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Protests in Iran over economic downfall

Iran is already short of Forex because of new round on sanction on top of that every tom, d!ck and harry went to market for buying dollars which caused surge in demand and price of dollar became almost double within one 2 weeks than same people started protesting why $ is going up :police:
someone who knows economics can you please explain , just because iran currncyis like 32000 to 1 dollar is that bad? japans currency yen is like that but they are strong economy , so if its a higher figure isit worse compared to dollar? e.g 1 dollar = 1.7 Turkish Lira , 1 euro = 2.3 Turkish Lira .

The number itself is not important
for example,one dollar can be equal to 3 billion of a currency,the problem is,when a dollar becomes equal to for example 4.5 billions of that currency,it means the purchase power of some particular stuff decreases.
someone who knows economics can you please explain , just because iran currncyis like 32000 to 1 dollar is that bad? japans currency yen is like that but they are strong economy , so if its a higher figure isit worse compared to dollar? e.g 1 dollar = 1.7 Turkish Lira , 1 euro = 2.3 Turkish Lira .
this is not a problem it depends on the strategy of the country some countries want to sell more of their products so they want their currency value low so they can compete with other products like what china is doing
if the currency is becoming lower and lower that means the government is simply printing more money instead of solving their economy problems or the country dont have dollar reserves to balance their currency it all supply and demand
The number itself is not important
for example,one dollar can be equal to 3 billion of a currency,the problem is,when a dollar becomes equal to for example 4.5 billions of that currency,it means the purchase power of some particular stuff decreases.

People are not mad or crazy about the dollar. They are sad and angry that their national currency and their life savings have been hit so hard and their income cannot cope with the resulting skyrocketing prices. I guess non-Iranian people need to live in a society with its national currency losing 15% of its value overnight to understand people’s anxiety.
People are not mad or crazy about the dollar. They are sad and angry that their national currency and their life savings have been hit so hard and their income cannot cope with the resulting skyrocketing prices. I guess non-Iranian people need to live in a society with its national currency losing 15% of its value overnight to understand people’s anxiety.

I am living and working in Iran and i have seen all of my Iranian colleagues buying $ 2 of them even sold their cars to buy $ and you know what they bought dollar with rate of 40,000 and was expecting it will go up further and they will make profit but today it went down to 32,000 :woot:
I am living and working in Iran and i have seen all of my Iranian colleagues buying $ 2 of them even sold their cars to buy $ and you know what they bought dollar with rate of 40,000 and was expecting it will go up further and they will make profit but today it went down to 32,000 :woot:

Greedy people always lose at the end,this is the law of universe.And they are another reason of this situation.
You live here,so you should know what's the negative impact of brokers in Iran,the douche bags who abuse government's inability and also use rumors to make a profit.This is one of the main reason of surging dollar to rial value,not the sanctions.We have had it in years,but nothing like this happened during a month or less.If government be man enough and cut the wings of those brokers and big-heads,most of this problem will be solved.
Basbug said:
someone who knows economics can you please explain , just because iran currncyis like 32000 to 1 dollar is that bad? japans currency yen is like that but they are strong economy , so if its a higher figure isit worse compared to dollar? e.g 1 dollar = 1.7 Turkish Lira , 1 euro = 2.3 Turkish Lira .

The number itself is not important
for example,one dollar can be equal to 3 billion of a currency,the problem is,when a dollar becomes equal to for example 4.5 billions of that currency,it means the purchase power of some particular stuff decreases.

Well said Era.

The number itself is not important. Instead it is the "rate of drop" or perhaps rate of change is important. Iran currency was 70 to 1 dollar when Mullah regime took over. And now it is whopping 32000+. Granted currencies go up or down during that long of a time, but not as much as Iranian currency. And it is a sign of HUGE financial mismanagement by Ayatullah regime.

In general if you are a net exporter like China, South Korea, Japan etc. then you want high local number to a dollar if Americans do not complain.

If you are a big importer, then you don't want high exchange like Iranian 32000 to dollar. Because that will push everyday things' prices through the roof. Middle class and traders both will lose big time and the country will become unstable.

Iranians have seen the writing on the wall for the last 10 years. This $tupid regime (I can call them so because they are not Gods or the nauzbillah prophets) has no fing idea about global trade and global policies.

These Mullahs are mentally still living in the era when many people lived in tents and slept on the sand.

But Mullah regime is utterly mistaken in its approach.

iranians cannot be cowed down like this for too long. They even 1000 years ago had a sophisticated civilization and they were definitely not sand dwelling beduins.

But Mullah regime is bent on destroying all to make Iranians suffer as if they are supposed to live like sand dwelling beduins.

Oh so very sad. so sad.
Greedy people always lose at the end,this is the law of universe.And they are another reason of this situation.
You live here,so you should know what's the negative impact of brokers in Iran,the douche bags who abuse government's inability and also use rumors to make a profit.This is one of the main reasin of surging dollar to rial value,not the sanctions.We have had it in years,but nothing like this happened during a month or less.If government be man enough and cut the wings of those brokers and big-heads,most of this problem will be solved.

