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President Donald Trump dropped a rare F-bomb in an interview with Rush Limbaugh about Iran

Apparently you did not bother to read my comment to you, if you had you would have realised how this notion of a "total war" fantasy you have was debunked.
Secure how?

The same way US forces secured Iwo Jima, beaches of Normandy, Iraqi capital or Fallujah
Bomb anything moves close to the oil facilities
The same way US forces secured Iwo Jima, beaches of Normandy, Iraqi capital or Fallujah
Bomb anything moves close to the oil facilities

You will not have anything to bomb with. Once again, read my original comment to you. You seem to be imagining a conventional war in a vacuum.
LOL I really love seeing Ameritards give their "analysis" based on their "knowledege " they get from watching Holywood movies....someone ought to tell them that they´ve lost every war they´ve been in the past 50 years..... and not one of the countries they have fought had the size and power of Iran does today.

Better go and look after your own affairs.... I hear a big fat civil war is brewing.
invading Iran and toppling the regime is easy. What cames next is unpredicatble ? Look no further than Iraq

(red team is Iran and blue team is usa)

Red received an ultimatum from Blue, essentially a surrender document, demanding a response within 24 hours. Thus warned of Blue's approach, Red used a fleet of small boats to determine the position of Blue's fleet by the second day of the exercise. In a preemptive strike, Red launched a massive salvo of cruise missiles that overwhelmed the Blue forces' electronic sensors and destroyed sixteen warships. The losses were as follows: one aircraft carrier, ten cruisers and five of six amphibious ships. An equivalent success in a real conflict would have resulted in the deaths of over 20,000 service personnel. Soon after the cruise missile offensive, another significant portion of Blue's navy was "sunk" by an armada of small Red boats, which carried out both conventional and suicide attacks that capitalized on Blue's inability to detect them as well as expected.

that was a war game the pentagon made. they wanted to know what will happen if they attack IRan. and that was in 2002. at that time our weapons wasn't that effective like now.
(red team is Iran and blue team is usa)

Red received an ultimatum from Blue, essentially a surrender document, demanding a response within 24 hours. Thus warned of Blue's approach, Red used a fleet of small boats to determine the position of Blue's fleet by the second day of the exercise. In a preemptive strike, Red launched a massive salvo of cruise missiles that overwhelmed the Blue forces' electronic sensors and destroyed sixteen warships. The losses were as follows: one aircraft carrier, ten cruisers and five of six amphibious ships. An equivalent success in a real conflict would have resulted in the deaths of over 20,000 service personnel. Soon after the cruise missile offensive, another significant portion of Blue's navy was "sunk" by an armada of small Red boats, which carried out both conventional and suicide attacks that capitalized on Blue's inability to detect them as well as expected.

that was a war game the pentagon made. they wanted to know what will happen if they attack IRan. and that was in 2002. at that time our weapons wasn't that effective like now.

Your pre-emptive strike would be suicide and result in a total war. the resulting retaliation would be end of the Iranian state
Your pre-emptive strike would be suicide and result in a total war. the resulting retaliation would be end of the Iranian state

you can only with using nukes as i mentioned in a post on this thread. thats the answer for you " invading Iran and toppling the regime is easy." and that what will happen in a total war.

“The entire active duty U.S. Army and Marine Corps today totals a bit over 600,000 troops. That is not enough men to invade Iran. Even if you mobilized the entire National Guard and Reserves, you would not feel comfortable invading Iran with a force that size,” he said, adding that it’s hard to speculate about casualties and costs. What would be needed for sure, though, is a draft.

usa cant win the war with air strikes and cruismissiles. they need to invade Iran and for. and for invading Iran there is not enough troops. the total american troops in iraq on it peak was 140.000 and the war had cost 7trillion dollars. and nearly bankcrupted the usa. what do you think a war with Iran will cost? iraq has a population of around 25mio and Iran 80mio. and Iran is 4 times bigger than iraq and has areas with mountains and forest and it's not flat like iraq.

if america would use nukes in a total war against Iran it will only be under trump.
no other president would even dare attacking Iran cause they have to answer the citizens how come that the total u.s. fleet is under water and 20000 american service men died. since trump doesn't care about u.s. citizens and is an idiot the scenario of war is more likely than under any other president, who uses their brain.
but lets assume biden attacks Iran the war will be only 2-3 weeks not more. when the oil price goes above 100$ per barrel what do you think other countries will do. the economical situation is bad and thats worldwide. with an oil price that high states will get bankcrupt. and i am not talking about african or latin american states i am talking about european states. the unrests in america are still there people fighting nearly every night with the police what do you think when the usa loses 20000 service men and the 10-20 mio. lose their jobs.
in the time we live in it's not only about weapons but 1000 other factors fighting a war.

Step one - secure hydrocarbon producing facilities so that Iranian regime does not make any money

Iran no need to print money. IRGC is one the biggest bitcoin miner in the world. if i remember it right it was estemated that Iran is 3th or 4th biggest miner in the world. so no need for cash.
invading Iran and toppling the regime is easy. What cames next is unpredicatble ? Look no further than Iraq

A conflict against Iran simply will not play out the way the way you think it would.

