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Propaganda against Urdu

I have noticed increasing propaganda against Urdu as the national language by a number of ethno nationalists +anti state liberal/secular/marxists. It seems targeted to try and reduce any factors that unite the country. If there is no national language then how do they expect everyone to communicate? India does not have a unifying language which has caused them problems. If one of the provincial languages were made national language that would cause issues for other ethnicities. Also after Arabic it is actually Urdu that the most Islamic work as been done.

What can be done to stop this propaganda. Thoughts?
correct your information after arabic it is sindhi which most islamic work is done

Sindhi is first language to translate quran in any language

Most arabic words are in alphabets are in sindhi

we respect urdu and it is our national language

Most sindhis speak urdu very well

But in punjab specialy in lahore people dont speak urdu

Dont mak ed other langyages irelevent

Urdu and sindhi and balouchi are historic languages

So correct your information
In sindh you can speak urdu and getvreply in urdu mostly but in lahore they mix urdu with punjabi
So how does teaching in regional language till primary going to hurt anyone or his mainstreaming?
You do know that many already know Urdu due to tv etc

English and chinese should be started from primary classes . These two languages are languages of future .
correct your information after arabic it is sindhi which most islamic work is done

Sindhi is first language to translate quran in any language

Most arabic words are in alphabets are in sindhi

we respect urdu and it is our national language

Most sindhis speak urdu very well

But in punjab specialy in lahore people dont speak urdu

Dont mak ed other langyages irelevent

Urdu and sindhi and balouchi are historic languages

So correct your information
In sindh you can speak urdu and getvreply in urdu mostly but in lahore they mix urdu with punjabi

In Pakistan we are slowly becoming Punjabi because of shows and music. I see anchors sometimes speaking Punjabi instead of Urdu. Why they don’t speak Pashto in news? If they do, how will Punjabi react to it?
That's because linguistically of all Pakistani languages Urdu is the closest to Punjabi hence all Punjabis can speak Urdu without any major issues. There is a reason why Urdu was/is the language of Punjabi intellectuals and most of the great Urdu poets of the last century have been Punjabis.

The only difference between Urdu and Punjabi is verbs and when you see Punjabis protesting Urdu, it wreaks of something sinister.
No it's not sinister, cause whenever someone wants more recognition of regional languages
It always perceived as sinister, it's a mental block/issue and perception thing
Azeris in Iran have Thier own language that Thier state speaks(while they know farsi too)- they are fully intergerated in society to the point supreme leader is Azeri (saying this because it's a very old nation state and Azeris we're always part of it, and not in SC so if they can pull it of and intergerate with common Farsi and state language of Azeri so can any country in the world)
Those poets were bilingual, Thier poetry was in both languages but because Urdu is mainstream so thier Urdu poetry got more recognition but Thier work was in both languages
Yes Punjabi is closer to Urdu compared to other but it's not the same thing, if it was we won't be calling it another language or people doing translations in Urdu, or some diaspora kid only speaking in Punjabi cause he can't understand or someone in villages only cammunicating in punjabi, so it's not the same thing when it's not same that means it ought to be taught to the wider population who speak the language (while at the same time Urdu should also be taught and our tv, music, Federal be in Urdu)
The elite class not intellectual class of Lahore (not Punjab) decided to sell out there tounge for thier gains and as punjab is centerally controlled by this elite class of Lahore
Whole province for the large part Thier mainstream language is Punjabi, only place where punjabi is not mainstream is elite class of Lahore who barely number in more than few lakhs
So they're imposing thier mainstream language on to the whole province when the mainstream language of the province is different - this is the issue
Government isn't meeting on ground situation

This is what the argument is for meating the mainstream on ground situation, more recognition of regional language, teaching it, it's promotion
No where on Earth this issue attracts any attention except for in Pakistan

Not that Urdu should end in the province all together, no one is saying that
people should really not make it an anti-national issue
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Has it caused problems for India? No. India recognizes 22 official languages. Though Hindi is the biggest in terms of number, the government never imposed a unifying language like it was done in Pakistan. Each state can impose its own language and has done so. If there's a language that unites India, ironically enough it's English.

Pakistan should have taken the same route and made all the languages that fell into Pakistan's official languages, including Bengali. It would have saved them a lot of headaches down the line. One could make the argument that since Pakistan is an Islamic state, that Arabic -- the language of the Koran -- be the sole "national" language.
Yes, we made a huge blunder not making Arabic our language from the outset, even Bengalis and Sindhis were agreeable on this point and this could have avoided a lot of conflict later on, plus it would have made our bond and connection to the middle east that much stronger and natural.
In America 20% to 25% people have Irish/English/Scottish, Welsh ancestry, rest have different backgrounds but official language is English and second language is Spanish.

Mr. Jinnah was smart, he knew Urdu will United people.
It's weird to compare US with Pakistan only Karachi can be compared to US as it's a city of migrants
For other regions of Pakistan they live in Thier native lands and are speaking Thier languages for centeries

Jinnah was smart and no one wants Urdu to not be common language- but regional languages should always be focused on in Thier specific provinces with Urdu and English
Yes, we made a huge blunder not making Arabic our language from the outset, even Bengalis and Sindhis were agreeable on this point and this could have avoided a lot of conflict later on, plus it would have made our bond and connection to the middle east that much stronger and natural.
No thank you, our region had nothing to do with or any connections to Arab world, our islam didn't even come from Arab world it was from Farsi speaking areas

It makes little sense for it to be a common language
It was always Urdu followed by Farsi that made sense to our leaders
In the end after debates they chose Urdu for common language, I prefer dari
But whatever it happened
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Till primary?? That's way too long and during those years, that's your prime time picking up a language, how can you expect people to shift to a whole new language, that they may not have an understanding of at all, when suddenly starting a new school year? Unrealistic

In all professional environments English/Urdu should be the norm.

