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Speaking of independence movements and Taiwan, are you familiar with the band Chthonic? Many of their songs such as The Progeny of Rmdax Tasing are about Taiwanese history, independence and contributions during war time.

One of my favorite bands and I for one have no shame in saying that I support Taiwanese independence... so long as peace can be maintained with China as well.

Never heard of this before, but listening to it now, Nice! ;)
One of my favorite bands and I for one have no shame in saying that I support Taiwanese independence... so long as peace can be maintained with China as well.

What a shame!
The only way to establish an independent Taiwan State in peace is for countries like Japan or USA or even India or any counry which supports their independence, to give a chunk of land to the Taiwanese and let them settle and to raise their flag there. :cheesy:
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@SvenSvensonov ,

There is a saying: ヤブ を つついて 蛇 を 出す

If one pokes a push, a snake may come out...

And thus the reason to maintain peace. Both China or Taiwan can be the "bush" and both have a lot of firepower too, they can become the "snake". Neither should unnecessarily agitate the other, but both are ready for conflict if one is inevitable. Taiwan bases its entire defense strategy, from placement to procurement, on the Chinese threat. They are more then capable of putting up on heck of a defense of their islands. Like some of the Eastern European nations such as Latvia, who's defense strategy is geared towards the Russians, so to can Taiwan prove to be an effective adversary for China, even though Taiwan is much smaller.
Forget about Japan, only the US and China are the main players.

But the US won't shed a single drop of blood for Taiwan, and those war chickens can keep fooling their base population about how weak China is, but the decision groups still won't gamble their own life plus that of the 300 million Americans at stake.

The Taiwanese are just pawns for the Japanese and USA
No one is going to fight for Independence of Taiwan apart from some despicable and hideous Japanese warmongering right-wings:cheesy:

Youth will not fight for Taiwan: poll - Taipei Times
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And thus the reason to maintain peace. Both China or Taiwan can be the "bush" and both have a lot of firepower too, they can become the "snake". Neither should unnecessarily agitate the other, but both are ready for conflict if one is inevitable. Taiwan bases its entire defense strategy, from placement to procurement, on the Chinese threat. They are more then capable of putting up on heck of a defense of their islands. Like some of the Eastern European nations such as Latvia, who's defense strategy is geared towards the Russians, so to can Taiwan prove to be an effective adversary for China, even though Taiwan is much smaller.

The best strategy for the leaders of Taiwan is to let time pass. I believe in time, the yearning for national consolidation will come to pass and the will of Taiwanese majority will be observed. Whether it is to declare independence, reunify with China or ....


Taiwan Premier Jiang Yi-huah Resigns After Landslide Election Defeat


Ruling Nationalist Party Clinches Just Six Seats Out of 22 in Local Elections
Taiwan's Premier Jiang Yi-huah, said he would step down after his ruling Nationalist Party was strongly defeated in local island-wide elections on Saturday. AP Photo. ASSOCIATED PRESS
Speaking of independence movements and Taiwan, are you familiar with the band Chthonic? Many of their songs such as The Progeny of Rmdax Tasing are about Taiwanese history, independence and contributions during war time.

One of my favorite bands and I for one have no shame in saying that I support Taiwanese independence... so long as peace can be maintained with China as well.

Yes I have heard of this type of "VOMIT' music band. But Vomit music is not my type.

There are far far far more talented Taiwanese singers and bands that are singing along with mainland China.

If this Chthonic band more sense they could make it big on the China stage. Who but a small specialize audience listens to this type of music ? Who in US would listen to them. US already have their own Vomit music bands. Once this vomit music fades away. This band will die.

As for Taiwan independence....... if you follow Taiwan local politics, nobody talks about Taiwan independence anymore. Taiwan independence movement is dead. The issue is about how to work with China.
Yes I have heard of this type of "VOMIT' music band. But Vomit music is not my type.

There are far far far more talented Taiwanese singers and bands that are singing along with China.

If this Chthonic band more sense they could make it big on the China stage. Who but a small specialize audience listens to this type of music ? Who in US would listen to them. US already have their own Vomit music bands. Once this vomit music fades away. This band will die.

As for Taiwan independence....... if you follow Taiwan local politics, nobody talks about Taiwan independence anymore. Taiwan independence movement is dead. The issue is about how to work with China.

They are already big in China: Chthonic nominated for Chinese awards, Freddy Lim shocked - Taipei Times

CHTHONIC received 3 nominations for China's Mandarin Music Awards, making it the Taiwanese artist with most nominations.

Chthonic Announces Chinese Shows - in Metal News ( Metal Underground.com )
My prediction of DPP consolidation was correct. 2016 will be an exciting time for election season, definitely.

In fact, many Mainlanders are also supporting DPP to re-take the power.

Because they are waiting the DPP to make some stupid moves.

The ghost of the ROC-KMT should be dead long time ago.
In fact, many Mainlanders are also supporting DPP to re-take the power.

Because they are waiting the DPP to make some stupid moves.

The ghost of the ROC-KMT should be dead long time ago.

You really would support killing fellow Han Chinese in the event that a DPP-Led Taiwan declares independence?
You really would support killing fellow Han Chinese in the event that a DPP-Led Taiwan declares independence?

We do only concern about the safety of those pro-PRC Taiwanese.

And as for those pro-KMT/DPP supporters, it is not our concern, and if they are trying to get in our way, then sorry for them.
We do only concern about the safety of those pro-PRC Taiwanese.

And as for those pro-KMT/DPP supporters, it is not our concern, and if they are trying to get in our way, then sorry for them.




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