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Protests in Iran over economic downfall

I am 100% agree with you, today i had same debate with my colleagues and i was trying to convince them that money changers are making money in all this situation they will sell at maximum price and after that they will bring down the rates, I have seen two incidents of same kind in Pakistan, once at start of Iraq war they spread rumor that Iraqi currency will become stronger after fall of Sadam and people started buying that currency and many people lost their savings and second same type of incident was regarding property where only application form with original price PKR 20 was being traded at PKR 5,000

Well said. Speculative trading is at the core of many such commodities including currency.

However the downfall of Iranian currency has much more complex reasons than just speculation on part of traders.

Iran is rich with petroleum, and perhaps this is why it is poor as well. See the irony?

When Mullahs took over Iran, the ratio of its currency was 70 to a dollar. If suppose we were looking at 700 to a dollar. Perhaps there could be some comfort.

But the currency drop since 1979 from 70 to 32000+ is horrible and it points to much more than speculative trading.

peace to you.
modern day Saudi Arabia didn't have a civilization outside the two holy cities.

For this "seat of Islam", there was no science, art, music, literature coming out this region and it has been so for the last 1000+ years.

Please do not take this as personal or racial insult. History is a "dispassionate" study of things long gone.

Off course modern day Saudi government realized this particular historical weakness and in the last 40 years they have invested heavily in the education of both boys and girls. No other Arab country can claim the level of sincerity to the education of Saudi youth, as I have seen in contemporary Saudi arabia.

peace to you

As you know, Arabs from Arabian peninsula immigrated in massive numbers to Levant region and all over North Africa, which they ruled for centuries, thus most achievements were accomplished by them. I agree that Arabs went through times when they were backward, but all people of earth went through such times as well. When we were in the golden age of Islam, Western people used to defecate in the streets and used to be the most savage people on earth. Arabs refused to carry on spreading Islam in Northern areas (Russia) because they didn't even comprehend simple words, it was so difficult to communicate with them, I read it Hadiths, I guess. What I am saying is that civilizations go through reactionary and progressive eras.
The story is clear we are in a war , war isn't only bombing a country the current one is economical but when there is a will there is a way I'm sure by the end we will be stronger and more powerful.

Yes a war where the coffers of Iran were emptied to fill the pockets of Nasrallah and Assad.
Now you are seeing the effect.
Iran is fine. All Iranians boycotting this site for unfair treatment. No mod, all anti Iran propaganda doesn't get deleted. Iranians always get banned while Ottoman Turk gets to roam freely. Just recently IranZamin and Shahin Vatani got banned for months at a time while Basbug (OT) still around.

Surenas do 1 thing patriotic in your life and stand with your brothers. Don't break the boycott

I noticed it too, there is a clear bias against Iranians on these forums. Also got some insights whats going on on the MODs level - strong pro-Arab and anti-Iran bias, including promoting certain non-objective (mildly speaking) posters to MODs.
I already stated that this topic is about protests in Iran and not about Arabs, Shias/Sunnis or moderators. This whole section has become one big anarchy. I'm going to leave this forum and I won't come back till a moderator is appointed to this section. This is my last post on this forum.
I already stated that this topic is about protests in Iran and not about Arabs, Shias/Sunnis or moderators. This whole section has become one big anarchy. I'm going to leave this forum and I won't come back till a moderator is appointed to this section. This is my last post on this forum.

yes this people are doing damage to the country and they can lose all they have because no one can see the future it is like a gamble they defend on 1 thing the central bank
the central bank usually want to balance the currency value so if they see that the local currency /dollar for example is becoming lower than the targeted price the central bank sell dollars from the reserves the demand on local currency gets higher so the local currency price gets back

As i told Central Bank is already short of $ because of sanctions, India and China her two major customers are making half of payments in their currencies, so central bank is unable to supply as per demand and moreover this is artificial demand as many people are just buying dollars for making profit. Central bank could have increase interest rates in order to encourage people to keep their savings in banks.
Khomeini's speech? Really? Next you will say the half naked Iranian pilgrims mounted an invasion of Makkah and Iran 'caused' Saddam to start the war. Can you see why these silly reasons sound more like justifications that root causes of the problem?

Those speeches were followed by highly provocative and offensive actions, such as instigating Shia in Southern Iraq to rise against Iraqi "secular" regime, sporadic attacks on Iraqi territories, undermining Iraqi authority by assassination attempts against Iraqi officials by Iranian proxies in the South, financial and arms aids to Kurds rebels in Northern Iraq. All of those were more enough reasons to fight back. I 100% believe that Iranian regime was the one who started war.

Furthermore, if you had paid attention to may post above, you would have seen that I was referring to the racist edge and supremacist tendencies in the Arab's approach in dealing with Iran, not about political manoeuvrings of the respective governments. Unflinching support for a genocidal maniac who expelled ethnic Iranians from his country and waged a racist war on them under the banner of Pan-Arabism, claiming Iranian lands, doing your utmost to change geographical names that are related to Iranian historical legacy, racist name calling of Iranians... These are the kind of things I'm talking about.

