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Proper way of Solving India Pakistan conflict

I feel that only way out for India is to convince Bangladesh to get re-united with Pakistan as East Pakistan, may this goodwill gesture will make Pakistan heart bit soft and will give/return Kashmir to India. This solution is best for both countries.

Bangladesh is improving so Pakistan won't have burden of developing it and as India is progressing at phenomenal rate it can develop Kashmir from ground up.

This solution is the most practical and will lead to ever lasting peace in South Asia :cheers:
Sorry .. we dont accept .. Ask Kashmiris what they want ?

I was talking about solving the core issue that is the Kashmir issue as we think. From the 3rd party/country, we recommend to resolve the conflict between IN and PK by solving this issue. We think then other problems will be solved.

We know Kashmiries want to be with PK and India fears to let them decide by themselves. So let them decide and go with PK. We - Bangladeshis - have full moral support to the Kashmiries.

And about PK-BD separation, PK and we had mistakes but now it's not possible to merge again as we are no more part of PK. And Kashmir is also do not part of India as like we are not part of PK. So let the Kashmiries be independent or be a part of PK as they prefer.
@skies -: Kashmir is not a part of India when you see from Pak pov that is why I gave the suggestion, make BD a part of PK and either let kashmir as it now or make them one and if people are so much concerned about development of Kashmir, at this point in time considering Pk and In , only India has the capacity to develop Kashmir from economic point of view.

It will also give boast to Indian muslim population also since their ratio in population will also increase with the inclusion of Kashmiri muslims
There are a few simple questions :

Is Kashmir a disputed region ?
yes , and UN resolutions are pending on it (for all Indian folks here) .

If the status quo prevails , what happens ?
Kashmir will be a dispute for as long as it is left unresolved and one day PAK n IND will again fight over it .

Is Kashmir (Indian occupied one) a peaceful place ?
we all know about the violent protests and strikes observed all across IHK frequently .

What do Kashmiris want ?
The solution is simple ask the people of Kashmir what they want , do they want Pak , do they want IND or do they want independence . I think India is only shying away from this demand because she knows the result .
As i said earlier we must be realistic rather than emotional.NOONE is goin to cede an inch of territiory.In this scenario the best option is accept loc as international border.If people are going to think that Kashmir will be given to Pakistan its not happening atall.Thers no point arguing over something thats not gonna happen.LOC must be declared as international border or we should fight to the bitter end ,these are the only two working possibilities
There are a few simple questions :

Is Kashmir a disputed region ?
yes , and UN resolutions are pending on it (for all Indian folks here) .

If the status quo prevails , what happens ?
Kashmir will be a dispute for as long as it is left unresolved and one day PAK n IND will again fight over it .

Is Kashmir (Indian occupied one) a peaceful place ?
we all know about the violent protests and strikes observed all across IHK frequently .

What do Kashmiris want ?
The solution is simple ask the people of Kashmir what they want , do they want Pak , do they want IND or do they want independence . I think India is only shying away from this demand because she knows the result .

buddy, i appreciate wht u said, but y the GOI will do that??? wht they wil get in return??? they already hav kashmir, so question is y they wil put their position on kashmir in jeopardy. wht pakistan can offer in return?? remember v r giving in the buddy era of politics.:smokin:
Its plain and simple.

1.)India needs to comply with all U.N. resolutions concerning Kashmir. Once India does this then the doors are wide open for peace.

2.)India needs to stop throwing temper tantrums whenever Pakistan engages in foreign diplomacy whether it be nuclear deal, military hardware/weapons acquisition, etc.

3.)India's newspapers must cease to continuously write false propaganda against Pakistan.

4.)India must stop using 26/11 to gain the world's sympathy in an attempt to harm Pakistan

This is just a start.

Everything is wrong with India
Pakistan is just perfect?:what:
Lets give Bangladesh back to Pakistan?
We are the ones who created your nation.

This a matter of great sadness to India that India helped (so-called) BD, but BD does not care India, lol.
we have fostered hatred for each other for over half a century it will take time to subside however as we talk and engage more with each other and solve the Kashmir issue things will be fine.90% of our mutual problems will finish if we could only resolve Kashmir issue.
I am not certain that Pakistan would want to seek peace with India, even if Kashmir is resolved. Does Pakistan have any kind of record of making peace - real peace - with its enemies?
I am not certain that Pakistan would want to seek peace with India, even if Kashmir is resolved. Does Pakistan have any kind of record of making peace - real peace - with its enemies?

it had ,has only one enemy and they say if kashmir is given to them .they will forget and forgive this enemy:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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