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Protests Spread To Saudi Arabia

other than Pakistanis, noone is obsessed with religion. :coffee:

BJP a well known Hindu extremist party involved in countless attacks on religious minorities in India was elected by wait for it not obsessed with religion Indians.:rofl::blah::blah:
this revolt is spreading fast , now its saudis turn ... it wil good to know from saudi members

I spend 20 yrs in saudia, I can gurantee u this won't work, Over there. The governement will chops off 2 -3 heads and everyone will go to there home quitely, and won't make a sound for next 20 yrs.
what we see in egypt is a fight for bread and butter and freedom of expresion, but in Saudi, people are well off compare to egypt, i doubt if something similar would happen in saudi what we in egypt.

Saudi Arabia has massive poverty in reality... As I said... the capable elements in that country are next to brain dead (actually Pakistanis are much much more enlightened compared to them)... Amongst Arabs the better informed and more capable of doing something are Egyptians but their regime since Nasir's era has been brutal against its own people... if these protests achieve as little as easing to achieve basic needs of life like food/clothing and shelter and allows the people to discuss political ideas freely it would be worth it... Ultimately Egypt will go the Islamic way if people are allowed to take their time and solve their own problems without outside intervention...

you seriously need to learn more about current affairs..\
Yes an average saudi is not rich roaming around in SUV..infact he doesnt even have a job and is struggling outside the employment office. The repressive regime of King Fahad tactically deprived the nation of usable education and jobs to keep the regime stable once people are dependent on state handouts. The result was people qualified like parrots in offical wahabi doctrine with little pratical skills and living off state benefits. Idle mind is satans home, hence the seed of terrorism started to bear fruit.

you seriously need to learn more about current affairs..\
Yes an average saudi is not rich roaming around in SUV..infact he doesnt even have a job and is struggling outside the employment office. The repressive regime of King Fahad tactically deprived the nation of usable education and jobs to keep the regime stable once people are dependent on state handouts. The result was people qualified like parrots in offical wahabi doctrine with little pratical skills and living off state benefits. Idle mind is satans home, hence the seed of terrorism started to bear fruit.

thats why i asked the question from him because i know very little about Saudi issues. And since you live in that country, you might know more than the others.
Every power have the rise and fall with the exception of one and that is quite natural, no need to listen to that shiekh.

Well, Actually I ve known him since my childhood. Everything he ever stated came true so far. I generally dont bring it up but then It is ok if most wont believe it. It just happens to be one of those things!
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته


Nothing happening in here .. its only in Jeddah and there they r only Protesting against the ones responsable for the floads in thier city .

we pretty much Love the king .. its the lil derty ones around him whom we hate

Protests ? in Saudi Arabia ? i dont think so , Sorry .

the only ones who wud Protest agains the government r the shiaat in Qatif City . but they wont as long as the saudi government keep providing them good jops and high salaries in major oil company ( ARAMCO ).

Long live the king
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Pro-USA regimes are falling! Now is time for China and Russia to join together and bring all the anti-USA regimes into a massive military alliance.

India of course will be on the other side of the conflict -- Hindu civilization against Islamic civilization and Confucian civilization.

Are you an idiot or what?

Do you want to form another NATO type of organizations like USSR did to bring the world to cold war again???

Will China ever be so stupid to do that???

There is near zero chance such major civilization conflict will happen. God forbid, if it did happen, you can kiss your normal life goodbye and prepare to die.
China can collaborate with anti-USA Islamic countries to replace US dollar as world reserve currency. It is the pro-USA Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia King who props up US dollar with oil trade.

Instead, oil can be traded in RMB and commodities trade with developing countries and former Soviet Union can all be traded in RMB.

Once USA doesn't have the world reserve currency any more, its empire will quickly unravel! It's military expenditures will shrink to 10% or less of its current amount. In other words, the exact same thing as what happened to Soviet Union.

How many pieces will the USA collapse into this time?

What will happen if USA collaborate with Europe together, not paying China a dime for their debts and turning to other nations for purchase?

