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Prime Minister today chaired a meeting of Apex Committee of National Action Plan.

I think it will be a regular occurance from now on, hope so too. A new coordination committee is being formed on the lines of NCOC to effectively safeguard against terrorism and such assorted threats.
Simultaneously, India is also holding such across the board meetings.

Nothing to be worried about, just a sincere leader first time proactively dealing with matters of national security, like they should have been dealt with earlier.
1 war has ended, another one is starting. This is part of strategic shift. We are planning what we need to do to safe guard ourselves from future problems. The vacuum we leave behind, gets taken up by other intelligence agencies, when you leave a pitch empty, others occupy it and start playing their own games. Then you have to join in to their games and deal with it on their terms. If you don't leave any pitch empty, its them who have to deal with it.

Lesser the vacuum we leave, the better it would be for us in the future. The more gaps there are, the more messed up we will be.
Looking at the key points, it should tell you whats comming next

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