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Protests Spread To Saudi Arabia

We just need to hold onto what we have. We Chinese's goal for this century are just:
(1) Reunification of mainland and taiwan and I believe it has to be done. China need to reclaim Taiwan no matter what the cost will be. If a Qing Dynasty emperor 康熙 did it, we currently Chinese definitely can do it. In this case, I do agree we do not care what the cost will be and we will not be intimidated by whoever the foreign powers or interventionists will be.
(2) Continuous economy development
(3) Reclaiming south china sea islands occupied by other foreign countries and we may have to fight Vietnam in some battles to take them back from it.
(4) Reclaiming the territories occupied by India (The notorious illegal McMahon line has never been recognized by China)

Anyway, troll like you only knows to stir the pot and such foolish act has nothing good for China.

These are the points Hong Wu is also posting. If this is not expansionist, then I wonder what is.
These are the points Hong Wu is also posting. If this is not expansionist, then I wonder what is.

Those are traditionally ours. We take back what is ours and expansionists take what it is not theirs.

(1) Taiwan is part of China.
(2) Those south china sea islands are traditional Chinese islands for centuries. Those are looted during China late Qing dynasty and later China civil war periods.
(3) McMahon line were drawn by a British officer who secretly took away those territories into British India. We China has never recognized such secret stealing. Later when India got its independence, it abolished all unequal treaties with Britain. India try to inherit what British has left, even the ones illegally drawn. How could India take those unfavored ones as unequal and abolished and those favored one as legal one?

BTW, if we Chinese are expansionists, we have already marched into the current India territories long time ago before there is a country called India. I think today's indian should thank for british since it gives today's india territories. Before british, india just consists of many small countries without any concept of unification into one country for thousands of years.
Those are traditionally ours. We take back what is ours and expansionists take what it is not theirs.

(1) Taiwan is part of China.
(2) Those south china sea islands are traditional Chinese islands for centuries. Those are looted during China late Qing dynasty and later China civil war periods.
(3) McMahon line were drawn by a British officer who secretly took away those territories into British India. We China has never recognized such secret stealing. Later when India got its independence, it abolished all unequal treaties with Britain. India try to inherit what British has left, even the ones illegally drawn. How could India take those unfavored ones as unequal and abolished and those favored one as legal one?

BTW, if we Chinese are expansionists, we have already marched into the current India territories long time ago before there is a country called India. I think today's indian should thank for british since it gives today's india territories. Before british, india just consists of many small countries without any concept of unification into one country for thousands of years.

Ok whatever - I dont have time debunking your stupid claims.

If you want something, come and get it.

About India not existing as a united country - go re-learn your History about the Maurya Empire.
Ok whatever - I dont have time debunking your stupid claims.

If you want something, come and get it.

About India not existing as a united country - go re-learn your History about the Maurya Empire.

Maurya Empire (莫卧儿王朝), 321 to 185 BC, ancient india (古代印度)???

We indeed have learned that in middle school history text. BTW, is ancient india same as today's india?

Read my sentence again and there is nothing conflicting. So if you want me to be precise, I can change the world "thousands of years" to "more than two thousand years".

Stupid claims??? at least better than the one you inherited from an illegal line drawn by a British officer of your past master.
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You mean the functional democracies in Europe are collapsing...:blink:

And what can China offer these ME protesters other than 'Death to America' signs? A pro-China communist regime? :lol:

Why not, socialism has been a force for progress everywhere except North Korea which is more like Saudi Arabia without oil.

Compared to great democracies like Nigeria, Thailand and Phillipines, developing countries that chose socialism have done quite well.
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