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Pro-ISIS Poster Seen in Kerala Capital; BJP Office Gets Letter Warning Modi Over Visit

So according to you It is the job of this so called "Bong Secularists Mallu's" duty to protect modi when he visit kerala??????
No! i mean the bong and mallu secularists will be halaal when shit hits the fan.

ISIS might find support in Kerala!!
i support what @nair had to say about this incident.

And @AugenBlick and @wolfschanzze
I dont like your taunts.
I've every right to hold an opinion which I think is cogent. If you dont agree to what I've to say then I DONT CARE.
Stop mentioning me in your posts and this is also to all those baudets who take a dig at the so called "secularists" on the forum.
LoL yes you are free to disagree.
Interesting. I kind of get a perverse sadistic pleasure to see this. When things turned crap in the Valley, the Indians turned away from us. Seculars, as well as others. Now that the war is knocking on their doors, they are beginning to get up from deep sleep and try to take notice.

@wolfschanzze - I appreciate your bravado but hitting secularists won't get you anything. Be vigilant. Supporting ISIS does not allow the 'secular' tag to remain anyway. It goes into fringe Islamist category.

Also ISIS is a symptom only. Tomorrow ISIS won't be there, does not mean the ideology will be gone. Indians - you are staring at the harsh reality that the neighbor who shared sweets with you may try to hurt you.
I for one thing know these Secularists who shout for rights will run and hide in the very same communal hindu homes when things go down.
Then why this hypocrisy?
If you need to clean your home first clean these secularists ,a Chain is only strong as its weakest link and these seculars are the weakest link.
I dont think ISIS will be gone tomorrow it will remain as world is neglecting it just like Taliban was neglected and allowed to grow, but this time They are forming a Caliphate and major part of islamic people are ok with that idea unlike Taliban while they might do mere lip service that ISIS is not islam etc. Inside they are glad Sharia is being implemented in full.
Taqiyya at its best!
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We knew it and we stopped using fan long back!!!!!!!!!!!
You use A/C now? :D

It comes from a desire to be morally superior.

And support from Islamist outfits will only grow.
I know the support for islamist outfits will grow and our seculars are the ones pushing them and supporting them so as to be seen as champion of rights.

Don't exaggerate..I have some doubts about the authenticity of this news..haven't heard it yet in any major or local medias of Kerala..Anyway,If its true.then it is really worrisome...
You are right about the growing wahhabi tendencies among Malayali Muslims of Kerala..But that doesn't means that all are ISIS supporters,anti nationals or are going to wave the jihadi flags..These groups forms only a miniscule...Majority of Muslims are always against these types of anti national elements..
I hope government will look into this matter seriously and bring them all before the law as soon as possible..
You haven't seen the big picture yet They might say ISIS is not islamic etc. etc. but they are silently supporting it,That is Taqiyya at its best.
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Shhh..... we will be in crISIS , if you talk about in public.

Nair was supposed to bring the bombs and seiko has again forgotten his beheading knife. We should behead both.

My beheading knife was taken by you for beheading those chickens.. Give it back!! :pissed:
I would not 've hated ISIS as much if they were just anti-west or America, I hate 'em because they 're cruel to women and children.
Actually they are cruel to everyone not only women and children...
This shows that you support ISIS not only against Western countries but also against men :whistle:

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