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Premier quits after landslide KMT defeat

I agree. National unification comes above anything else. US did not ensure national unification without bloodshed, either. I wish the political dispute is sorted out at the negotiation table with Taiwan relegating all sovereign rights to Beijing, but, when it comes to national sovereignty, be it if some eggs have to be cracked.

@TaiShang , what's the civilian opinion nowadays in Taiwan on the ground? Are more Taiwanese clamoring for reunification with China ? For independence? For 2 systems, 1 state ?
I think it should be Tsai Ing-wen, the same candidate back in 2012.

BTW, no matter who he/she really is, since both KMT and DPP all serve for the same corporate lobby.

Tsai is a good candidate, but I like 陳水扁, he seems to have the capability to get things done, including actually implementing policies that can help the economy.
Tsai is a good candidate, but I like 陳水扁, he seems to have the capability to get things done, including actually implementing policies that can help the economy.

Uh, it's such a shame that I have the same last name as that guy.

Plus last I heard was that he was in jail serving a long sentence.
@TaiShang , what's the civilian opinion nowadays in Taiwan on the ground? Are more Taiwanese clamoring for reunification with China ? For independence? For 2 systems, 1 state ?

Hard to tell, really. Obviously, more people favor the status quo as they fear that a dramatic change in the status quo will affect their livelihood negatively.

I can tell from experience only that the position toward national unification is determined by social status.

Indigenous Taiwanese are more pro-independence.

Descendants of the KMT migrants are warmer toward a negotiated solution, something in the line of a "one-country, two-systems." This, obviously, includes, PLA being responsible for TW's security and controlling TW's territorial waters.

The rich (business people) favor the status quo, adopting Ma's "Three No's".

Academia is very much politicized. Depending on the university, you may have different opinion.

The media is largely anti-China, so, they oppose unification and favor independence. They work hard to create a separate Taiwanese identity.
Tsai is a good candidate, but I like 陳水扁, he seems to have the capability to get things done, including actually implementing policies that can help the economy.

陈水扁 is just an opportunist and turncoat by nature.

And the only pro-Japan Taiwanese politician is 李登辉 (or 岩里政男 if you want to call him in such way), whereas the rest are just opportunists.

When facing against the mighty PLA, i bet that over 99% of them will become the deserters.
Uh, it's such a shame that I have the same last name as that guy.

Plus last I heard was that he was in jail serving a long sentence.

That's the thing that i always get confused ! Some people pronounce it as Chen, but i've got some Chinese friends who say its pronounced as Tan. So what is it really? Tan ? or Chen? :cheesy:
陈水扁 is just an opportunist and turncoat by nature.

And the only pro-Japan Taiwanese politician is 李登辉 (or 岩里政男 if you want to call him in such way), whereas the rest are just opportunists.

When facing against the mighty PLA, i bet that over 99% of them will be the deserters.

Let's not talk about conflict; as I do seriously doubt there will be a conflict. It won't happen; everyone has vested interests in Taiwan, be it China , Japan, USA, or what have you. And the lives of over 26 million Taiwanese are at stake and I've got some really good friends that live there so I don't want anything happening to them and their relatives.

I think what has to be done is to realize a Two Systems, 1 Country.

While I admire Tsai, she's an academic and a philosopher, she's good at speeches and conferences, but i doubt she has the capability to run a nation like Taiwan (a major economic power in East Asia, btw). I believe 陈水扁 should run again (then again, i don't know if there is a limit on terms in Taiwan).
Hard to tell, really. Obviously, more people favor the status quo as they fear that a dramatic change in the status quo will affect their livelihood negatively.

I can tell from experience only that the position toward national unification is determined by social status.

Indigenous Taiwanese are more pro-independence.

Descendants of the KMT migrants are warmer toward a negotiated solution, something in the line of a "one-country, two-systems." This, obviously, includes, PLA being responsible for TW's security and controlling TW's territorial waters.

The rich (business people) favor the status quo, adopting Ma's "Three No's".

Academia is very much politicized. Depending on the university, you may have different opinion.

The media is largely anti-China, so, they oppose unification and favor independence. They work hard to create a separate Taiwanese identity.

Those KMTers who favor the one country two systems have already been marginalized by the mainstream KMTers who have the more traditional anti-CPC mindset.

Both DPP and KMT (the majority) are anti-CPC.

When Xi Jinping has proposed the one country two systems solution, it has already rejected by the entire KMT party.

回應習近平 府:無法接受一國兩制 | 政治 | 新聞 | 風傳媒

CPC has already offered them a chance to redeem themselves, but they have rejected it.
China don't even needs military intervention in Taiwan. It just needs to ban all cross strait trade and nationalise all Taiwan company in mainland. Freeze Taiwanese bank account in mainland and u can imagine the consequence if they declare independence. Taiwan stock market will turn into zero dollar.

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