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President Donald Trump dropped a rare F-bomb in an interview with Rush Limbaugh about Iran

if trump get elected, then he will show his real intetion and his real politic towards Iran.
of course it will be much easier for him to escalate the situation. people think that he is acting like a idiot but he really is. he is a narcissit a lyer and cruel. that was leaked from his sister maryanne and i think it was his niece wrote a book with the title " hoe my family created the worlds most dangerous man".
i hope he will lose cause he might do something stupid with Iran. and his neocon advisers will encourage him, if he have this idea to attack or so.
Iran is ready for this kind of scenario, but war is shit.
Since every one is making a perdiction on Trump here is mine (I called his win last time)

1-Trump will lose
2-Trump will either go to jail or be killed for gen Sulaimani murder.
3- US will enter a long lasting civil unrest and armed low grade insurgency.
4-real state prices in Canada will hit the roof because of all Americans wanting to startover in Canada.

The jump from #1->#2 is crazy lol. @Get Ya Wig Split @nahtanbob @Hamartia Antidote you guys looking at real estate in Canada?
The other day mad Mike sanctioned already sanctioned Iranian banks again idk for zillion times .. I think they've gone out of items to sanction therefore they are starting over from square one ... but the other explanation is as you said being pissed off, how many times you wanna repeat a mistake over & over hoping for it bearing fruit for you? all their plans have backfired and their craziness now has reached to the core of this rotten state ...

If Iran wanted to give him what he wants then why all these hardships and sanctions? the point is we don't want to give him what he want be it negotiation or war ... it's exactly what they seek which is the sole reason behind all their efforts .. talks to break Iran or war to destroy Iran ... your scenario just destroys Iran as well as americans presence and assets in the region and if Iran get destroyed whom is gonna punish these beast for their crimes? Iran must remain and get stronger good people should not die ... we've come a long way not wise to waste it over an idiot which is just a vitrine ... and where are level-headed American leader right now that we should go all this way to see them rise up?
What do you mean no negotiation or war? If the US wanted war they could right now assassinate Zarif or Khamenei inside Tehran and force Iran to retaliate... creating a war. They could do this on paper and the reason they are able to do that is because the country has no effective deterrence. I fear the next IR target for the Americans won't be inside Iraq or Afghanistan but inside Iran itself. Then what ?

What have these IR guys been doing in the past few years in terms of creating a useful deterrence. ?
if trump get elected, then he will show his real intetion and his real politic towards Iran.
of course it will be much easier for him to escalate the situation. people think that he is acting like a idiot but he really is. he is a narcissit a lyer and cruel. that was leaked from his sister maryanne and i think it was his niece wrote a book with the title " hoe my family created the worlds most dangerous man".
i hope he will lose cause he might do something stupid with Iran. and his neocon advisers will encourage him, if he have this idea to attack or so.
Iran is ready for this kind of scenario, but war is shit.
There is a huge chance of a skirmish or large scale war if Trump wins his second term. I am not afraid of the war, i mean this is something we are preparing since the war with Iraq ended in 1988. I am just afraid of the incompetence of the chain of command of Iran. If America suffers huge losses in the opening phase of the war it will have huge psychological effects at home and shatter the image of ''American invincibility'' creating favorable situation for Iran and possible cease-fire. This situation will be profitable for Iran in the long term.

If the chain of command of Iran collapses with a few airstrikes here and there or just with a breaking news headline on the tv then the US will bully Iran around for decades to come until Iran simply submits.
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The jump from #1->#2 is crazy lol. @Get Ya Wig Split @nahtanbob @Hamartia Antidote you guys looking at real estate in Canada?

#2 and #3 aren't going to happen.

The only people who think #3 is going to happen are those who grew up in fragile societies.
Detroit in the late 60's was Detroit...not the entire country.

You think people in Hawaii are fleeing to Canada? A lot of places in the US are just lHawaii...pretty far removed from the troublesome areas.
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His plan was to destroy the Obama era deal (out of spite for Obama) and then make a new deal with his name on it. When he failed, he started putting sanctions on Iran thinking this would bring Iran to the table but clearly he has found the hard way this does not work against Iran. If he had any sanity, he would have learned from history that such pressures would not yield much against Iran.

