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Nigeria Is Not Pakistan

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So if the Pakistani state stops their policy of supporting terrorism, will the situation in Pakistan improve?
So if the Pakistani state stops their policy of supporting terrorism, will the situation in Pakistan improve?

These suicide bombings that occur on a daily basis didnt came overnight, it was a long process that was implemented by the enemies of the Pakistani people and the remaining relevant officials who are honest need to purge their country from the insiders and saboteurs. Lets start with ISI for example.

Sorry, thats not true in a democracy.
In a democracy, the people who rise to power are a reflection of the society they rise from.
Pakistan is a democracy ?
Pakistan is a democracy ?
It is.
You see even when a dictator becomes different from the society that he has risen in, there are revolutions.
No revolution means the public still finds the dictator within tolerable limits.

Pakistan removed its dictator Musharraf and for half its life, it has had democracy. Every leader of Pakistan is a reflection of Pakistani society and the values it holds.
Pakistan faces threat on its borders and internally, but it still is the largest contributer to UN peace keeping mission

some haraam khors call our generosity as or foolishness

especially Pakistan contributing to afghan haraam khors, the thread maker the afghani goon should have been careful posting this thread

millions of afghani refugees who brought drugs, prostitution, guns to civilised pakistani cities are nurtured on pakistani food and its resources have multiplied like rabbits and also made fake passports, ID cards, they should have been kicked out ages ago
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Nigeria and Pakistan Face similar problems and also has almost similar number of population

Both countries can help each other,and after a quick Google search i had also come to know that Like Pakistan,Nigeria is also facing loadshedding/Power cuts.

We should help each other
Seems like a case of get your own house in order first before you start offering "expertise" to others in a similar condition.
These suicide bombings that occur on a daily basis didnt came overnight, it was a long process that was implemented by the enemies of the Pakistani people and the remaining relevant officials who are honest need to purge their country from the insiders and saboteurs. Lets start with ISI for example.

Pakistan is a democracy ?

you should get mullah brainwashing out of your farsi head for starters
It would be stupid of Nigeria not to take our help. The Nooras are business savvy people, and we have forces that have become battle hardened to the terror strikes just erupting in Nigeria.

Their forces are just not trained to counter the threats we have faced for the past 13 years. The author is seriously deluded to discount our help or input for that. The US or UK cannot match the actual ground realities of picking out people that look alike and disappear in the crowd.

Probably Nigeria does not trust Pakistan when the terrorist group they would have to counter is inspired by Islam.
Probably Nigeria does not trust Pakistan when the terrorist group they would have to counter is inspired by Islam.

the phenomenon was not started by pakistan, it was started when mujahideens were hailed as militants from jesus christ by the americans themselves and called afghan war a holy war, it was not pakistan who supported the libyan al quaeda to take over the country, not pakistan when syrian rebels were aided by the US

pakistan is just suffering from these policies, so stop making devil out of pakistan
You arent comparing Nigeria to Sweden or Brazil, you are comparing it to Pakistan. Country that is incapable of stopping foreign drones dropping bombs at their will at any place in Pakistan. Same Pakistan that special forces of a foreign country easily penetrate into the country and kill the worlds most wanted terrorist. Same country that bombs explode on a daily basis.

Btw, i mean Pakistani officials within the army and state not the country itself or people.
I will disagree with you, Pakistan, with all the internal problems that is facing can't be compared to Nigeria. Nigeria, although said to be the first African economy is really a basket case. Period!.

So sorry dude, Pakistani army is not competent, i am sure they have some good and experienced officers but their top leaders are utterly corrupted and incompetent.
Thats where you are totally wrong, Pakistani army has has proven its worthiness in many conflicts, from WW!, WW2, to Middle east conflicts...It may bridled by politicians {ie not responding to drones attacks] it doesn't mean she lacks competency!
Nigeria became the joke of the century...
You arent comparing Nigeria to Sweden or Brazil, you are comparing it to Pakistan. Country that is incapable of stopping foreign drones dropping bombs at their will at any place in Pakistan. Same Pakistan that special forces of a foreign country easily penetrate into the country and kill the worlds most wanted terrorist. Same country that bombs explode on a daily basis.

So sorry dude, Pakistani army is not competent, i am sure they have some good and experienced officers but their top leaders are utterly corrupted and incompetent.

