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even UNCLOS doesnt give right Islands to generate EEZ while Greece is not archipelagic state

so keep dreaming with trash Seville Map

and your other posts are full of trash as Greek dreams
I'll bang my head on the wall.


The only ones saying "No,no Greece is wrong" are the Turks!

You're giving invalid arguements and dumb excuses. Understand it and move on.
I'll bang my head on the wall.


The only ones saying "No,no Greece is wrong" are the Turks!

You're giving invalid arguements and dumb excuses. Understand it and move on.

Greece is not archipelagic state
Trash Greek claim which has no other example in the world

Read article 2 of UNCLOS , then come and dream with trash Seville Map which has no any value

RED : Greek style EEZ of Malta
GREEN : Real EEZ of Malta

USA-THE EU says Seville Map has no any value
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Greece is not archipelagic state
Trash Greek claim which has no other example in the world

Read article 2 of UNCLOS , then come and dream with trash Seville Map which has no any value

RED : Greek style EZZ of Malta
GREEN : Real EZZ of Malta
View attachment 893638

USA-THE EU says Seville Map has no any value
View attachment 893637
The same trash that you repeat constantly,has been refuted by @Akritas and others,even though you ignored it.

You should finally accept that it's Turkey against everyone's word. Try peaceful solutions instead of threatening others by talking all day about "Taifun" and "we will come one night,suddenly".
The same trash that you repeat constantly,has been refuted by @Akritas and others,even though you ignored it.

Its so clear by article 2 of UNCLOS

Greece is not archipelagic state
and trash Greek claim which has no other example in the world

You should finally accept that it's Turkey against everyone's word. Try peaceful solutions instead of threatening others by talking all day about "Taifun" and "we will come one night,suddenly".

Greece doesnt understand peaceful solutions
stop dreaming with trash Seville Map which has no any value

Greece never can steal anything from Turkiye ...
Seljuks and Ottomans stole EVERYTHING from Greeks. Never forget that.

Turks are in Anatolia at least 10.000 years

Seljuks-Ottomans took Anatolia - Istanbul from Eastern Roman Empire which was not Greek

In the 15th century, Europeans used to show the Trojans as the ancestors of the Turks. Knowing all these rumors, Fatih Sultan MEHMED Han said, "We avenged their bad behavior against us , from their grandchildren."

During the conquest of Lesbos in 1462, Fatih Sultan Mehmed Han came to the place where the remains of Troy were located in Çanakkale and examined the remains of the city and the location of Troy.

We defeated the enemies of this city and took our homeland. The Greeks, Macedonians, Thessalians and Morans had taken it. We have avenged their bad behavior against us Asians, even though many eras and years have passed, from their descendants.

Robert Schwoebel, Nancy Bisaha and Margaret Meserve explained in detail this connection established between Troy and the Turks in their research.

btw Greeks came to Greece and Anatolia from North Africa
Turks are in Anatolia at least 10.000 years

Seljuks-Ottomans took Anatolia - Istanbul from Eastern Roman Empire which was not Greek

In the 15th century, Europeans used to show the Trojans as the ancestors of the Turks. Knowing all these rumors, Fatih Sultan MEHMED Han said, "We avenged their bad behavior against us , from their grandchildren."

During the conquest of Lesbos in 1462, Fatih Sultan Mehmed Han came to the place where the remains of Troy were located in Çanakkale and examined the remains of the city and the location of Troy.

We defeated the enemies of this city and took our homeland. The Greeks, Macedonians, Thessalians and Morans had taken it. We have avenged their bad behavior against us Asians, even though many eras and years have passed, from their descendants.

Robert Schwoebel, Nancy Bisaha and Margaret Meserve explained in detail this connection established between Troy and the Turks in their research.

btw Greeks came to Greece and Anatolia from North Africa

@Akritas The Comedy Club has started again...
That's why I don't pay attention to him, after all 99% of what he writes is lies and misinformation.

Turks are in Anatolia at least 10.000 years

Robert Schwoebel, Nancy Bisaha and Margaret Meserve explained in detail this connection established between Troy and the Turks in their research.
Source....book, edition, editor, page????
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That's why I don't pay attention to him, after all 99% of what he writes is lies and misinformation.

