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Yes, you are dumb. As I said by that logic then there is no sovereign country on earth outside of China and Russia. The fact is though that KSA never was a Western colony likewise Iran. The only two countries in the region. If you consider something that never was a colony (I already explained that in detail but as usual you do not understand much) then Iran was a Western colony even more so for the reasons I mentioned. Read them again or educate yourself.

1991 did not change anything. It was KSA themselves who invited USA. Let me repeat myself. Maybe you will get it this time.

KSA did not invite but was forced to invite, it plays into the hands of US benefits, which was able to establish large military bases and in Saudi arabia and still keep them in Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and the UAE.

Not every state had 60.000 foreign soldiers on it’s soil as military bases for years, decade. KSA was made into one and still is under heavy US influence, an act like the 70’s oil embargo is impossible now. The US has bases all over the gulf with firepower greater then all of GCC combined also the Saudi gov getting out of line means no spare parts/ammo/weaponry for the almost 1 sourced entire NATO military equipment operating forces, all those F15’s and Typhoons become garbage, billions to hell that alone is military influence, let alone other sectors.
The political colonization of the Peninsula started in ’91 and remains the same, to make it simple, KSA is a colony.
KSA did not invite but was force to invite, it plays into the hands of US benefits, which was able to establish large military bases and in Saudi arabia and still keep them in Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and the UAE.

Not every state had 60.000 foreign soldiers on it’s soil as military bases for years, decade. KSA was made into one and still is under heavy US influence, an act like the 70’s oil embargo is impossible now. The US has bases all over the gulf with firepower greater then all of GCC combined also the Saudi gov getting out of line means no spare parts/ammo/weaponry for the almost 1 sourced entire NATO military equipment operating forces, all those F15’s and Typhoons become garbage, billions to hell that alone is military influence, let alone other sectors.
The political colonization of the Peninsula started in ’91 and remains the same, to make it simple, KSA is a colony.

As I said by that logic every country outside of USA have been a colony. Hell even KSA was a colony since it got invaded by the British and its parliament was burned down after they gained independence. Do you understand the stupidity of your comment? No it was not forced to. After all it was Kuwait that got invaded not KSA. KSA forces together with American forces dealt with Saddam's forces in Khafji in a matter of hours. That was all that ever happened.

By that logic your country has been severely raped since 1980 and is ruled by foreigners to this very day. That you are ruled by Iranian Mullah's and Americans unable to even control all of the officially Iraqi territory. Don't make me laugh. The fact is though that KSA was never a Western colony likewise Iran. That will not change despite both countries being dominated and at times dependent on the West. That does not make a country a colony in the official sense and that is why KSA and Iran are not listed as Western colonies and never will be. End of discussion.
By that logic your country has been severely raped since 1980 and is ruled by foreigners to this very day. That you are ruled by Iranian Mullah's and Americans unable to even control all of the officially Iraqi territory. Don't make me laugh. The fact is though that KSA was never a Western colony likewise Iran. That will not change despite both countries being dominated and at times dependent on the West. That does not make a country a colony in the official sense and that is why KSA and Iran are not listed as Western colonies and never will be. End of discussion.

Still a government that buys weaponry from 2 sources which no one expected, still they aren’t sucking up to any side but balancing between both. We aren’t a puppet or controlled by others, this fits more in the case of KSA.

No end of discussion until you accept the truth.
More or less every military analyst say that both Iraq and Iran received more or less the same foreign military support although with a slight advantage to Iraq. But that advantage disappeared when you consider the fact that Iran is 4 times bigger and has a 3-4 time bigger population (at that time).

Not all were executed. That's a lame excuse. Nor were the soldiers that served for the past army that. The vast majority survived and participated in the war in one way or another.

I am not talking about anything. That's just what I have seen from some Iranian users here. Well KSA has the same policy. That's why you don't see us invading the small GCC states although we could easily do that. Oman too.

If that's the case then Iran was a Western colony during the entire reign of the Azeri Turkic Qajar Dynasty (where you lost a lot of territory btw. got invaded by Russia, suffered a famine) and the Pahlavi Dynasty where you were fully depended on the West.

All that though, like with KSA, does not change the FACT that neither KSA nor Iran was a Western colony. Never. KSA was never a British mandate (where do you make that nonsense up?) and the territories that were allied with the Ottomans were ruled by local rulers who were VASSAL states. Besides the Ottomans are not different to the centuries of Arab rule in Iran, or the Mongol, Turkic, Greek etc. In fact Iran was for a much, much longer period ruled by foreign dynasties and powers. So if you play that game you lose I am afraid.