Btw, i mean Pakistani officials within the army and state not the country itself or people.

Fotol, do you have brain of size pea? I mean you can't do a critical thinking before writing your sentences dude.

1. Incapable of stopping drones = Drone strikes occur with the consent of Pakistani government only in a designated tribal areas of Pakistan. Not at any in Pakistan. #Fail argument without reading some background on it.

2. OBL issue: A stealth helicopter using nap of earth and terrain masking techniques flying at 200-300 Meters moving through mountains comes in to Iran territory, Would IRAN be able to detect it with all their SUPER DUPER technology?

MOSSAD agents penetrated heart of IRAN and were on a killing spree of your Nuclear scientists? Where were special forces of IRAN. Heck your Ballistic missile base and the General were taken out by mossad in an explosion which were covered up to hide incompetency of your government and the reason given? "Accidental Blast"

What to infer from my useless rant? That it is hard to stop someone from penetrating so deep in to our territories. Heck 9-11 occured because American Super duper Agencies weren't able to stop them #A big fail argument without using critical thinking from an arrogant farsi
It would be stupid of Nigeria not to take our help. The Nooras are business savvy people, and we have forces that have become battle hardened to the terror strikes just erupting in Nigeria.

Their forces are just not trained to counter the threats we have faced for the past 13 years. The author is seriously deluded to discount our help or input for that. The US or UK cannot match the actual ground realities of picking out people that look alike and disappear in the crowd.
Pakistan can train nigeria

In how to hide terrorist nearest to their best army base


advise how to sirvive an 12 hr power cuts
Fotol, do you have brain of size pea? I mean you can't do a critical thinking before writing your sentences dude.

1. Incapable of stopping drones = Drone strikes occur with the consent of Pakistani government only in a designated tribal areas of Pakistan. Not at any in Pakistan. #Fail argument without reading some background on it.

2. OBL issue: A stealth helicopter using nap of earth and terrain masking techniques flying at 200-300 Meters moving through mountains comes in to Iran territory, Would IRAN be able to detect it with all their SUPER DUPER technology?

MOSSAD agents penetrated heart of IRAN and were on a killing spree of your Nuclear scientists? Where were special forces of IRAN. Heck your Ballistic missile base and the General were taken out by mossad in an explosion which were covered up to hide incompetency of your government and the reason given? "Accidental Blast"

What to infer from my useless rant? That it is hard to stop someone from penetrating so deep in to our territories. Heck 9-11 occured because American Super duper Agencies weren't able to stop them #A big fail argument without using critical thinking from an arrogant farsi

It seems that you like the suicide attacks and humiliation to continue in Pakistan by ignoring the FACTS :

1.Rubbish excuse from a total weak Pakistani government that lost its grip on its border areas, and with this attitude you will sink lower and lower into the pithole where your ''central government'' itself becomes under great danger.

2.Still no excuse, you all claim that your super duper ISI ranks the first in the world but they totally dont know that the most wanted terrorist is residing on **** soil near some **** military barracks. This is laughable and a joke ! This means either 2 things.... Pakistani gov is hand in hand with the terrorist or two Pakistani gov is extremely incapable (which i said in my previous post) and didnt knew that the worlds most wanted terrorist is right within the sights of their soldiers.

3.Atleast unlike Pakistan, Iran learns from its mistakes and after the barbaric murders we LEARNT something from it and gave total protection to our scientists and their close friends/relatives etc and that is why such thing never occured again. The Point is here : learning from it, and denying the incidents from happening again which in the case of Pakistan it happens AGAIN AND AGAIN with the oh so extremely first ranked ISI totally incapable of stopping it.

4.Ammunition depot explosions happen throughout all the world, automatic credit shouldnt go to Irans enemies.

So again you expressed your typical Pakistani attitude ''Oh we are so strong, look at us, our intel agencies are ranked first in the world'' and if someone criticize you, you immediately take offence and start hurling insults and some kind of racial slurs.

What a joke, your country is in such a bad mess and you are trying to justify the mismanagement.

Atleast with my country, i condemn the mismanagement and the misery our braindead leaders brought upon us. In these years we as a people have learnt many many things.

When will same happen to you ? (It concerns me and Iran because you are our direct neighbour)
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