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Problem with Muslims is not terrorism but their mentality - Dr. Subramanium Swamy

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Now that makes sense. I appreciate. Rest of Pakistanis are confused extrimists. Not even a single useful post I found other than yours.
Saying that just shows your confusion! :rofl:
You do not know how to debate, he made the claims in the video so he has to provide evidence. Jahil warrior defending jahil swamy, pagan power. :lol:
You accusing me of trolling and from ur 1st post u are the Troll. So dont preach me.

Again for ur jahil brain. I am not supporting anyone. I am asking for a good reason to not support swamy. Otherwise , if I wanted to blindly support him, I wudnt have put this here. Understood Jahil Sir? :)
You accusing me of trolling and from ur 1st post u are the Troll. So dont preach me.

Again for ur jahil brain. I am not supporting anyone. I am asking for a good reason to not support swamy. Otherwise , if I wanted to blindly support him, I wudnt have put this here. Understood Jahil Sir? :)

I already tried to answer you nicely but you say his word is undisputed. Sorry we all know who the jahils are. :)
Now that makes sense. I appreciate. Rest of Pakistanis are confused extrimists. Not even a single useful post I found other than yours.

The reason I am not going to response to this thread with any remote glimpse of any intelligence is because this swamy has spoken one too many hukkah. His whole talk is based on things that didn't happen or have been twisted by him to fit his perspective.

And the only reason you are posting this because you have an irrational hatred of muslims, which normal reasoning has been unable to cure.
To be a lawyer, you have to do what you call in Urdu "ratta lagana". Ab woh ratta Harvard se lagai ya delhi, ratta, ratta hota hai bhai.
Hmm. Point hai. Political bakchodi Obama kare ya apne gali ka independent candidate. All are same level. :D
Oh dear! Jahil = ignorant...

It doesnt matter if he has a PhD but if he is going to give ignorant or twist facts...that is just what it is jahalat!
To aapme itna gooda hai to refute his claims. I wud be happy to see some of it. But as he said muslims are very strict with their thot process and not the ones who can mould themselves. Ur replies exactly prove the point. Who knows, maybe what u believe in is something what u are been taught rather than complete truth. Ho sakta hai na?

I already tried to answer you nicely but you say his word is undisputed. Sorry we all know who the jahils are. :)
Arre undisputed isliye coz whole world believes in it. Now I think why? there must be some reason? I am looking for that reason. Warna even I am fed up with this Hindu muslim tensions that my country faces.
love the way how he calls spade a spade.
yes have always admired him for the way he stand against all those sicular forces and in debates they just can't out argue him....
he is so blunt and cunning with his correct facts ....:agree:
Arre undisputed isliye coz whole world believes in it. Now I think why? there must be some reason? I am looking for that reason. Warna even I am fed up with this Hindu muslim tensions that my country faces.

At one time all of Europe thought world was flat, your logic means nothing.
The reason I am not going to response to this thread with any remote glimpse of any intelligence is because this swamy has spoken one too many hukkah. His whole talk is based on things that didn't happen or have been twisted by him to fit his perspective.

And the only reason you are posting this because you have an irrational hatred of muslims, which normal reasoning has been unable to cure.
Kya? My hatred towards muslims?

Bhai, most of my friends are Muslims. Some reason right. U dont even know how middle class and above live. There is nothing called religion among us coz our problems are of different nature rather than religion.

Have u ever thot what has there been no major riots past more than 1 decade? Coz more than 50% population of India has become middle class. :)

