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President’s Arunachal visit irks China

30% = largest group?
Is there a better reason why India came last in PISA?

Whats is other religions have their share less than Hindus.. I was just pointing out the mistake in your claim of "From your earlier claim of majority Hindu, now you backtracked to largest religious group"

30% = largest group?
Is there a better reason why India came last in PISA?

Have you attended PISA?
Whats is other religions have their share less than Hindus.. I was just pointing out the mistake in your claim of "From your earlier claim of majority Hindu, now you backtracked to largest religious group"

Read post 136 again, take a day or two to comprehend it. Then, come back and try again.
Read post 136 again, take a day or two to comprehend it. Then, come back and try again.

I think its better you take a day or two.. Your soaring IQ coudnt handle it I guess.

Didnt answer my question about whether you attended PISA or not..
I think its better you take a day or two.. Your soaring IQ coudnt handle it I guess.

Didnt answer my question about whether you attended PISA or not..

30% constitutes the largest majority group, how many 30% makes up 100%?
How many more days do you need?
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30% constitutes the largest group, how many 30% makes up 100%?
How many more days do you need?

You still dont get it.. Do you?.. Let me help you..

You were saying that he back tracked from Majority group to largest religious group..

Lets say Hindus are 30% as you claimed.. What about other religions have less percentage than that? (like Muslims 25%, Budhists 24%, Christians 10% rest 11%) Then which is the majority group there? (If you still have difficulty it is the Hindu group).. I was basically saying that largest group is the majority group. If you still have problems understanding, then its a miracle that you figured out how to turn on the computer..
You still dont get it.. Do you?.. Let me help you..

You were saying that he back tracked from Majority group to largest religious group..

Lets say Hindus are 30% as you claimed.. What about other religions have less percentage than that? (like Muslims 25%, Budhists 24%, Christians 10% rest 11%) Then which is the majority group there? (If you still have difficulty it is the Hindu group).. I was basically saying that largest group is the majority group. If you still have problems understanding, then its a miracle that you figured out how to turn on the computer..

30% doesn't make you the majority. The largest group may not be the majority. Now take a week to digest that.
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the question arises what china can do to have Arunachal Pradesh apart from getting irking again and again. Unfortunately, we are not small states of south east asia.
Largest group can be any figures, but "A majority is a subset of a group that is more than half of the entire group."

Go take your PISA and pray for a miracle.

fatty bro...jus chill....arunachal is goin no where....so eat some chowmin and njoy ur life...dun waste it on this silly thread ;)
Indian dead last in PISA mathematics test for a reason, they always brag about how mathematics genius they are but can't tell the different between majority and minority in the population.

30% constitutes the largest majority group, how many 30% makes up 100%?
How many more days do you need?
From your earlier claim of majority Hindu, now you backtracked to largest religious group. If I were to present more facts, how far are you going to backtrack??? You simply have no answer to any of my point posted. Thanks for showing the difference in our intellect.:laughcry:

Now you can take your asininity to your bollywood forum
30% is not the majority but out of the other groups it's the largest! I've answered ever point you gave me and now you are changing the subject to me "backtracking" and then insulting Indian members with sarcastic quips about Bollywood and then assuming I'm Indian. You have failed to come up with points and then try insulting me. :rofl:Now tell me why China has more claim to Arunchal Pradesh then India considering that the largest religious group is Hinduism and there is no movement for a independent Arunchal Pradesh.

30% = largest group?
Is there a better reason why India came last in PISA?
I'm afghan so how can you associate that with India. You people are known for their Kushnai bullolai. See what that means in any Indian language. :woot:
30% is not the majority but out of the other groups it's the largest! I've answered ever point you gave me and now you are changing the subject to me "backtracking" and then insulting Indian members with sarcastic quips about Bollywood and then assuming I'm Indian. You have failed to come up with points and then try insulting me. :rofl:Now tell me why China has more claim to Arunchal Pradesh then India considering that the largest religious group is Hinduism and there is no movement for a independent Arunchal Pradesh.

I'm afghan so how can you associate that with India. You people are known for their Kushnai bullolai. See what that means in any Indian language. :woot:

You haven't directly answered any of the points I made based on historical and political grounds.
If religion alone can stake a claim, why kashmir is not part of pakistan? Do you know Kashmiri are muslims? Such asininity can only come from bollywood daydreamer. Don't be ashamed of your motherland.
You haven't directly answered any of the points I made based on historical and political grounds.
If religion alone can stake a claim, why kashmir is not part of pakistan? Do you know Kashmiri are muslims? Such asininity can only come from bollywood daydreamer. Don't be ashamed of your motherland.
The Kashmir conflict is none of my concern however the Jammu and Ladakh region is Hindu and Buddhist majority respectively, also consider the fact that Kashmiri Hindus and Sikhs have been driven out the region so a claim that Kashmir is all Muslim is the reason why you see most Muslims like me supporting a free Palestine rather than Kashmir. So don't try talking about a Muslim matter to a Muslim especially when your Chinese. Back on topic if you had the capacity to read I also said that there is no movement for a "free Arunchal Pradesh" or a "Chinese Arunchal Pradesh". And you also failed too answer the question I stated earlier.

I know you are too immature so keep making claims about me being Indian and watching Bollywood based on the fact that "such asinity can only come from Bollywood daydreamer" even though I am speaking fluent Pashto. Your petty insults aimed at Indians have no effect on me whatsoever so please try and stay on topic. Hanger Bacha kuni moor kwas one di mamer bacha daz.:cheesy: Try asking an Indian too translate that China man.
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