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Eastwatch - all these 'thanks' are yours and well deserved.
You need to acknowledge them.
after reading the whole i have a little formula to evaluate happiness.

Happiness Quotient = what you have / what you want to have

clearly we can see if we decrease denominator the quotient will increase faster and thats excatly bangladeshis are doing.
isn't it?
Money can never buy happiness

Most of the rich people in the world have got this rich through unlawful means, meaning they have taken the rights of someone else, even though they have all the treasures of the world at their disposal they can never sleep at night peacefully knowing that they have taken the rights of someone.
Jako,------ As you can see in the body of that essay itself, that we once were rich too in the Golden Bengal of our yesteryears. Why would the British set up shop here for their East India Company - the British were extremely poor then. Poorer than us.
If Hindustan was the richest country/region on this earth in the old days, then Bengal was the richest of all the regions that comprised Hindustan. Charles Stewart, a British Historian, came to Bengal in the late 18th century, made an elaborate research on the political history (Muslim period) of this country and wrote a history book named "History of Bengal." It was first published in 1803.

On the Preface of this book he wrote exactly the following words, "If nature has been thus bountiful to Bengal in its means of external defence and internal security, she has not been less liberal in bestowing on it every other blessing that a nation can desire. Its fertile soil produces every thing requisite for the food of man or animal; and in such abundance, that the crops of one year are sufficient for the consumption of its inhabitants for two. It is thereby enabled to supply all other parts of India with its super-abundance; and to become the granary of the east, as Egypt was formerly for the west."

Well, the above was written two centuries ago and the image of our land today is quite different. A country needs monetary capital to invest in modern industries. Capital is formed when a country produces a certain amount of goods, but consumes an amount less than that, and the surplus is exported.

Bengal could have used its surplus, but it was colonized by the British and again semi-colonized during Pakistan period. Pakistan period was more important because of a new agriculture product called jute. Most of the earnings from this were used in the west. This economic disparity created Bangali nationalism in the east. By the time we were separated, the glamour of jute was gone because of introduction of synthetic fiber throughout the world in the early '70s.

But, after 37 years as a sovereign country, I can see we are going ahead. Note that monetary capital is now in the process of being formed by the export of goods and manpower. It is not written in any Holy books that BD will remain a poverty-stricken country. I expect a day will come when people would wonder why a Bangali poet had to write, "Chand Jano Ekkhana Jholshano Ruti." It was Shukanto Bhattachariya, isn't it?

By the way, whatever the Indians think about me, I would like a full economic integration between us and the NE. This way is better for both of us. Unnecessary jealousy against a group of people does not make us great. However, the problem remains to be solved is the attitude of India and its citizen posters in this Forum.
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But money can get you things that can make you happy.:P
Buddy, on a scale of importance MONEY ranks as high as oxygen and yet it need not have been so.
This is a result of eons of humanity's time spent on building a civilisation that was flawed to begin with - however, that is another discussion.
Money today brings you food and shelter,and a beautifull wife via arranged marriage(its still alive, right?) or love marriage(if actuall the love is for money not your hubby)......now define happiness to me!!!
Money today brings you food and shelter,and a beautifull wife via arranged marriage(its still alive, right?) or love marriage(if actuall the love is for money not your hubby)......now define happiness to me!!!
Tell this to your Girlfriend. I am sure she will beat the hell out of you.
Ahahah...good one sire,but money has its position in our society and so called happiness or love too have their share.....they are in a way inter-related,you cant get one without the other......you can be proud to be poor,but not happy to be one.....and the proudness here too is inflated

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