But it seems that quite a lot of them want their own homeland. Not only that they are willing to fight for it as history has shown. Azeris = Azerbaijan. Hence my "the unlikely happen" comment.

Yes, you are dumb. As I said by that logic then there is no sovereign country on earth outside of China and Russia. By that logic your country has been severely raped since 1980 and is ruled by foreigners to this very day. The fact is though that KSA never was a Western colony likewise Iran. The only two countries in the region. If you consider something that never was a colony (I already explained that in detail but as usual you do not understand much) then Iran was a Western colony even more so for the reasons I mentioned. Read them again or educate yourself.

1991 did not change anything. It was KSA themselves who invited USA. Let me repeat myself. Maybe you will get it this time.

@Arabian Legend @JUBA @BLACKEAGLE @Yzd Khalifa @Bubblegum Crisis @Full Moon @burning_phoneix @Hadbani

Look what we got here. Hilarious.:lol:

No. The evidence clearly show that the military, economic and logistic support vastly favoured Saddam. Iran was sanctioned. It only got weapons from US via Israelis in contra scandal for f.uck sake. We did get some suppor but not comparable.
United States support for Iraq during the Iran–Iraq war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

IRI did not execute every single soldier in the Iranian Imperial Army, but they executed the generals. So there was a severe cripple to the structure and organization. Which is why we mainly resorted to guerilla tactics in tanker war etc. Not gonna repeat myself anymore, so you can believe what you want.

And no, vast majoriy of Azari dont want separation. In fact, they are some of the most staunch defenders of territorial integrity of Iran. There are some propaganda idiots during Traktor matches (sponsored by pan-turks in Rep. of Azerbaijan), but they represent less than 1 %.
No history of ethnic conflic in Iranin Azarbaijan province speaks volumes. In fact many of them have been "persianized" by language. You can ask Abii who is Azari, I believe.
I think there is far graver danger of KSA being split up because its still a tribal country. Although I dont think its gonna happen.
But the point is that you dont have much of a case in terms of Iran separating. Iran is a stable enduring state, where national cohesion among the Iranian ethnicities is very strong.
Still a government that buys weaponry from 2 sources which no one expected, still they aren’t sucking up to any side but balancing between both. We aren’t a puppet or controlled by others, this fits more in the case of KSA.

No end of discussion until you accept the truth.

Of course you are a puppet. A puppet that has been humiliated and invaded several times since 1980.:lol: You don't even control all of your territory. Talk about being a puppet. Iran is ruling your government while you are sucking up to the Americans (your two-times invaders) that killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and humiliated you for 10 years (ruled you directly - that is basically a colony since you did not even have a head of state, LOL) to fight a few hundred ISIS members that you cannot even defeat without the help of the Americans.

KSA is buying weapons from multiple countries but nice try. If buying weapons from a few countries determined whether one is a puppet.

Anyway the fact is, widely known and recorded in all history books, that neither KSA nor Iran were a Western colony despite both being depended on the West in parts of their history's.

Notice how the first Gulf war came during the same time of the fall of the Soviet Union? Meaning the USA was absolutely UNCONSTRAINED to pursue hegemony in the Middle East, which they were otherwise dettered from doing before by the Soviets.

Saddam got fooled by the West. The Kuwait invasion was staged event, and there is convincing evidence that Saddam got some kind of "green light" by US to Saddam to invade Kuwait. This paved the way for US and coalition forces to enter conflict and gave them perfect excuse to insert themselves militarilly in the region. This was the beginning of the American militarized order of the Middle East. An order which now promotes the interests of GCC, and vice versa GCC is trying to sustain that same order, at any cost.

If Saddam would have taken the oil fields of Saudi Arabia in the east it would have forced the US to make a deal with Iraq since they were not able to use their military power to get Iraq out which required ~(700.000) foreign forces in 1991, as long as the USSR threat is active, however 1991 the fall of the USSR allowed the invasion.

Of course you are a puppet. A puppet that has been humiliated and invaded several times since 1980.:lol: You don't even control all of your territory. Talk about being a puppet.
Humiliated are those that run away in an act of war, those that need others to fight for them unlike Iraq and Iran which both fought each other for 8 years.

Iran is ruling your government while you are sucking up to the Americans (your two-times invaders) that killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and humiliated you for 10 years (ruled you directly - that is basically a colony since you did not even have a head of state, LOL) to fight a few hundred ISIS members that you cannot even defeat without the help of the Americans.
As above, the humiliated is you.
Perhaps start fighting the Iranian militias in the beautiful diverse Arab world.