Wont take the accusation of being communal. I am not. :)
yes have always admired him for the way he stand against all those sicular forces and in debates they just can't out argue him....
he is so blunt and cunning with his correct facts ....:agree:
Saw him on a deabte after Muzaffernagar riots with Rajdeep Sardesai ... chup karwa diya tha us saale ko ek minute mein. :omghaha:
Saying that just shows your confusion! :rofl:
I meant Pakistanis on this thread. An I am right coz thats what I saw in ur responses.
At one time all of Europe thought world was flat, your logic means nothing.
Maybe thats what u are facing. See the point I am making is its you muslims who are so adamnat with ur faith. It might be possible that u guyz have slightly misundertood ur prophet's teachings and hence facing all the problems today. Maybe u need some introspection and rectification for living a better life. Why this adamancy? We hindus have been open to all cultures since ages. Thats why such diverse nature of India.
@ WAR-rior:

why are you wasting time here?..lol...they will keep coming. you are not allowed to disagree with hardcore religious ppl.
Interesting Video by Dr. Subramanium Swamy. I wud request all the members to refute any charge if seem unjustified.

Please attack the argument rather than the messenger. I hope if anyone can truly refute the comments made by him.
We have to understand our history and civilization....have to have a united response to it
Yea maybe you should concentrate on that for whatever reason he thinks right...

Private conversation everybody talks to me about Muslims and the danger they pose....
Seriously? look who is obsessed about whom? well that sounds really ignorant! Seriously!
They looking at this terrorism around the world and are not ready like other people to make a distinction

They generally say in a generic term Muslims are terrorist excreta
...Shows how his private conversators are ignorant!

But the fact is you see..the problem with Muslims is not their terrorism...is that their religion is so clear cut and in a sense we should admire it because they know their mind... we hindus are the people who dont know their minds
and then he gives some examples from your own holy text...
about how Krishna had to tell him each time that he has to do it

So these nagging doubts ...the indians have all kinds of nagging doubts
Man that sounds bad!

The Muslim is very clear minded...and Mohammad told them the world is in 3 parts and the Muslim behaviour should be different for each of those parts
...You see if a man is true he would have quoted where Mohammad told them these?!

1st part he said is Drul Islam where the Muslims are in power. They are in majority they are in power...
..seriously? Too much wiki maybe! Darul Islam just means a board of peace! So you see where the BS started? Had he quoted we could have known where he got his crap from!

And he said there they should be no accommodation / allowance for any other religion! So either they must convert or be killed
Where did he get this from I have no idea...Can someone please ask him for the chapter no. and verse no. from the Quran? Thanks!

I wonder why this didnt take place 1400 yrs ago when the Jews were allowed to live and practice their religion in Madinah?! :unsure: Oh wait Dr. sahaab doesnt know that...

Its as precision as that in the seraah and hadith
...wonder why no one asked him what those mean! He choked on the word hadith....

And then he concludes with most of these countries where Muslims are in power....blaa blaa...I stopped watching..If a man starts from lies there is nothing much to listen from! Thanks!!
@WAR-rior ok I believe you that you are not communal and only seek answers.

Please look at the examples below and tell me that how is it possible that terrorists are following the true teachings of Islam. Look, I concede that some muslims have done shameful deeds, every time I hear of something I pray that some misguided muslims have not committed another atrocity in the name of Islam. It worries me more than any non muslims, with all due respect, as it is my faith that is being hijacked.

Treaty of Medina, The Messenger of Allah declared:
Article 1:
This is the treaty of Muhammad, the Prophet (the Messenger of Allah) between the Believers and Muslims of the Quraish and the people of Yathrib, and between those who follow them and join them in fighting (the common enemy).

Article 2:
And it is that they constitute an Ummah Wâhidah (One Nation) separate from other people.

Article 25:
And also that the Jews of the tribe of ‘Auf constitute an Ummah Wâhidah with the Believers – even though the Jews will follow their own religion and the Muslims will follow their own – and this will include both their friends and themselves. (Quoted from Reuben Levy in ‘Sociology of Islam, part I, pages 279-282)

Here, all the inhabitants of the city of Yathrib, or Medina, were called upon to join in fighting the forces that were terrorizing the citizens.

