situation on the ground.

:rofl: Why China would fight India until the last Pakistani when India wouldn't last long on the fight, sure they will go crying for help as 1962 debacle.

If two good ppl come together you can say that but not with these. There is a creeping increase of chinese military presence in kashmir. chinese may not fight with India but well may provide logistical support to pak to take on India.
India did the same mistake with tibet and now we know the consequences. Some times it makes sense to be a paranoid it is a survival instinct.

This remind me of Indians strategist think they can go as far as SCS to join US and Japan military patrol and exercise, now China just give India a hint that we can help Pakistan over Kashmir , this gonna pi$$ India big time :rofl:
I don't understand this myself. I suppose they are saying they will prepare for a two front war, but not saying it will be successful. China has massive conventional superiority over india in every sphere, not to mention it's own arms industry.
True but look at the objectives India will be fighting to defend not to gain territory. Pakistan would say/do the same thing about India when it comes to conventional superiority. More ever any war will be fought only for a week or two at the max. As such force levels sufficient to push back initial thrust should be good enough.

keep rolling, it seems you cannot have a conversation without indulging in cheap theatrics.
What is the point for China to take back those islands from PH and Vietnam, base on our capability we could take all back by force...but likely India will cry that China is bullying these countries, why we want to upset India?

So you let others occupy your land because of CPC definition of crying? It is China that cries each time someone flies a plane or sails a boat past one of its SCS islands.

The CPC cryfest over the verdict was especially fun to watch too...because it reminded you of all those PH and vietnamese flags dotted on islands you claim.

China is more than capable to deal with India but we just don't want to let US to size the opportunity to plot behind our back so we just put thing on standby.

A hopeless excuse. Real reason is what happened to your PLA in 1967. Last spilling of blood in the Himalayas....all mostly on PLA side....and they have not returned for more since.

And when we patrol in deep inside Indian territory, your army are so hopeless and cowardly use your media to express their anger such as the tent pitching even:rofl: and you're bragging that you send our army back?

Define deep, a little intrustion with some signs in no mans land which both claim? A few metres? Thats all PLA can afford to do....we just watch them get cold and return.....if they try to venture past no man's land they get thrown back....in body bags if needed like in 1967. Its why PLA knows the clear red lines very well. Sikkim and South Tibet fly the Indian flag, even Dalai Lama has now accepted South Tibet as Indian territory....so it doesn't make a lick of difference what China claims....especially when it cant even deal with much smaller countries.

I mean invading Vietnam to try force it to leave Cambodia your ally....and then returning with your butt kicked and tail between legs and no withdrawal by Vietnam that you stated as the objective. How humiliating for the worlds largest army. Seems to be populated by badly equipped and led weaklings these days....no wonder China doesn't pick a serious fight anywhere anymore....it knows it will just be humiliated and embarrased again. Best to keep the ego pumped so trolls like you have something to do in your free time.

It (Vietnam 1979) was the start of the paper tiger era for China. No more crazy Mao....just a bunch of loud mouths and fist shakers in your military circus. Even under Mao, did you ever get an opponent to sign an unconditional surrender to you in anything and anywhere like we did in 1971? And now with Mao gone and paper tigers replacing him....you think anyone gives a damn about you building up a few islands while PH and Vietnam do the same for theirs? You are just asking to be treated on the same level as them....and to top of it off you get a cease and desist verdict from a court that you are a MEMBER of and still have not WITHDRAWN from. Don't even have the guts to withdraw from the court that slapped you in front of everyone so badly. You think no one noticed that?

Seriously what a childish show China runs....a laughing stock of the whole military sphere. Sit, buy, grow fat, threaten but do nothing substantial....and then repeat as necessary.

It works best for Middle kingdom ego phenomenon, since it will just get deflated badly if it tries to put action to words and lame frolicking.
So you let others occupy your land because of CPC definition of crying? It is China that cries each time someone flies a plane or sails a boat past one of its SCS islands.

The CPC cryfest over the verdict was especially fun to watch too...because it reminded you of all those PH and vietnamese flags dotted on islands you claim.

A hopeless excuse. Real reason is what happened to your PLA in 1967. Last spilling of blood in the Himalayas....all mostly on PLA side....and they have not returned for more since.