Your pre-emptive strike would be suicide and result in a total war. the resulting retaliation would be end of the Iranian state

There really isn't any sort of data to back up the notion that an American attack on Iran would be the "end" of the Iranian state lol. Why so many think it's okay to say this as if it's some sort of educated rebuttal is beyond me....All we hear, incessantly mind you, is how America would just 'win' a war against Iran just cause'. This isn't a scenario where the United States would be able to walk away unscathed let alone OPERATE in ideal conditions.

The real-world military threat Iranian precision munitions pose to U.S. military operational capabilities is a deadly one. America over relies on air-power to achieve its strategic and tactical goals. But when that capability is taken away, their military efficacy within the theatre of war is dramatically reduced. This would allow Iran and allies to operate under a regime that sees America on the back-foot due to inadequate air-support.

What we NEED to acknowledge here is that the U.S. armed forces and America as a whole is not operating in a vacuum against Iran and its allies. America cannot just get into an open-ended war with Iran without sacrificing other international goals. Further more, as stated numerous times in the past, such a war with Iran would spell utter disaster for American military infrastructure in the region. All large U.S. operated air-bases and relevant instillations would be OBLITERATED IN FULL within the first weeks to months of the conflict. Destruction at this level cannot be repaired quickly at all. Iranian missile doctrine, methodology and operational modus-operandi is meant to work under constant attack from the weapons America will employ. Iran's overall strategy is survivable and would be able to withstand initial American air and sea launched munitions.

Iran's underground missile bases, mountain missile infrastructures, buried tactical missiles, drones, regional allies/proxies, drone power, cruise missile inventory, coastal Anti-ship defenses, world-class air-defenses, Navy (focus on submarines) would drag America into a LONG resource intensive war.

It's the equation that must be looked at here rather than who would 'win' or outright 'lose'. The U.S. doesn't want to fight a long winded war with Iran, we know this. But at the same a short high intensity conflict could go either way as Iran has enough raw firepower (that's reliable and battle proven) to inflict an unfavorable win:loss ratio on American forces in the region. This is what we know has, thus far, deterred America from launching even more aggressive attacks on Iran proper.

If you choose to believe that America will win then fine, that is your prerogative. But don't be surprised when Iran kills/wounds well in excess of 20-30,000 thousand U.S. service members and untold billions of dollars in damage to military and civilian resource infrastructure if a war went down.

Iran is not and will never be comparable to 91' Saddam's Iraq...
you can only with using nukes as i mentioned in a post on this thread. thats the answer for you " invading Iran and toppling the regime is easy." and that what will happen in a total war.

“The entire active duty U.S. Army and Marine Corps today totals a bit over 600,000 troops. That is not enough men to invade Iran. Even if you mobilized the entire National Guard and Reserves, you would not feel comfortable invading Iran with a force that size,” he said, adding that it’s hard to speculate about casualties and costs. What would be needed for sure, though, is a draft.

usa cant win the war with air strikes and cruismissiles. they need to invade Iran and for. and for invading Iran there is not enough troops. the total american troops in iraq on it peak was 140.000 and the war had cost 7trillion dollars. and nearly bankcrupted the usa. what do you think a war with Iran will cost? iraq has a population of around 25mio and Iran 80mio. and Iran is 4 times bigger than iraq and has areas with mountains and forest and it's not flat like iraq.

if america would use nukes in a total war against Iran it will only be under trump.
no other president would even dare attacking Iran cause they have to answer the citizens how come that the total u.s. fleet is under water and 20000 american service men died. since trump doesn't care about u.s. citizens and is an idiot the scenario of war is more likely than under any other president, who uses their brain.
but lets assume biden attacks Iran the war will be only 2-3 weeks not more. when the oil price goes above 100$ per barrel what do you think other countries will do. the economical situation is bad and thats worldwide. with an oil price that high states will get bankcrupt. and i am not talking about african or latin american states i am talking about european states. the unrests in america are still there people fighting nearly every night with the police what do you think when the usa loses 20000 service men and the 10-20 mio. lose their jobs.
in the time we live in it's not only about weapons but 1000 other factors fighting a war.

Iran no need to print money. IRGC is one the biggest bitcoin miner in the world. if i remember it right it was estemated that Iran is 3th or 4th biggest miner in the world. so no need for cash.

What were oil prices in 2007 ? hydrocarbons are less valuable than once they were. If you sink a US Navy fleet be prepared for total war. There is no other way I can put it. We lost 10 million jobs since the coronavirus. We may be hurting. It does not diminish our capacity to wage war. With oil revenues the Iranian state will disintegrate rapidly. You are assuming all the non-Persian ethnic groups stay put within Iran. Whether it is Balochs, Kurds, Arabs, Azeris Iran will face a potential breakup

the truth is that USA has had ample provocations to attack Iran in the past. We have refrained from military action ( Qasem Soleimani was an exception to the rule. blame that on trump). We have chosen the diplomatic and economic route to deal with the mullahs in Tehran.