All my posts are 100% true and source : international agreements

only daydreamer Greeks can claim trash Seville map which has no any value

stop terrorize my thread with your lies and Greek wet dreams

Source....book, edition, editor, page????

Not only Robert Schwoebel, Nancy Bisaha and Margaret Meserve
but also there is plenty of evidence supporting that Trojans were indeed Turks

Troy – motherland of the Turks

The Common Trojan Origin of Franks and Turks in the Chronicle of Fredegar

Turks and Trojans in the Renaissance

The Trojan Origins of the Turks and the Turkish Origins of the Trojans in the Medieval West

research by Thomas J. MacMaster from University of Edinburgh.

also The Trojan - Turkic kinship was mentioned later in Gesta Francorum of the 12th century.

Nicole Gilles considered the Turks to have descended from the Turcos of the Trojan origin.

Tyreli William, a 12th century historian, considered Turcos to have been the father of the Turks, who moved to the Scythian lands after the collapse of Troy.

also Andrea Dandalo, a 14th century historian, associated the Turks with Turcos of Troy, at the same time he considered them to have arrived once from the Caucasian mountains.

also Antoninus of Florence, Bracciolini, Poggio, Isidor, Ficcino and others shared the opinion of Trojan ancestry of the Turks.

also Sven Lagerbring Swedish historian claims that Trojans and Etruscans were Turkic tribals.The name etruscan which in latin means turci is very similar to turuk and tirki the turkic people

Turkic people were a group of tribes who migrated to Anatolia and Europe during 10.000 BC to 1000 A.D, from those one were Etruscans who migrated from Anatolia to italy and created the pre-roman and pre-greek civilization,

also Giovanni Mario Filelfo informs in his work ``Amyris`` that Mehmed the 2nd had relationship with Troy. He presented his victory over the Greeks as a triumph of justice. To him, with the conquest of Istanbul the Turks revenged the Greeks who had once occupied it (E.Afyoncu, Vengeanje for Troy, Istanbul, 2011).

Sultan Mehmed knew the history of Troy. It is not by chance that having visited the ruins of Troy he had bowed his head down and told. ``God kept me till this time as an ally of this city and its people. We gained a victory on the enemies of this city and got it back. We revenged the Greeks for their bad behaviour against us - Asians, although long time has passed since then (E.Afyoncu).

Sultan Mehmed, Turkish sultan, who was well-informed about Turkic origins of Troy, was right to consider the conquest of Istanbul as vengeance for Troy. Later in the 20th century Mustafa Kemal Ataturk considered his victory on foreign invaders as vengeance for Ektor, a Trojan hero, the son of the last Trojan king - Priam.

In fact these Turkish victories were not at all invasion, but liberation of old motherland and vengeance for Troy of which evidence the European sources of 7th-15th centuries.
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All my posts are 100% true and source : international agreements

only daydreamer Greeks can claim trash Seville map which has no any value

stop terrorize my thread with your lies and Greek wet dreams

Not only Robert Schwoebel, Nancy Bisaha and Margaret Meserve
but also there is plenty of evidence supporting that Trojans were indeed Turks

Troy – motherland of the Turks

The Common Trojan Origin of Franks and Turks in the Chronicle of Fredegar

Turks and Trojans in the Renaissance

The Trojan Origins of the Turks and the Turkish Origins of the Trojans in the Medieval West

research by Thomas J. MacMaster from University of Edinburgh.

also The Trojan - Turkic kinship was mentioned later in Gesta Francorum of the 12th century.

Nicole Gilles considered the Turks to have descended from the Turcos of the Trojan origin.

Tyreli William, a 12th century historian, considered Turcos to have been the father of the Turks, who moved to the Scythian lands after the collapse of Troy.

also Andrea Dandalo, a 14th century historian, associated the Turks with Turcos of Troy, at the same time he considered them to have arrived once from the Caucasian mountains.

also Antoninus of Florence, Bracciolini, Poggio, Isidor, Ficcino and others shared the opinion of Trojan ancestry of the Turks.

also Sven Lagerbring Swedish historian claims that Trojans and Etruscans were Turkic tribals.The name etruscan which in latin means turci is very similar to turuk and tirki the turkic people

Turkic people were a group of tribes who migrated to Anatolia and Europe during 10.000 BC to 1000 A.D, from those one were Etruscans who migrated from Anatolia to italy and created the pre-roman and pre-greek civilization,

also Giovanni Mario Filelfo informs in his work ``Amyris`` that Mehmed the 2nd had relationship with Troy. He presented his victory over the Greeks as a triumph of justice. To him, with the conquest of Istanbul the Turks revenged the Greeks who had once occupied it (E.Afyoncu, Vengeanje for Troy, Istanbul, 2011).