KSA is buying weapons from multiple countries but nice try. If buying weapons from a few countries determined whether one is a puppet.
Mainly US and Britain NATO allies.

Anyway the fact is, widely known and recorded in all history books, that neither KSA nor Iran was a colony despite both being depended on the West in small parts of their histories.
Doritos11 just teached you a lesson about the 1991 political colonization of the Peninsula.
@Doritos11 should open a few history books instead of fantasying and making up theories about Saddam Hussein conquering the Eastern Province of KSA when he could not even capture 1 Saudi Arabian city. Leave theories for dreams at night.

I quickly taught you how you have been humiliated since 1980 and how you have been an de jure (look that word up in your dictionary) colony and state of the Americans for a few years and how they have ruled you for years and killed hundred of thousands of you and how you now beg them for weapons to fight a few hundred ISIS peasants that you cannot defeat. Or that you are unable to control 15% of the Iraqi territory which is self-governed by the Kurds.
The former British colonial masters also had to chose the leaders for you when you became independent in 1919 and those leaders were from KSA, LOL. The same British colonial masters also draw all of your borders on a map.

Google the Sykes-Picot Agreement.

Here you go, let me do it for you:


So don't even compare KSA which was never a colony with Iraq or any other country of the region because they for a few months in 1990 and 1991 hosted American soldiers that were our allies whom we together with liberated Kuwait with being a colony that you were on all levels and have been very recently (after 2003).
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If Saddam would have taken the oil fields of Saudi Arabia in the east it would have forced the US to make a deal with Iraq since they were not able to use their military power to get Iraq out which required ~(700.000) foreign forces in 1991, as long as the USSR threat is active, however 1991 the fall of the USSR allowed the invasion.

Yes, the region became highly militarized after the first Gulf war. Although I think the American militarized order is eroding and states of the region are taking control of their own destiny.
The only ones that are desperately trying to sustain and cling on to it are the GCC states, as their regional strategy requires a US that is active and hegemonic (for protection).

Quit repeating, expected.

All those were facts. I first mentioned them right now to counter your nonsense. Read post number 442 to learn what a real colony is. I think that I gave a correct definition to you there I would say. Harsh but you asked for it by your trolling.

Yes, the region became highly militarized after the first Gulf war. Although I think the American militarized order is eroding and states of the region are taking control of their own destiny.
The only ones that are desperately trying to sustain and cling on to it are the GCC states, as their regional strategy requires a US that is active and hegemonic (for protection).

Look who is talking. You are basically living on Russian welfare militarily and the Western imports that are leftovers from the Western puppet and Israeli ally the dead Shah. You would not produce anything without foreign involvement. KSA has no American troops and its policy is fully independent. KSA has gone against USA on many occasions in the last 1 year. When it comes to Syria, on Egypt and many other issues. Might read about them. The Americans did not stop us from anything. According to you Iranians we are behind 9/11 (biggest attack on the world's biggest superpower in history) and all worldwide terrorism including that, that killed hundreds of American soldiers when US made Iraq a colony of theirs.:lol:

Prince Turki tells Obama to ‘wake up’ | GulfNews.com

GCC = Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain in that case because they fear being annexed and dominated by KSA. Their rulers do at least since they want to continue ruling. They are even so desperate to rule that they overthrow their own fathers.

BTW, did you know that we and USA removed the husband of Mrs. Banana?

Wake up sleepy one, ResurgentIran.

Our by far biggest trading partner is China btw. So much for that.
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All those were facts. I first mentioned them right now to counter your nonsense. Read post number 442 to learn what a real colony is. I think that I gave a correct definition to you there I would say. Harsh but you asked for it by your trolling.

As I told you before, humiliation isn’t getting attacked by a superpower, it’s running away from others asking for superpowers to solve your problem

As for colony, Iraq is able to play between both sides, not a colony, but the peninsula is.
Anyway are you trying to compare in some of that post of yours, don’t compare to us.
As I told you before, humiliation isn’t getting attacked by a superpower, it’s running away from others asking for superpowers to solve your problem

As for colony, Iraq is able to play between both sides, not a colony, but the peninsula is.
Anyway are you trying to compare in some of that post of yours, don’t compare to us.

Let me remind you of the reality. The same reality that happened 1400 years ago, LOL. Let us not even go there tonight because that would be truly humiliating.