This guy is basically the word "failure" embodied as a "human" being.
this Idiot called Trump keeps costing America more than America could afford- he told Americans his killing of Soleimani(illegal by law, again) was the right and smart thing....well now that US troops have to exit fully from Iraq by next year, Trump has given Iran its wishes it could never get other wise- US troops out of IRaq, and US infleunce in Iraq capped....is this a SMART REWARD for an invasion that cost us US tax payers at least $2 trillion and lost lives and health????? this man is dumb dumb dumb. stupidity has a price, fyi.
If America suffers huge losses in the opening phase of the war

with the current american goverment they would use tactical nukes to safe their face, if they get heavy loses.
this ministers that trump have around him are also delusional. some neocons sitting in the white house and they have all they need to start a massiv war: a dumb president. and we should also think about the zionist, who never had this much influence in the american foreign policy like they have now under trump.
if trump feels threaten in any case it could be the national problems or economical once etc. the scenario of a war gets more real.
so that means for Iran, if we get attackt and retaliate with all we have i am pretty sure we will have nukes over our heads.
this Idiot called Trump keeps costing America more than America could afford- he told Americans his killing of Soleimani(illegal by law, again) was the right and smart thing....well now that US troops have to exit fully from Iraq by next year, Trump has given Iran its wishes it could never get other wise- US troops out of IRaq, and US infleunce in Iraq capped....is this a SMART REWARD for an invasion that cost us US tax payers at least $2 trillion and lost lives and health????? this man is dumb dumb dumb. stupidity has a price, fyi.

His ship is sinking and all the rats are starting to flee. He has done more to damage to the US in the past 4 years than any of their adversaries could have. This guy could not even protect his own white house and many of his staff are infected. He single-handedly almost wiped out his own administration. This clown show in the past 4 years just highlights the importance of controlling "democracy" otherwise you can see the type of demagogues that can creep through and the damage (in many cases irreversible) they cause. Lets see what a Biden presidency looks like.
obama and his team used to call the john bolton an extremist. now our bomb bomb Iran dude writes books about how stupid is trump. i'm not saying more lol.
If the US wanted war they could right now assassinate Zarif or Khamenei inside Tehran and force Iran to retaliate... creating a war. They could do this on paper and the reason they are able to do that is because the country has no effective deterrence.

The idea that Iran "has no effective deterrence" is pretty quirky. If this were true, Washington wouldn't bother with time-consuming complicated schemes like the one described above, it'd simply invade Iran like it invaded Iraq and be done with it.

@PeeD I do not wish to steal your time, but what is your take on this statement (see above) that "Iran has no effective deterrence" because of the IR leadership's failure. And that therefore, the US regime "could right now assassinate Zarif or Khamenei inside Tehran and force Iran to retaliate", leading to US strikes which would then cause Iran's "incompetent chain of command" to "collapse", after which Washington would proceed to "bully around Iran for decades to come" until Iran "simply submits" (a pretty convoluted strategy to be honest)?
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The idea that Iran "has no effective deterrence" is pretty quirky. If this were the case, Washington wouldn't resort to time-consuming complicated schemes like the one described above, it'd simply invade Iran like it invaded Iraq and be done with it.

@PeeD I do not wish to steal your time, but what is your take on this statement (see above) that "Iran has no effective deterrence" because of the IR leadership's failure. And that therefore, the US regime "could right now assassinate Zarif or Khamenei inside Tehran and force Iran to retaliate", leading to US strikes which would then cause Iran's "incompetent chain of command" to "collapse", after which Washington would proceed to "bully around Iran for decades to come" until Iran "simply submits" (a pretty convoluted strategy to be honest)?

invading Iran and toppling the regime is easy. What cames next is unpredicatble ? Look no further than Iraq
invading Iran and toppling the regime is easy. What cames next is unpredicatble ? Look no further than Iraq

Invading Iran isn't an easy task by any means, even for the US. Iran has established effective asymmetric area denial deterrence, specifically tailored to make any semblance of an Iraq-type invasion overly cost-prohibitive for Washington.

I'm afraid I've no time to elaborate right now, but replies from more knoweldgeable users might follow soon. I suggest you read those.
invading Iran and toppling the regime is easy. What cames next is unpredicatble ? Look no further than Iraq
Time for some educating.

This is what America's airforce looked like during desert storm, parked right next to Iraq:


Saddam had no access denial capability. He could do nothing about these vast, many months long buildup of USA and her allies right on his door step. In a potential conflict with Iran, every single one of these airbases will look like this x100



The above attack on US airbase in Iraq by Iran was a pre-warned deliberately limited attack as a warning to the US. And this is a capability that Saddam could only dream about.

When it comes to Iran and Iraq, the only similarity is the first 3 letters of their English name. After that, everything changes, greatly. Anyone that actually believes a war with Iran will be qualitatively and quantitatively similar to Iraq, either:

1) Generally knows little about warfare
2) Specifically knows very little about Iran's capability and its war waging methodology.