Normally, you will think USA will have a default and a collapse of credit rating. However, in waring time, it will not be that case. If that happen, I think it is us China who should cry first, not the USA or Europe.

So refrain yourself from throwing flames into this type of issues. Your tone is the same as that of the other idiot who calls himself ZhengHe, a castrated eunuch.
What will happen if USA collaborate with Europe together, not paying China a dime for their debts and turning to other nations for purchase?

Normally, you will think USA will have a default and a collapse of credit rating. However, in waring time, it will not be that case. If that happen, I think it is us China who should cry first, not the USA or Europe.

So refrain yourself from throwing flames into this type of issues. Your tone is the same as that of the other idiot who calls himself ZhengHe, a castrated eunuch.
You are just an Indian troll. MODS please check this false flag.

It is impossible for USA to convince every country in the world to refuse US dollar payments from China. As long as the US dollar assets China has are tangible, not just some digits in a computer in New York, China can buy commodities and other things on the market with them.

Not only that, if it ever started to look like USA was about to default, China would preemptively dump all its treasuries on the market first as well as buy up stuff all around the world using US dollars.

In fact, it's looking more and more like China is rapidly moving out of the US dollar and the US has gotten nowhere imposing some kind of global economic sanction on China.
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You are just an Indian troll. MODS please check this false flag.

It is impossible for USA to convince every country in the world to refuse US dollar payments from China. As long as the US dollar assets China has are tangible, not just some digits in a computer in New York, China can buy commodities and other things on the market with them.

Not only that, if it ever started to look like USA was about to default, China would preemptively dump all its treasuries on the market first as well as buy up stuff all around the world using US dollars.

In fact, it's looking more and more like China is rapidly moving out of the US dollar and the US has gotten nowhere imposing some kind of global economic sanction on China.

First, I am 100% CHINESE.

Second, in peace time, it is impossible to do that. However, if China is really that stupid as you have described to form another alliance with Russia and other anti-USA countries. Cold war will be back again. If it goes to the boiling point, God forbid, who knows what will happen? You want to turn the whole world into hostile confrontation again?

Since you use HongWu as your name and the other idiot uses ZhengHe as his name, I think you both admire Ming Dynasty very much. Do you know HongWu (朱元璋) has wiped out almost all of his followers after he took power? Do you know his dynasty is the dynasty where eunuchs have a lot of power during its middle to late period? No wonder that idiot uses an eunuch's name! It is a lot darker during that period that you imagine.

BTW, look at the territory map of Ming Dynasty vs Qing Dynasty. Surely enough that China during Qing dynasty has suffered a lot during the last 70 years and has been invaded many times. Many territories have been stolen by foreign powers. However, it is during Qing Dynasty, China has solidify control over Tibet, Xinjiang, Mongolia and Northeast. Even after suffering such big losses during late period of Qing Dynasty, China still has a far larger area left than Ming Dynasty has ever covered.

China wants its peaceful rising and will get there quickly if there are fewer idiots in China who advocate such nonsense alliance or attacks. Our premier Zhou Enlai has advocated peaceful coexistence more than 50 years ago:不结盟 和 和平共处五项原则。

Stop posting your Chauvinist types of posts here and quit making us Chinese like Chauvinist pigs. We Chinese are not expansionists or colonists like the Europeans. We have no interest colonizing any other countries.

We just need to hold onto what we have. We Chinese's goal for this century are just:
(1) Reunification of mainland and taiwan and I believe it has to be done. China need to reclaim Taiwan no matter what the cost will be. If a Qing Dynasty emperor 康熙 did it, we currently Chinese definitely can do it. In this case, I do agree we do not care what the cost will be and we will not be intimidated by whoever the foreign powers or interventionists will be.
(2) Continuous economy development
(3) Reclaiming south china sea islands occupied by other foreign countries and we may have to fight Vietnam in some battles to take them back from it.
(4) Reclaiming the territories occupied by India (The notorious illegal McMahon line has never been recognized by China)

Anyway, troll like you only knows to stir the pot and such foolish act has nothing good for China.
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