Sultan Mehmed knew the history of Troy. It is not by chance that having visited the ruins of Troy he had bowed his head down and told. ``God kept me till this time as an ally of this city and its people. We gained a victory on the enemies of this city and got it back. We revenged the Greeks for their bad behaviour against us - Asians, although long time has passed since then (E.Afyoncu).

Sultan Mehmed, Turkish sultan, who was well-informed about Turkic origins of Troy, was right to consider the conquest of Istanbul as vengeance for Troy. Later in the 20th century Mustafa Kemal Ataturk considered his victory on foreign invaders as vengeance for Ektor, a Trojan hero, the son of the last Trojan king - Priam.

In fact these Turkish victories were not at all invasion, but liberation of old motherland and vengeance for Troy of which evidence the European sources of 7th-15th centuries.

First of all, I asked you to bring me the sources.......and you, as usual, did not answer.
Second, you brought me other sources, like the one below, where you cannot understand the difference between MYTH and REALITY, as the title of the text makes clear, where, among other things, he mentions the myth of the origin of the...Franks from Troy.
Finally, you prove to me once again how poisoned you are by Erdogan's propaganda, where you cannot understand the basic concepts of a text.

All my posts are 100% true and source : international agreements

only daydreamer Greeks can claim trash Seville map which has no any value

stop terrorize my thread with your lies and Greek wet dreams
I just proved you in my last post,that you are lying your *** and international agreements don't even mention the trash you claim they do.

If you're not going to take criticisim for your lies and propaganda,don't open threads then? Nobody is terrorizing you. You're doing propaganda and people are simply replying to your fake news.

In fact these Turkish victories were not at all invasion, but liberation of old motherland and vengeance for Troy of which evidence the European sources of 7th-15th centuries.
By reading obscure and controversial authors and so-called historians,you're only believing fake news.

As for the supposed "evidence" by "European sources",there were a lot of misconceptions back then. Sometimes Byzantine chroniclers for example,mentioned all western europeans as "Franks" or "Celts" or called the Seljuks as "Persians" or others as "Turks". It depends on the source and the era of course.

Still,the bullshit that you're mentioning is beyond ridiculous and you're only discrediting yourself and the validity of your threads and posts on the forum by posting such nonsense.
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First of all, I asked you to bring me the sources.......and you, as usual, did not answer.
Second, you brought me other sources, like the one below, where you cannot understand the difference between MYTH and REALITY, as the title of the text makes clear, where, among other things, he mentions the myth of the origin of the...Franks from Troy.
Finally, you prove to me once again how poisoned you are by Erdogan's propaganda, where you cannot understand the basic concepts of a text.

Stop barking Erdogan , Erdogan , Erdogan
You liar Greeks have serious mental problem ,, its nothing to do with Erdogan

Fatih Sultan Mehmet Han was in Çanakkale during the conquest of Lesbos in 1462.

Ottoman Sultan Fatih Sultan Mehmet Han knew the history of Troy. It is not by chance that having visited the ruins of Troy he had bowed his head down and told. ``God kept me till this time as an ally of this city and its people. We gained a victory on the enemies of this city and got it back. We revenged the Greeks for their bad behaviour against us - Asians, although long time has passed since then

and İts not Myth but reality
dozens of European historians plenty of evidence supporting that Trojans were indeed Turks

Robert Schwoebel
Nancy Bisaha
Margaret Meserve
Nicole Gilles
Tyreli William
Andrea Dandalo
Antoninus of Florence,
Sven Lagerbring
Giovanni Mario Filelfo
Thomas J. MacMaster from University of Edinburgh

and many more ...
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I just proved you in my last post,that you are lying your *** and international agreements don't even mention the trash you claim they do.