Point 2) is very common and should not surprise people that many fall in that category. If I had not been following Iran's military development/doctrine for the past decade, I would have also fallen into it. Why? because it's easy to see conflicts only in terms of conventional might. I.e Nations A and B are fighting in a vacuum, if nation B has less advanced fighter jets than A, then it will be lose. In the real world however, conflicts are not dictated by such factors alone. They're not some conventional battle in a vacuum. A country like Iran will not fight the US in the same way Iran fought Iraq, or how Iraq fought the US, only fools would fight the enemy in a domain they're strongest if they can avoid it.

I advise people to look into Iran's Mosaic defence doctrine to get a general idea of what I am talking about.

Now some other points to note, the US was not alone and had an entire coalition of nations with it and Iraq's landscape is completely different to Iran. War is all about: Who you are fighting, why, where and how. The "where" is extremely important, when one is considering an actual invasion. Iran's terrain is even more unforgiving than Afghanistan. Moreover, the US, will neither have the build up opportunity like it did against Iraq given how vulnerable you are to Iranian systems, nor will you have the coalition. Frankly, I do not think there is any American defence official that would consider an actual ground invasion of Iran as anything except something they would experience in a nightmare. America lacks the military, economical and social mettle to ever invade Iran. At most you would see a short term air attack, however in reality, the only war the Americans can and are willing to wage against Iran is economical warfare.

I'll leave you with this Israeli (ex) head of intelligence agency and a former military official with regards to the American shortcomings relating to a potential invasion of Iran.

Time for some educating.

This is what America's airforce looked like during desert storm, parked right next to Iraq:


Saddam had no access denial capability. He could do nothing about these vast, many months long buildup of USA and her allies right on his door step. In a potential conflict with Iran, every single one of these airbases will look like this x100

View attachment 678539


The above attack on US airbase in Iraq by Iran was a pre-warned deliberately limited attack as a warning to the US. And this is a capability that Saddam could only dream about.

When it comes to Iran and Iraq, the only similarity is the first 3 letters of their English name. After that, everything changes, greatly. Anyone that actually believes a war with Iran will be qualitatively and quantitatively similar to Iraq, either:

1) Generally knows little about warfare
2) Specifically knows very little about Iran's capability and its war waging methodology.

Point 2) is very common and should not surprise people that many fall in that category. If I had not been following Iran's military development/doctrine for the past decade, I would have also fallen into it. Why? because it's easy to see conflicts only in terms of conventional might. I.e Nations A and B are fighting in a vacuum, if nation B has less advanced fighter jets than A, then it will be lose. In the real world however, conflicts are not dictated by such factors alone. They're not some conventional battle in a vacuum. A country like Iran will not fight the US in the same way Iran fought Iraq, or how Iraq fought the US, only fools would fight the enemy in a domain they're strongest if they can avoid it.

I advise people to look into Iran's Mosaic defence doctrine to get a general idea of what I am talking about.

Now some other points to note, the US was not alone and had an entire coalition of nations with it and Iraq's landscape is completely different to Iran. War is all about: Who you are fighting, why, where and how. The "where" is extremely important, when one is considering an actual invasion. Iran's terrain is even more unforgiving than Afghanistan. Moreover, the US, will neither have the build up opportunity like it did against Iraq given how vulnerable you are to Iranian systems, nor will you have the coalition. Frankly, I do not think there is any American defence official that would consider an actual ground invasion of Iran as anything except something they would experience in a nightmare. America lacks the military, economical and social mettle to ever invade Iran. At most you would see a short term air attack, however in reality, the only war the Americans can and are willing to wage against Iran is economical warfare.

I'll leave you with this Israeli (ex) head of intelligence agency and a former military official with regards to the American shortcomings relating to a potential invasion of Iran.

if there is a war against Iran it will be a total war that is to destroy the regime.

Step one - secure hydrocarbon producing facilities so that Iranian regime does not make any money

Step two - military assault on Tehran

The big unknowns are
how much of the Iranian civilian populace decide to fight for the Iranian government ?

how much the ethnic differences playout ?
if there is a war against Iran it will be a total war that is to destroy the regime.

Apparently you did not bother to read my comment to you, if you had you would have realised how this notion of a "total war" fantasy you have was debunked.

Step one - secure hydrocarbon producing facilities so that Iranian regime does not make any money

Secure how?

Step two - military assault on Tehran

See my first reply.

how much of the Iranian civilian populace decide to fight for the Iranian government ?

Your lack of understanding of Iranian population and their fierce nationalism is apparent.

how much the ethnic differences playout ?

There only thing that will matter to Iranians is spilling American blood. No such thing as "ethnic differences". Iran is an original civilisation, not some artificial state. These groups in Iran, Persians, Kurds, Lurs, Azeris etc are all what you call Iranic. Once again, your inability to see the nuances and big differences between these different nations is leading to these superficial and out of touch comments you're making.
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