Honestly my personal preference is for the deal under Obama. I am not sure why Trump keeps pulling this stuff on Iran
What were oil prices in 2007 ? hydrocarbons are less valuable than once they were. If you sink a US Navy fleet be prepared for total war. There is no other way I can put it. We lost 10 million jobs since the coronavirus. We may be hurting. It does not diminish our capacity to wage war. With oil revenues the Iranian state will disintegrate rapidly. You are assuming all the non-Persian ethnic groups stay put within Iran. Whether it is Balochs, Kurds, Arabs, Azeris Iran will face a potential breakup

the truth is that USA has had ample provocations to attack Iran in the past. We have refrained from military action ( Qasem Soleimani was an exception to the rule. blame that on trump). We have chosen the diplomatic and economic route to deal with the mullahs in Tehran.

Honestly my personal preference is for the deal under Obama. I am not sure why Trump keeps pulling this stuff on Iran

It's not the capacity to wage war that's the issue here Nahtanbob, it's the rationale behind it in face of reality.

A war with Iran will not work out the way many think it will, it just wont. The tactics that will be employed, the weapons, the geo-strategic implications: all of it is something that America has not faced in the past. Such incredibly accurate weapons that Iran possess in the thousands upon thousands will be the deciding factor in this conflict.

We are dealing with a nation with the means to inflict costly damage to vital U.S. civilian, and military interests in the region. This threat isn't easily defeat-able either mind you. Iran's topography/environment gives them the overwhelming edge in weathering an American onslaught. Meaning they can reliably fight on for quite some time.

idk, I'm just repeating myself here. @Philosopher and other well-versed members on PDF have gone into extensive detail about how Iran will conduct a war against the U.S. The evidence is not looking good for America, that's what I'm really trying to get at.
We lost 10 million jobs since the coronavirus. We may be hurting
ya and we saw what happend. do you really think all the urest in the usa is cause of poor black men got killed by the police this happend a million times in america. no george floyd was only the trigger. the people who went out to protest had their anger coming from something else.

Whether it is Balochs, Kurds, Arabs, Azeris Iran will face a potential breakup

why caue 1% of them want to break up. do you really think that you can break up parts of Iran without sending boots on the ground? and nearly all military personal in pentagon saying that america can't invade Iran and thats a fact. it's funny you don't even listen what your military is saying. maybe you know something they don't.

If you sink a US Navy fleet be prepared for total war.

you talk all the time about a total war. what is the scenario of a total war in you opinion. america is comnig bombing and Iran is not prepared and just sitting and let them do. tell me the scenario. all high ranking military personal in Iran said that Iran militry strategy is for a total war with the usa and its allies in the region.

What were oil prices in 2007

the world economical situation in 2007 was totaly differnt than now. even without corona the economy would crash within the next 2 years. corona only made it faster.
and the world is not only america maybe america has own oil in case the oil price goes to the roof they can use their own oil, but europe and china doesn't. i think you don't understand that the word is connected due the globalization that took place the last 20years. yes germans say if someone farts somewhere it will effect others. thats how the world is now.
They have oil and are not white!

Persians and (most) Iranians are actually white. We come from the Indo-European tribes, the same tribes that Germanic tribes would later come from to form Europe.

The term “Aryan” was actually used long ago to describe the dominant strong races from the Indo-European lineage. It was than taken by the Germans who used it to preach a master race and ultimate genetics. Which Aryan has nothing to do with. Aryans simply were one of the strongest races of the Indo-European that came and settled in what would become the Middle East alongside modern day “Indians”(India).
Persians and (most) Iranians are actually white. We come from the Indo-European tribes, the same tribes that Germanic tribes would later come from to form Europe.

The term “Aryan” was actually used long ago to describe the dominant strong races from the Indo-European lineage. It was than taken by the Germans who used it to preach a master race and ultimate genetics. Which Aryan has nothing to do with. Aryans simply were one of the strongest races of the Indo-European that came and settled in what would become the Middle East alongside modern day “Indians”(India).
The mzungus perceive them as brown hence the hate when some of them visited iran their views change positively.
The mzungus perceive them as brown hence the hate when some of them visited iran their views change positively.
Who gives a fuk what the Ameritards or the Euro Trash think of Iranins.... the Aryans have considered themselves a whites for 7000 years.
Iranians should perhaps consider the Europeans as pink and not white....
I think that the most interesting thing about the upcoming us election and its potential effects on an ever more polarised us society will be:
What if trump clearly loses but simply refuses to accept the results of the election?
Are there enough checks and balances built into the us system to account for and successfully deal with a situation like this ie an unelected despot trying to hold on to power illegally.
I guess we shall see.
But I personally think that america has never looked so isolated internationally nor so weak and disunited internally as it does now under trump.
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