Muslims have been made to promise that they will help defend the followers of other faiths from unjust and cruel attacks as well. For example, in his charter for all time to come addressed to all Christians living as citizens under Muslim rule, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, states:

I promise that any monk or wayfarer who will seek my help on the mountains, in forests, deserts or habitations, or in places of worship, I will repel his enemies with my friends and helpers, with all my relatives and with all those w ho profess to follow me and will defend them, because they are my covenant. And I will defend the covenanted against the persecution, injury and embarrassment of their enemies in lieu of the poll tax they have promised to pay. If they prefer to defend their properties and persons themselves, they will be allowed to do so and will not be put to any inconvenience on that account.

No bishop will be expelled from his bishopric, no monk from his monastery, no priest from his place of worship, and no pilgrim will be detained in his pilgrimage. None of their churches and other places of worship will be desolated or destroyed or demolished. No material of their churches will be used to build mosques or houses for the Muslims; any Muslim doing so will be regarded as recalcitrant to Allah and His Prophet. Monks and Bishops will be subject to no tax or indemnity whether they live in forests or on rivers, in the East or in the West, in the North or in the South. I give them my word of honor. They are on my promise and covenant and will enjoy perfect immunity from all sorts of inconveniences. Every help shall be given them in the repair of their churches. They shall be absolved of wearing arms. They shall be protected by the Muslims. Let this document not be disobeyed till Judgment Day.” (Quoted from Balâdhar)

In Islam, every effort is thus made to protect the peace of not only the Muslims, but also of the followers of other faiths. Allah Almighty says:

And if Allah did not defend some men by means of others, there would surely have been pulled down monasteries, churches, synagogues and mosques wherein the name of Allah is oft remembered. (Ch.22: v.41)

However, Muslims have been warned by the Holy Founder of Islam, Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, that when they enter the territory of those who have been terrorizing and harshly persecuting them, they should not lose all sense of perspective and justice, and be tempted to start acting savagely, like the terrorists themselves. The worst crime of ungratefulness would be that committed by a people who, having forgotten that they had just been subjected to terrible cruelties, start meting out the same, if not worse, cruelties to others. The Prophet ordered:

‘You will meet those who remember Almighty Allah in their houses of worship. Have no dispute with them, and give no trouble to them. In the enemy country, do not kill any women or children, or the blind, or the old. Do not pull down any tree; nor pull down any building.’ (Quoted from Halbiyyah, Vol.3).

So the only Jihad permitted in Islam is the war of the oppressed against the oppressor, the war waged to protect the peace of all people irrespective of their religion or creed. Tactics used today such as suicide bombing, etc. are absolutely out of the question for true followers of Islam. Allah Almighty says:

And kill not your own selves. Surely Allah is Merciful to you. (Ch.4: v. 30)

…and cast not yourselves into ruin with your own hands… (Ch.2: v.196)

Islam strictly forbids the killing of innocent, non-aggressive people:…no hostility is allowed except against the aggressors. (Ch.2: v.194)

These three verses alone are sufficient to prevent Muslims from crashing airplanes into buildings, or from sending suicide bombers to blow up innocent civilians.

Once the evildoers have ceased misbehaving and have been justly punished for their crimes, then Allah Almighty says:

And fight them until there is no more persecution, and religion is freely professed for Allah. But if they desist, then remember that no hostility is allowed except against the aggressors. (Ch.2: v.194)

To sum up, Islam advocates three steps against terrorism:

  1. To give an excellent moral upbringing to all Muslims, so that they become upright, just, moral, kind and loving people, thereby ensuring that they never disrupt the peace of others.
  2. Whenever the peace is disrupted, to reason and argue with the evildoers, and sincerely pray for them, to make them change their ways.
  3. If all reasoning fails, then to join forces with all good people to combat the mischief-mongers until peace has been restored, but always keeping the dictates of justice in view.
It is our belief that not only Islam, but no true religion, whatever its name, can sanction violence and bloodshed of innocent men, women and children in the name of Allah Almighty. Terrorists may use religious or political labels, but no one should be deceived by their wily ways and treacherous guiles. They have nothing to do with religion. They are the enemies of peace. They must be combated at every level as advocated by Islam, the religion of peace.
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