Racists!? That's you guys, some of you are extremely racists, just look at Iranians language here with others! They are unbelievably racists against others and the most who are known with calling names. We are proud of our Arabisim but we have never been aggressive. And for the geographical names, I think you are referring to the occupied UAE islands and Arabian Gulf. Well:

It's funny that you call it Persian Gulf, although all residents at all of it's shores are Arabs even those in the Iranian side, and yet you insist to call it "Persian", it's more of an insult to Arabs man.

You can't whitewash these with mickey mouse reasons. There has to be substantive change in order to be a real improvement in relations.

"mickey mouse reasons"!?, do you really want to go through Iranian malice and evil deeds in Arab world one by one? I don't even know from where to start.
As you know, Arabs from Arabian peninsula immigrated in massive numbers to Levant region and all over North Africa, which they ruled for centuries, thus most achievements were accomplished by them. I agree that Arabs went through times when they were backward, but all people of earth went through such times as well. When we were in the golden age of Islam, Western people used to defecate in the streets and used to be the most savage people on earth. Arabs refused to carry on spreading Islam in Northern areas (Russia) because they didn't even comprehend simple words, it was so difficult to communicate with them, I read it Hadiths, I guess. What I am saying is that civilizations go through reactionary and progressive eras.


Arabs did make progress in specific areas such as modern day Iraq, and Syria. In these areas Arabs greatly contributed towards science and architecture. But the Arab heartland (modern day Saudi Arabia, Gulf countries, yemen etc) remained relatively untouched. And there are many many reasons.

You should also consider that many other places had their own civilization that predates the one spread by Arabs. For example, Central Asia, Iran, India, Greece, and most importantly European countries from the former Roman empire. Level of education in Central Asian countries was pretty significant. This is why most of the Ahadees collections were compiled by central Asian authors and not Arabs.

Greco-Roman architecture, art, literature, philosophy, system of government, concept of citizenship, water supply systems etc. were far ahead of many Arab areas even when Arab regions were at their peak.

Istanbul's water supply system was established by Byzantines and not Arabs. And it is a marvel of city architecture even today. One of the major mosques there is in fact a byzantine era church that was converted to mosque by Muslims.

The concept of "citizenship" that lies at the core of any civilization was introduced by Romans and unfortunately it is still absent from most of the non-European countries and especially Arab countries.

Iranians / Persians empire had established vast array of art, literature, and architecture well before Arabs.

So we must give credit to other people and especially Europeans where the credit is due.

And in no way it is an effort to start a racial war.

Thank you
I already stated that this topic is about protests in Iran and not about Arabs, Shias/Sunnis or moderators. This whole section has become one big anarchy. I'm going to leave this forum and I won't come back till a moderator is appointed to this section. This is my last post on this forum.

I apologize, I will quit it, although I was just replying to your people.

Let's stick to the topic. As yous see, Surenas is angry over off topic posts.:crazy:

Arabs did make progress in specific areas such as modern day Iraq, and Syria. In these areas Arabs greatly contributed towards science and architecture. But the Arab heartland (modern day Saudi Arabia, Gulf countries, yemen etc) remained relatively untouched. And there are many many reasons.

You should also consider that many other places had their own civilization that predates the one spread by Arabs. For example, Central Asia, Iran, India, Greece, and most importantly European countries from the former Roman empire. Level of education in Central Asian countries was pretty significant. This is why most of the Ahadees collections were compiled by central Asian authors and not Arabs.

Greco-Roman architecture, art, literature, philosophy, system of government, concept of citizenship, water supply systems etc. were far ahead of many Arab areas even when Arab regions were at their peak.

Istanbul's water supply system was established by Byzantines and not Arabs. And it is a marvel of city architecture even today. One of the major mosques there is in fact a byzantine era church that was converted to mosque by Muslims.

The concept of "citizenship" that lies at the core of any civilization was introduced by Romans and unfortunately it is still absent from most of the non-European countries and especially Arab countries.

Iranians / Persians empire had established vast array of art, literature, and architecture well before Arabs.

So we must give credit to other people and especially Europeans where the credit is due.

And in no way it is an effort to start a racial war.

Thank you

Syrians are not Arabs.... I'll make it clear. Only the-Khaleeji countries (Saudi, Yemen, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, etc) are Arab by ethnicity. They have hardly anything to offer and as well to contribute.
Those speeches were followed by highly provocative and offensive actions, such as instigating Shia in Southern Iraq to rise against Iraqi "secular" regime.

Khomeni did the same to Pakistan when he used some of the Pakistani Shias to start militancy. This thing happened long before Sunni militancy started.

Syrians are not Arabs.... I'll make it clear. Only the-Khaleeji countries (Saudi, Yemen, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, etc) are Arab by ethnicity

They are Arabs and far more pan-Arab than all Arabs, you can call them "racist Arabs". Anyway stick to the topic and stop lecturing others about their identity.
They are Arabs and far more pan-Arab than all Arabs, you can call then the most racist Arabs. Anyway stick to the topic and stop lecturing others about their ethnicity.

But they don't look alike... and + what do say about Berbers, Phoenicia, Kurds, Nubians, Bedouins? Most of North Africans, and Mediterians hate you gulf people. This is a fact you simlply cannot deny.
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