Linguistic unity binds a nation. If you visit each different province and the main/common language is different you wouldn't even feel like you're still in Pakistan anymore if you can't even communicate efficiently, it will become the baseline for a separatist movement.

Regional languages should be something you speak with family, friends, and others who understand. Should also be available as a field of study where you can be qualified in it, similar to how there's French, Spanish, etc.
Atleast Till primary, I would want it to be till metric
Teach all 3 languages or do switch ups one year Urdu second year local language
Mode of instruction choosing of the school out of any of the 3 language choices
Our mainstream language to be Urdu

India does not have a unifying language which has caused them problems.
Are you serious?I can assure you tht indians(at least hindus) are more patriotic than pakistanis are or were...in fact there were divisions in the country when congress tried to make hindi a national language...it was only when that plan was shelved that a unity emerged in India.
choosing one language as a national language in a country like india is like playing with fire...even US doesnt have a national language although majority of its population speak english.
Having said that urdu helps in promoting unity among indian sub continent muslims. Having one language for all muslims would help in easier learning ,understanding and communication for all muslims of the sub continent.
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Has it caused problems for India? No. India recognizes 22 official languages. Though Hindi is the biggest in terms of number, the government never imposed a unifying language like it was done in Pakistan. Each state can impose its own language and has done so. If there's a language that unites India, ironically enough it's English.

Pakistan should have taken the same route and made all the languages that fell into Pakistan's official languages, including Bengali. It would have saved them a lot of headaches down the line. One could make the argument that since Pakistan is an Islamic state, that Arabic -- the language of the Koran -- be the sole "national" language.

He is saying everyone in Pakistan understand and can speak Urdu thus we have a mainstream/national language while india doesn't
It causes issues with cammunication that we don't have

He is saying we like that, it's good for the country and don't change or do anything against it

No Pakistani ever questions the role of Urdu as national language and it's a concencous for the most part, only that what kind of role would this national language play in provinces

My personal opinion is that the Quaid should have selected Dari as the National language. This way we would have nothing in common with the country to our East and its as easy to learn for majority of us as Urdu.
It would have failed miserably..very miserably...by 1947 urdu had all the islamic literature (including that of different sects like deobandis,barelvis etc)...it had established itself as language of muslims......even iqbal whose mother tongue was punjabi wrote in Urdu....Urdu had a strong foundation...even if you had made Dari or any other language as national language it would have been impossible to displace urdu from masses.
Besides, bollywood with its music would also have played a role in keeping urdu alive among pakistani masses.
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It would have failed miserably..very miserably...by 1947 urdu had all the islamic literature (including that of different sects like deobandis,barelvis etc)...it had established itself as language of muslims......even iqbal whose mother tongue was punjabi wrote in Urdu....Urdu had a strong foundation...even if you had made Dari or any other language as national language it would have been impossible to displace urdu from masses.
Besides, bollywood with its music would also have played a role in keeping urdu alive among pakistani masses.
It seems Urdu is only alive in Pakistan because of Bollywood music when vast majority of Pakistanis listen to 90% Pakistani music both local language and urdu ones

And no Dari was a good language too, would have suited imo
But founding fathers came to a conclusion after much debate
We respect that
We are a multi-ethnic state and they want increased role of regional languages
I agree with them, Urdu is a common language but it doesn't mean we kill our own languages by not preserving and teaching our own languages at school
Yes Urdu should be taught but so should the regional languages atleast for some years in school
Like it is taught in some provinces but it should be a universal thing for all provinces

People need to stop associating language with nationality
Yes due to Mr.Jinnah we made it a common language but we should also focus on regional languages at the same time
Do you know how many regional languages Pakistan have? And how many distinctive dialects the major four languages have? Only Sindh has 5 to 6 regional languages my dear sir.
Israr Ahmed's take on language in Pakistani context:

Apparently Sir Agha Khan suggest Arabic to be made the official language, and both Bengalis and Sindhis were ready to accept it over Urdu. According to Agha Khan, in 20 years after making Arabic official language would have made Pakistan a part of Middle East.

People will try to make issue even on that. People want to oppress each other, and they will find other excuses.
OK then, every child should learn every language spoken in a province. By that, Sindhi students will learn 5 to 6 languages, Punjabi students will learn at least 3, balochi will learn at least 5 to 6, and KPK, o dear they must learn many more than that.
Umer beet jaeygi.
In my opinion, we should throw Urdu away and accept Chinese as our national language. Then Karachi walas will be mocked as "Chinese speakers". We are mocked for abiding by a choice made by Mr Jinnah. My forefathers were not Urdu speakers. We had our own language(still national language of Haryana, India). But when a Sindhi steps towards me and mocks me for being so Pakistani, I really want to go back in time and ask my elders to not to go to Pakistan.
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Do you know how many regional languages Pakistan have? And how many distinctive dialects the major four languages have? Only Sindh has 5 to 6 regional languages my dear sir.
So kill those languages cause we have diversity in languages
Good logic, I wonder why India despite it's being so much more diverse don't follow your logic and let provinces decide (and we don't even want to go to that extreme asking for the most basic of things teach our languages in schools, government should give instructions in both urdu and local languages)
If Indias diversity in regional language didn't stop them would it here, how's our situation different?

Even Urdu has its dialects every language in the world has its own dialects but we teach standard ones
In Sindh they teach Thier own, in KP they teach Pashto (according to you they're diverse so they shouldn't but they do, they do it with standard ones)

This is no excuse that we have many different dialects
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