Define deep, a little intrustion with some signs in no mans land which both claim? A few metres? Thats all PLA can afford to do....we just watch them get cold and return.....if they try to venture past no man's land they get thrown back....in body bags if needed like in 1967. Its why PLA knows the clear red lines very well. Sikkim and South Tibet fly the Indian flag, even Dalai Lama has now accepted South Tibet as Indian territory....so it doesn't make a lick of difference what China claims....especially when it cant even deal with much smaller countries.

I mean invading Vietnam to try force it to leave Cambodia your ally....and then returning with your butt kicked and tail between legs and no withdrawal by Vietnam that you stated as the objective. How humiliating for the worlds largest army. Seems to be populated by badly equipped and led weaklings these days....no wonder China doesn't pick a serious fight anywhere anymore....it knows it will just be humiliated and embarrased again. Best to keep the ego pumped so trolls like you have something to do in your free time.

It (Vietnam 1979) was the start of the paper tiger era for China. No more crazy Mao....just a bunch of loud mouths and fist shakers in your military circus. Even under Mao, did you ever get an opponent to sign an unconditional surrender to you in anything and anywhere like we did in 1971? And now with Mao gone and paper tigers replacing him....you think anyone gives a damn about you building up a few islands while PH and Vietnam do the same for theirs? You are just asking to be treated on the same level as them....and to top of it off you get a cease and desist verdict from a court that you are a MEMBER of and still have not WITHDRAWN from. Don't even have the guts to withdraw from the court that slapped you in front of everyone so badly. You think no one noticed that?

Seriously what a childish show China runs....a laughing stock of the whole military sphere. Sit, buy, grow fat, threaten but do nothing substantial....and then repeat as necessary.

What is the problem to let other to occupy our land? have you ever heard the we cried that PH and Vietnam occupy our land? in contrary when we reclaimed our reefs , not on PH and Vietnam cried, India also cried on their behave :rofl:

all the world know 1962 but never heard of 1967, a pure Indian fabrication for self comforting :rofl:

And about 1979, that what we want to make the world to believe that our invasion of Vietnam is to force them retreat from Cambodia, even US was got caught by this fake intention, if China is rising today is greatly thank to 1979 event, not only we shown to former soviet that we dare to slap their ally face and sever a lesson the eastern Europe communist that Soviet will never come to rescue their when they will face similar situation as Vietnam and secondo we earn US and Western trust to open up their market to China and make China 2nd economy power as today...only retards will still believe that we invaded Vietnam to just teach them a lesson.

If China is a laugh stock of the military sphere, have about India?...you guys have hard time to get yourself attention that entire world keep ignore, the only time they will brag about India when they only need to earn the military contract...no one show respect to India beside money...pathetic isn't it:rofl:

Good that you have so much confidence. Last I check someone did not have the courage to accept the dead bodies of their fellow soldiers.

it's not about over confidence, we have respect to our enemy but we will never promote them to be arrogant, And no I don't want our solders to die , I want them to have a flawless victory over enemies, China could have subjugated Vietnam without fire a single bullets just by blocking the Red river and 33 millions of Vietnamese will crawl to Beijing begging for forgiveness and mercy instead of sending our children to die in 1979....I will advocate China to do the same with India:butcher:
it's not about over confidence, we have respect to our enemy but we will never promote them arrogant, And no I don't want our solders to die , I want them to have a flawless victory over enemies, China could have subjugated Vietnam without fire a single bullets just by blocking the Red river and 33 millions of Vietnamese will crawl to Beijing begging for forgiveness and mercy instead of sending our children to die in 1979....I will advocate China to do the same with India:butcher:

Hence I said in my earlier post on this thread that China would fight India until the last Pakistani.

I know that Chinese are pragmatic and wise.
And about 1979, that what we want to make the world to believe that our invasion of Vietnam is to force them retreat from Cambodia, even US was got caught by this fake intention,

So when you fail, it was a fake intention.

Good one.

Adds to the laughing stock.

Guess SCS is all one big fake intention ultimately too.

What is the problem to let other to occupy our land? have you ever heard the we cried that PH and Vietnam occupy our land? in contrary when we reclaimed our reefs , not on PH and Vietnam cried, India also cried on their behave

Thanks for loaning away your territories without crying btw, can you loan tibet to us too since you are such good sports in letting others occupy your land? :D
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