I'll say the opposite. Sanctions have somewhat turned out to be good for Iran. Science and Research has never been so advanced as it was before. They have gone so far ahead that they are now leading the Muslim world. Secondly, when sanctions occur domestic values are forced to somewhat meet demands. This has an immense affect on uniting/growing people together. Thirdly, they have saved their resources i.e. like Oil and Gas by less exporting and more consuming for own cause. I know a lot of of people will debate here but my point being is that the current world is in the globalization period. Its not a good thing at all, its new colonialism. In terms of economics, a country becomes dependent on another therefore what one sees this is as an artificial system that can never be sustainable. With one country like Iran not in the system, you would no doubt experience a shock, but i firmly believe that it would be temporarily. People will just get used to it and work to make 'their' country better.