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Premier quits after landslide KMT defeat


Jan 27, 2010
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THEIRS TO LOSE: Premier Jiang Yi-huah said the party’s crushing loss reflected public unhappiness with government policies, but Ma still vowed that the KMT will rise again

Premier Jiang Yi-huah (江宜樺) stepped down yesterday after the Chinese Nationalist Party’s (KMT) larger-than-expected defeat in yesterday’s nine-in-one elections dealt a stiff blow to President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), who has staked his reputation on fostering closer ties with Beijing.

Jiang announced his resignation last night to take responsibility for the KMT’s loss of key posts. The party lost the Taipei mayorship it has held for 16 years its candidate, Sean Lien (連勝文), was beaten by independent Ko Wen-je (柯文哲), who was backed by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).
The DPP also wrested control of Greater Taichung and Taoyuan from the KMT.

Jiang told a press briefing that Ma has accepted his resignation and would soon announce his replacement, as well as other new members of the Cabinet.

“Today’s election results show that the people are dissatisfied with the administration’s policies,” Jiang said. “The people have spoken clearly through their votes. I have decided to assume political responsibility.”

Later yesterday, Ma, who is also KMT chairman, bowed to apologize for the results and vowed reforms.

“I apologize to all [KMT] supporters for disappointing them. I have approved Premier Jiang’s resignation. At this moment, my responsibility is to put forward proposals to respond to people’s demands,” Ma told a press conference at 9pm.

However, Ma said the KMT would not be knocked down easily.

“It’s time to wipe away our tears and get back on our feet to continue to fight for Taiwan and for the Republic of China,” Ma said. “We have no reason to be pessimistic. What we should do now is think about how to advance reform. The party will continue to move the country forward and open it up.”
Before Ma arrived at the KMT’s headquarters in Taipei at 8pm, several party members gathered outside the building to demand that he resign as chairman.

Among the protesting KMT members was Sung Hung-lieh (宋宏烈), the son of Sung Shih-hsuan (宋時選), a late KMT heavyweight who was part of former president Chiang Ching-kuo’s (蔣經國) staff. Sung Hung-lieh said that Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng (王金平) should take over the party chairmanship.

The unprecedented defeat will make it hard for the KMT to hold onto the presidency in 2016 and the heavy losses point to an electorate that is turning increasingly against Ma’s forging of closer ties with China, political observers said.

Beijing refrained from giving an opinion about the results, saying only that it hopes peaceful bilateral relations will be sustained.

“We have taken note of the election results. It is hoped that compatriots on both sides of the [Taiwan] Strait will cherish the hard-earned fruits of cross-strait relations and work together to safeguard and continue to push forward the peaceful development of cross-strait ties,” China’s Taiwan Affairs Office spokesman Ma Xiaoguang (馬曉光) said yesterday.

Additional reporting by CNA

Premier quits after landslide KMT defeat - Taipei Times
Did KMT loose because of being pro china.

KMT lost is because of their own stupidity. We hope KMT to be a strong political party with a clear and bold plan as CCP and what they before.

Between DPP and KMT, it's like choosing between idiot vs another idiot.

If DPP want a success, they must Pro-China too, as most, if not all DPP members are doing business and have a close relationship to the mainland too.

Everyone is losing hope for Taiwan. People don't care anymore.

Mainland China GDP per capita will surpass Taiwan, many people say, this is a good thing.

Many Taiwanese will move and work in Mainland rather than stay in Taiwan.

May be Taiwan is fixable.

But no one hope for it anymore.

A failure Taiwan is a good thing for the whole Chinese people worldwide.
KMT lost is because of their own stupidity. We hope KMT to be a strong political party with a clear and bold plan as CCP and what they before.

Between DPP and KMT, it's like choosing between idiot vs another idiot.

If DPP want a success, they must Pro-China too, as most, if not all DPP members are doing business and have a close relationship to the mainland too.

Everyone is losing hope for Taiwan. People don't care anymore.

Mainland China GDP per capita will surpass Taiwan, many people say, this is a good thing.

Many Taiwanese will move and work in Mainland rather than stay in Taiwan.

May be Taiwan is fixable.

A failure Taiwan is a good thing for the whole Chinese people worldwide.

Taiwan can only depend on Mainland more and more as time passes. Which party runs the show on that island isn't that important, i'm just curious whether DPP has any guts to push for independence knowing the difference in military power between Mainland and the puny army of theirs.
Taiwan can only depend on Mainland more and more as time passes. Which party runs the show on that island isn't that important, i'm just curious whether DPP has any guts to push for independence knowing the difference in military power between Mainland and the puny army of theirs.
Taiwan can only depend on Mainland more and more as time passes. Which party runs the show on that island isn't that important, i'm just curious whether DPP has any guts to push for independence knowing the difference in military power between Mainland and the puny army of theirs.

Taiwanese Politics will sure get intresting
KMT lost is because of their own stupidity. We hope KMT to be a strong political party with a clear and bold plan as CCP and what they before.

Between DPP and KMT, it's like choosing between idiot vs another idiot.

If DPP want a success, they must Pro-China too, as most, if not all DPP members are doing business and have a close relationship to the mainland too.

