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Featured Project Azm: Pakistan's Ambitious Quest to Develop 5th Generation Military Technologies.

With USA using weapons sales to control nations I don't think the Indians will buy American planes. If they do I will be shocked
Hi they been offered f35 on conditions like they will get out of Russian stealth programme
Also they will have to confine these f35 like Pakistani block52 kind of arrangements no sneak
Peak by any Russians around f35 and so on might be Americans will keep themselves With these
Planes on those bases and also Indians can not sync any of their or other then American gadgeteries on these planes
Thank you
F-35 in india is bound to happen as Pakistan is progressing good on 5th gen (thanks to China, Project Azm/J31 might be the 4th/5th stealth fighter after f22, f35 & j20) and there is almost no other option left for india.
F-35 in india is bound to happen as Pakistan is progressing good on 5th gen (thanks to China, Project Azm/J31 might be the 4th/5th stealth fighter after f22, f35 & j20) and there is almost no other option left for india.
F35 is the only choice left for India. AZM vs F35 is doomed.
India could end up having both the Su-57 and the F-35.
That would be a very deadly combination, as one is optimized for air superiority and the other for strike.
Would make the Indians, equipment-wise the most dangerous air force in the world.

@Shabi1 I have reason to believe an AMRAAM pk is as little as 0.3x against a capable opponent.
India could end up having both the Su-57 and the F-35.
That would be a very deadly combination, as one is optimized for air superiority and the other for strike.
Would make the Indians, equipment-wise the most dangerous air force in the world.

@Shabi1 I have reason to believe an AMRAAM pk is as little as 0.3x against a capable opponent.
India will screw up even if you give them UFO. They already were the most dangerous airforce in the world, it's very dangerous if you work in IAF. Flying coffin, engine failure shit.
India will screw up even if you give them UFO. They already were the most dangerous airforce in the world, it's very dangerous if you work in IAF. Flying coffin, engine failure shit.

One should join PLAAF if they wanna be safe I guess. No Flying and therefore no accidents. 100% money back guarantee on life. Thats a Kickass deal
One should join PLAAF if they wanna be safe I guess. No Flying and therefore no accidents. 100% money back guarantee on life. Thats a Kickass deal
India will screw up even if you give them UFO. They already were the most dangerous airforce in the world, it's very dangerous if you work in IAF. Flying coffin, engine failure shit.
the amount of blind arrogance in wake of aggressive modernization of PLAAF is incredible
people have called china economic turn around as the biggest miracle in human history, this is also true for armed forces, the world lone super power and war machines like USA is worried but somehow punny india by comparison isnt!
the amount of blind arrogance in wake of aggressive modernization of PLAAF is incredible
people have called china economic turn around as the biggest miracle in human history, this is also true for armed forces, the world lone super power and war machines like USA is worried but somehow punny india by comparison isnt!
Which quote is the arrogant one though?
There ought be some sort of pest control in the forum. Too many trolls/pests lately. Some of them have huge egos and superiority complex's. PDF is currently suffering from pest (troll) infestation. Control it before it turns into an epidemic proportion.
It's not about sortie rate. It's about your fighters are too old.

Replacing speed is restrained by limited budget and low localization rate.

We've upgraded the aircraft with improved avionics, conduct mid life upgrades and Service life extension for aircraft structures. Every machine has been upgraded to meet existing threat scenarios. IAF is one of the few air forces in the world that conduct intense, year-round training. IAF trains for a "high intensity, high stakes" conflict. Keeping in mind the possibility of a two-front war, the IAF puts its pilots and aircraft through the wringer. The serviceability of the fleet has been improved and we should see a lot less crashes.
We've upgraded the aircraft with improved avionics, conduct mid life upgrades and Service life extension for aircraft structures. Every machine has been upgraded to meet existing threat scenarios. IAF is one of the few air forces in the world that conduct intense, year-round training. IAF trains for a "high intensity, high stakes" conflict. Keeping in mind the possibility of a two-front war, the IAF puts its pilots and aircraft through the wringer. The serviceability of the fleet has been improved and we should see a lot less crashes.
Which quote is the arrogant one though?
this one
lets agree that india is super power and focus on project azm only
please dont quote me on anything off topic..i dont want to be banned lol
India could end up having both the Su-57 and the F-35.
That would be a very deadly combination, as one is optimized for air superiority and the other for strike.
Would make the Indians, equipment-wise the most dangerous air force in the world.

@Shabi1 I have reason to believe an AMRAAM pk is as little as 0.3x against a capable opponent.

From India Rafales are more of a threat.

India had two stealth fighter programs, SU-57 was a joint venture with Russians from which they have opted out of but with the option to buy in future, but no longer a partner.
Second is their indigenous AMCA, and duplication with the AMCA is one of the reasons why there was internal pressure to leave the SU-57 program.
F-35 seems unlikely at the moment, India has a habit of engaging all manufacturers in a tender war and squeezing a bargain but they are getting weary of it now. Firstly if they even decide to proceed it will again be a competitor to the AMCA and secondly there is a back log from the partner nations of the F-35 program and thirdly since India is not a partner of the project rest of the partner nations will not want India to get TOT because they had injected huge R&D funds while India hasn't been part of the consortium, so "Make in India" condition can not be met. They should ideally end up buying more Rafales, or choose the Gripen. US will be more happy to push the F/A-18 Super Hornet and will sabotage Gripen efforts for it.

Now to AMRAAM, it's the most battle tested missile, with decent performance and BVR combat has alot of variables so can't really put a kill rate, varies per situation and pilot skill. My personal opinion is BVR weapons against advanced 4th gen opponents will be very uncertain and WVR combat, HOBS WVR missiles in particular will be crucial for future air warfare.

Since this thread is for Project Azm, potential AAMs for it could likely be same as that for J-20 & J-31. Which are PL-10, PL-12 (ramjet variant), PL-15 and possibly PL-21. PL-12 (ramjet variant) and PL-15 looks very promising. More important than the increase in range is the fact they will have more kinetic energy to pursue targets in existing range envelop. PL-10 is highly likely to enter service soon with PAF in JF-17 Blk-3.

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