@Doritos11 should open a few history books instead of fantasying and making up theories about Saddam Hussein conquering the Eastern Province of KSA when he could not even capture 1 Saudi Arabian city. Leave theories for dreams at night.

I quickly taught you how you have been humiliated since 1980 and how you have been an de jure (look that word up in your dictionary) colony and state of the Americans for a few years and how they have ruled you for years and killed hundred of thousands of you and how you now beg them for weapons to fight a few hundred ISIS peasants that you cannot defeat. Or that you are unable to control 15% of the Iraqi territory which is self-governed by the Kurds.
The former British colonial masters also had to chose the leaders for you when you became independent in 1919 and those leaders were from KSA, LOL. The same British colonial masters also draw all of your borders on a map.

Google the Sykes-Picot Agreement.

Here you go, let me do it for you:


So don't even compare KSA which was never a colony with Iraq or any other country of the region because they for a few months in 1990 and 1991 hosted American soldiers that were our allies whom we together with liberated Kuwait with being a colony that you were on all levels and have been very recently (after 2003).

PS: We are not comparing ourselves to failed countries that are Iranian Mullah proxies and who are now begging for weapons from their two-times masters and invaders who killed 1-2 million Iraqis and a country that cannot even defeat a few hundred ISIS peasants or a country that is not even controlling 15% of its territory (Kurdistan). Moreover they are even giving money to those Kurds, LOL.
Because their constitution was written by their American invaders together with their former colonial masters the British. LOL. So they have little choice.
As I said don’t compare your little history with others in the region. Could not take 1 ? reread history, he could take all Gulf if he wanted, the military power was present but that command was never given by him.

Houthis just took a city close to Saudi Arabia which you have been fighting what are you doing about it ?
US is the one defending you since you can’t do it yourself.
A recent offensive on ISIL has started I see you don’t like it.

However keep your dreams about your unconquered Najdi desert.
All those were facts. I first mentioned them right now to counter your nonsense. Read post number 442 to learn what a real colony is. I think that I gave a correct definition to you there I would say. Harsh but you asked for it by your trolling.

Look who is talking. You are basically living on Russian welfare militarily and the Western imports that are leftovers from the Western puppet and Israeli ally the dead Shah. You would not produce anything without foreign involvement. KSA has no American troops and its policy is fully independent. KSA has gone against USA on many occasions in the last 1 year. When it comes to Syria, on Egypt and many other issues. Might read about them. The Americans did not stop us from anything. According to you Iranians we are behind 9/11 (biggest attack on the world's biggest superpower in history) and all worldwide terrorism including that, that killed hundreds of American soldiers when US made Iraq a colony of theirs.:lol:

Prince Turki tells Obama to ‘wake up’ | GulfNews.com

GCC = Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain in that case because they fear being annexed and dominated by KSA. Their rulers do at least since they want to continue ruling. They are even so desperate to rule that they overthrow their own fathers.

BTW, did you know that we and USA removed the husband of Mrs. Banana?

Wake up sleepy one, ResurgentIran.

Our by far biggest trading partner is China btw. So much for that.

They dont have military troops in KSA anymore because of the backlash it caused in terms of terrorism. Also widely unpopular with the population and Muslim world at large, so they relocated to another GCC state (qatar).
Yeah the Shah was a puppet, where have you seen me denying it? But we overthrew him and now we are an independent state.
We are not relying on anyone for military. We have a domestic industry. Our conventional army is weak, but again, we dont play it that way. We have built up a robust defensive capbility, using various assymetris means.
We are self sufficient in defence, even if we dont produce state of the art. At least we produce the basics.

Your Syria policy is alligned with US so that was a bad example.


I must have hit a nerve by sticking to facts about your failed Iranian colony that now bends down to their two-times invaders the Americans who killed 1-2 Iraqi and humiliated you and called you sandniggers, I-ranqis etc.

Yes, he could in your dreams. In reality he would never have been able to control or even defeat KSA. The GCC already existed by then and that would have been impossible. KSA did not have a bad army by any means. Let @Informant educate you on that.

No, Houthis got their asses kicked by KSA. In a matter of months. They never controlled any territory in KSA. We kicked their *** in their own mountanious backyard.

Something that you cannot do with a few hundred ISIS peasants in the desert. Let alone the Kurds.

ISIS is a Iraqi creation led by an Iraqi. Why should I care about them? Let them be eliminated so the Child-Murderer in Syria falls.

PS: Nejd is a highland something that you do not have a lot of in Iraq. Nejd means highland in Arabic and has rich agricultural areas especially around Ha'il, Unaizah and Buraidah the size of some countries.
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