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President Donald Trump dropped a rare F-bomb in an interview with Rush Limbaugh about Iran

Using Profanity and Cussing words is very common in America, even my wife use them when she is mad at me but i do get explain her not to use them , but such words are not considered bad or anything unusual in American society .
ou are assuming all the non-Persian ethnic groups stay put within Iran. Whether it is Balochs, Kurds, Arabs, Azeris Iran will face a potential breakup

1) Upwards of 50%-60% of Iranians have multiple linguistic-communal backgrounds (example: Azari-speaking father, Mazandarani-speaking mother). They don't fit into such narrowly defined categories anyway.

2) Iranians do not view so-called "ethnicity" as an important factor. It plays no role in their daily lives. Iranian society and politics aren't divided along these lines (a look at the political and military personnel of Iran will reveal how members of all such linguistic groups are equally present and working side by side in the same institutions), and there is no social or institutional discrimination against any group (whether in government or on the job market or simply in contacts between people).

3) Yes, they are strongly attached to Iran's territorial integrity and national unity indeed. Iran isn't an artificially created state glued together by modern colonial powers, but actually the state with the oldest historic continuity in the world, as well as heir to a distinct civilization dating back several thousands of years.

4) Any attack on Iran by an outside power would increase and strengthen the bonds between Iranians from all walks of society.
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Who gives a fuk what the Ameritards or the Euro Trash think of Iranins.... the Aryans have considered themselves a whites for 7000 years.
Iranians should perhaps consider the Europeans as pink and not white....
Pink now that's a good one
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