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Powerful Late Iranian General Qasem Soleimani and Pakistan

I am all for eliminating any and every kind of extremist from any background colour or religion, one that is open and one that's hidden.
I don't give a rats azz for Arabian or Persians period full stop! Problem is some only show up when its anti Iran or Anti Shia thread and conveniently Missing from All other posts. I usually read previous posts from member before knowing who is what..
Let me clarify an average citizens feeling on this whole Iran vs Saudi Arabia fiasco an average citizen off my country does not have a biased approach to this fiasco we only want the Saudis and Iranian to sort thier stupid rivalry out with talks but both the countries have extremists as their leaders so it's a lost cause
Yesterday it was Afghanistan
Yesterday it was Iraq (Economy destroyed)
Yesterday it was Libya (Economy destroyed)
Yesterday it was Syria (Economy destroyed)
Yesterday it was Yamen (Economy destroyed)
Egypt is neutralized by <Money>
  • Today there is talk of Iran
Tomorrow it could be Turkey or Pakistan (Coup already attempted in Turkey few years back)

A Muslim is a Muslim - the bullets which will be fired will kill a Muslim in end

People who feel comfort in temporary arrangement 5 years - 10 years - 15 years eventually will realize in grand scheme of things the attack was in Muslims

  • The war will not come to my home if I look the "Otherway"

I have a Universal approach to protect Muslim Rights and our own History

Weren't you the one bashing Indian Muslims few days back when some posters were raising voice for them?
  • I have a universal stance

I support the sovereignty of Muslims in their own land tomorrow the attack could happen on Pakistan the world will look the other way as they tend to do with Iran after that it could happen on Turkey
There is no Pakistan without Iran it is a strategic reality
nah mate don't be so emotional, same was once said about afghanistan? i just don't want every tom, dck and harry threatening us and have no consequences... we just need to seal and fortify our border with iran with US funds they ll be happy to do it... and let iran play their gamez in their playground..
It's my opinion

I have never enjoyed in the destruction of Afghanistan
I have never enjoyed in the destruction of Iraq
I have never enjoyed in the destruction of Libya
I have never enjoyed in the destruction of Syria
I have never enjoyed in the destruction of Yamen

People have their own right to make judgments

I personally do not find the attack on Iran and attack on it's people beneficial to Pakistan's national interest and in general for peace in whole region
  • I have a universal stance
I support the sovereignty of Muslims in their own land tomorrow the attack could happen on Pakistan
attack happened on Pakistan and Iran became another troll boy for us till we shut their bitch rundian a** down ....
I agree we lost to much on fighting for Afghans , Iranians , Saudi's and Arabs or Farsi's but that
Pakistan has never fought for Afghans Iranians Saudi Arabia or Iran or maybe no one knows about those secret wars except few PDF members
Search military history of Pakistan
Let me clarify an average citizens feeling on this whole Iran vs Saudi Arabia fiasco an average citizen off my country does not have a biased approach to this fiasco we only want the Saudis and Iranian to sort thier stupid rivalry out with talks but both the countries have extremists as their leaders so it's a lost cause

Average Citizen in all countries don't want extremist governing them including Arabia and Iran..
There is no Pakistan without Iran it is a strategic reality

I will be Israelis sitting in captured land in Iran on West and India in Kashmir
USA will send a Jewish general from their command have him based in Iran right next to gawadar

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