Everyone is losing hope for Taiwan. People don't care anymore.

Mainland China GDP per capita will surpass Taiwan, many people say, this is a good thing.

Many Taiwanese will move and work in Mainland rather than stay in Taiwan.

May be Taiwan is fixable.

But no one hope for it anymore.

A failure Taiwan is a good thing for the whole Chinese people worldwide.

KMT should act like a Chinese political party first than a US lapdog.

You know that many Chinese Mainlanders still have good feeling about KMT and give them the credit during the anti-Japanese war campaign, but now it seems that KMT is willing to spend this credit freely, and don't give a sh1t about the feeling of the Mainlanders and China's national interests.

Many Mainlanders are now getting pissed by KMT, and it turns them to be even more supportive for CPC than ever.

Since 1949, KMT has lost its support to CPC. Then CPC made some mistakes during its governance, some people were disappointed and started to miss KMT. But now, KMT has lost its support again, so people are shifting again for CPC.

KMT seems never being able to learn their mistakes.
Taiwan can only depend on Mainland more and more as time passes. Which party runs the show on that island isn't that important, i'm just curious whether DPP has any guts to push for independence knowing the difference in military power between Mainland and the puny army of theirs.

Considering the stupid junta government from the western Ukraine, i won't exclude that possibility.
Perhaps they expect the US will send an AC again just like the last time.

The US has already done that back in 1996, but China didn't get intimidated, and the referendum proposed by that traitor Lee Teng-hui has been turned out into a failure.

So today's China is more than 10 times stronger than the China from 1996.

So no, some mere AC battlegroups cannot intimidate us.
You mean to say Chinese percapita which is close to 7000 $ will supass Taiwan's per capita of 22000 dollars and people of Taiwan will work in China??

A highly unrealistic view !!

KMT lost is because of their own stupidity. We hope KMT to be a strong political party with a clear and bold plan as CCP and what they before.

Between DPP and KMT, it's like choosing between idiot vs another idiot.

If DPP want a success, they must Pro-China too, as most, if not all DPP members are doing business and have a close relationship to the mainland too.

Everyone is losing hope for Taiwan. People don't care anymore.

Mainland China GDP per capita will surpass Taiwan, many people say, this is a good thing.

Many Taiwanese will move and work in Mainland rather than stay in Taiwan.

May be Taiwan is fixable.

But no one hope for it anymore.

A failure Taiwan is a good thing for the whole Chinese people worldwide.
You mean to say Chinese percapita which is close to 7000 $ will supass Taiwan's per capita of 22000 dollars and people of Taiwan will work in China??

A highly unrealistic view !!

Taiwan is a peanut compared to China, so it is easier to achieve the higher GDP per capita because of the much smaller scale.

But I am telling that KMT is always jealous about CPC.

For KMT, they too would rather rule over a Mainland China with $7000 per capita than a tiny Taiwan with $22000 per capita.

Don't forget that KMT has brought all the money and gold from the Mainland China to Taiwan after their defeat to CPC.

The high living standard of Taiwan was in fact mostly built upon the blood and sweat of the Mainland Chinese.
The US has already done that back in 1996, but China didn't get intimidated, and the referendum proposed by that traitor Lee Teng-hui has been turned out into a failure.

So today's China is more than 10 times stronger than the China from 1996.

So no, some mere AC battlegroups cannot intimidate us.
Yes, China won't be intimidated. Guess we need to have patience if DPP isn't gonna strive for independence after coming into power. This unfinished war must be resumed at some point even if Taiwan remains "passive" about it.
You mean to say Chinese percapita which is close to 7000 $ will supass Taiwan's per capita of 22000 dollars and people of Taiwan will work in China??

A highly unrealistic view !!

Also, the livelihood in Taiwan is expense to that of the Mainland China.

In the Mainland China, you can enjoy the same living standard with the much less expensive cost.

And many first tie cities in China in fact has now gotten close to the GDP per capita in Taiwan.

In my hometown Shanghai, there are more than million of Taiwanese who permanently live there.

So more Taiwanese are coming to live in the Mainland China than vice versa.
Yes, China won't be intimidated. Guess we need to have patience if DPP isn't gonna strive for independence after coming into power. This unfinished war must be resumed at some point even if Taiwan remains "passive" about it.

Back in 1996, China was ready to handle the worst consequence, even a nuclear war.

You can't simply dream that your enemy would show you the mercy and leave you alone. This the law of the jungle, if you concede, then your enemy would march forward. This time they are trying to split Taiwan, then the next time it would Xinjiang and Tibet.

When acting nice to your enemies, they will only see you as stupid and naive, and no way they would appreciate.

When prepare to handle the worst consequence, you won't get afraid anymore and the enemy will get intimidated, and the peaceful unification will not be a dream anymore.

Yeah, so China is acting tough for a peaceful unification, because this is how the law of the jungle works, and acting nicely won't reward you with the appreciation.
Look around the world, all democratic societies have one thing in common: everyone blames someone else for their own failures. If the entire country is not doing well, what do they do? Blame the party in power. Then elect a different party. Of course the new party in power has and will continue to make promises. Only a few years later the same fate will happen to them, to their country. It's like opium, you have keep taking it to keep yourself high:coffee:
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