I am 100% agree with you, today i had same debate with my colleagues and i was trying to convince them that money changers are making money in all this situation they will sell at maximum price and after that they will bring down the rates, I have seen two incidents of same kind in Pakistan, once at start of Iraq war they spread rumor that Iraqi currency will become stronger after fall of Sadam and people started buying that currency and many people lost their savings and second same type of incident was regarding property where only application form with original price PKR 20 was being traded at PKR 5,000

Well said Era.

The number itself is not important. Instead it is the "rate of drop" or perhaps rate of change is important. Iran currency was 70 to 1 dollar when Mullah regime took over. And now it is whopping 32000+. Granted currencies go up or down during that long of a time, but not as much as Iranian currency. And it is a sign of HUGE financial mismanagement by Ayatullah regime.

In general if you are a net exporter like China, South Korea, Japan etc. then you want high local number to a dollar if Americans do not complain.

If you are a big importer, then you don't want high exchange like Iranian 32000 to dollar. Because that will push everyday things' prices through the roof. Middle class and traders both will lose big time and the country will become unstable.

Iranians have seen the writing on the wall for the last 10 years. This $tupid regime (I can call them so because they are not Gods or the nauzbillah prophets) has no fing idea about global trade and global policies.

These Mullahs are mentally still living in the era when many people lived in tents and slept on the sand.

But Mullah regime is utterly mistaken in its approach.

iranians cannot be cowed down like this for too long. They even 1000 years ago had a sophisticated civilization and they were definitely not sand dwelling beduins.

But Mullah regime is bent on destroying all to make Iranians suffer as if they are supposed to live like sand dwelling beduins.

Oh so very sad. so sad.

Excuse me?! 1000 ago we used to be the hub of civilization and knowledge of the world! Every country of those beduins has it's own great civilization!
The story is clear we are in a war , war isn't only bombing a country the current one is economical but when there is a will there is a way I'm sure by the end we will be stronger and more powerful.
That's absolutely and utterly untrue. Just look who has been undermining Arab countries for 33 years. Komaini started it by a public speech that he would do all of his best to export Islamic revolution to neighboring countries. What did Arabs do to Iran? Nothing, just yesterday 6 Iranian spy networks were arrested in Yemen working on supporting Militias and separatists, Yemenis president fed up with it and spoke out. I can bring hundreds of other examples. Our modest acts were always a reaction to those violations. We have had enough.

And why would we hate Iran history and culture? We always were the victorious. I don't hate Iranian people, they are human beings and deserve the best, but their regime has to be stopped. We are sick of wars, really sick.

Khomeini's speech? Really? Next you will say the half naked Iranian pilgrims mounted an invasion of Makkah and Iran 'caused' Saddam to start the war. Can you see why these silly reasons sound more like justifications that root causes of the problem?

Furthermore, if you had paid attention to may post above, you would have seen that I was referring to the racist edge and supremacist tendencies in the Arab's approach in dealing with Iran, not about political manoeuvrings of the respective governments. Unflinching support for a genocidal maniac who expelled ethnic Iranians from his country and waged a racist war on them under the banner of Pan-Arabism, claiming Iranian lands, doing your utmost to change geographical names that are related to Iranian historical legacy, racist name calling of Iranians... These are the kind of things I'm talking about.

You can't whitewash these with mickey mouse reasons. There has to be substantive change in order to be a real improvement in relations.
Excuse me?! 1000 ago we used to be the hub of civilization and knowledge of the world! Every country of those beduins has it's own great civilization!

modern day Saudi Arabia didn't have a civilization outside the two holy cities.

For this "seat of Islam", there was no science, art, music, literature coming out this region and it has been so for the last 1000+ years.

Please do not take this as personal or racial insult. History is a "dispassionate" study of things long gone.

Off course modern day Saudi government realized this particular historical weakness and in the last 40 years they have invested heavily in the education of both boys and girls. No other Arab country can claim the level of sincerity to the education of Saudi youth, as I have seen in contemporary Saudi arabia.

peace to you
I am 100% agree with you, today i had same debate with my colleagues and i was trying to convince them that money changers are making money in all this situation they will sell at maximum price and after that they will bring down the rates, I have seen two incidents of same kind in Pakistan, once at start of Iraq war they spread rumor that Iraqi currency will become stronger after fall of Sadam and people started buying that currency and many people lost their savings and second same type of incident was regarding property where only application form with original price PKR 20 was being traded at PKR 5,000
yes this people are doing damage to the country and they can lose all they have because no one can see the future it is like a gamble they defend on 1 thing the central bank
the central bank usually want to balance the currency value so if they see that the local currency /dollar for example is becoming lower than the targeted price the central bank sell dollars from the reserves the demand on local currency gets higher so the local currency price gets back
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