Yes your source = your arse ..
liar Greeks .. even Erdogan , Cavuşoglu and Akar called your Micotakis and Dendias as liars

You Greeks terrorize all Turkish threads with your lies and anti-Turkiye propaganda

Liar Akritas and Foinikas says Turkish missiles are copy ....
and today I blocked your lies about Turkish missile projects on Turkish saction

jealous-useless Greeks can not develop even Anti-Tank missile

if you are so ignorant troll or liar .. its your problem

I am saying again read and learn reality

Treaty of London 1913

The Island of Crete was given to the Allied Powers (Greece, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Serbia) by Article 4 of the 1913 Treaty of London

According to the treaty, 4 states have shared ownership on the island of Crete. Greece does not have sole proprietorship on the island of Crete.

With the 1913 Treaty of London, a quarter of the island of Crete was given to Greece. Only a quarter of the island of Crete belongs to Greece. The 14 islands, islets and rocks around the island of Crete remained under the rule of the Ottoman Empire.

Treaty of Bucharest 1913

With the 1913 Treaty of Bucharest, Bulgaria renounced its right to a quarter on the Island of Crete

Since no waiver was made in favor of Greece, Bulgaria's one-fourth share of the island of Crete was restored. In other words, the aforementioned share returned to the Ottoman Empire

Treaty of Athens 1913

After the Treaty of Bucharest, the Treaty of Athens was signed between the Ottoman Empire and Greece on 14 November 1913

With this treaty, it was confirmed once again that one-fourth of the island of Crete belongs to Greece.

Treaty of Lausanne 1923

After the War of Independence was won by the Turks
The Treaty of Lausanne was signed on July 24, 1923 between Turkiye and England, France, Italy, Japan, Greece, Romania and the Serbo-Croatian-Slovenian State

With the 12th article of the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne, it was confirmed by the 8 countries that were party to the treaty that the 15th article of the Athens Treaty of 1-14 November 1913 would be applied

With the aforementioned confirmation, it was recorded that the London Agreement of 30 May 1913 would be implemented. With the 1913 Treaty of London, a quarter of the island of Crete was given to Greece.

Serbia and Montenegro de facto renounced their right to a quarter on the island of Crete after the Treaty of Lausanne. The waiver made by Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro was not made in favor of Greece.

Since no renunciation was made in favor of Greece, the three-quarters share of Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro on the Island of Crete became Turkish territory as a recourse.
@Akritas This is gold 😂 First it was the pyramids,now it's this. Oh he also said Turks came before Europeans and Asians,some 40,000 years ago


Treaty of London 1913

The Island of Crete was given to the Allied Powers (Greece, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Serbia) by Article 4 of the 1913 Treaty of London

According to the treaty, 4 states have shared ownership on the island of Crete. Greece does not have sole proprietorship on the island of Crete.

With the 1913 Treaty of London, a quarter of the island of Crete was given to Greece. Only a quarter of the island of Crete belongs to Greece. The 14 islands, islets and rocks around the island of Crete remained under the rule of the Ottoman Empire.

Treaty of Bucharest 1913

With the 1913 Treaty of Bucharest, Bulgaria renounced its right to a quarter on the Island of Crete

Since no waiver was made in favor of Greece, Bulgaria's one-fourth share of the island of Crete was restored. In other words, the aforementioned share returned to the Ottoman Empire

Treaty of Athens 1913

After the Treaty of Bucharest, the Treaty of Athens was signed between the Ottoman Empire and Greece on 14 November 1913

With this treaty, it was confirmed once again that one-fourth of the island of Crete belongs to Greece.

Treaty of Lausanne 1923

After the War of Independence was won by the Turks
The Treaty of Lausanne was signed on July 24, 1923 between Turkiye and England, France, Italy, Japan, Greece, Romania and the Serbo-Croatian-Slovenian State

With the 12th article of the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne, it was confirmed by the 8 countries that were party to the treaty that the 15th article of the Athens Treaty of 1-14 November 1913 would be applied

With the aforementioned confirmation, it was recorded that the London Agreement of 30 May 1913 would be implemented. With the 1913 Treaty of London, a quarter of the island of Crete was given to Greece.

Serbia and Montenegro de facto renounced their right to a quarter on the island of Crete after the Treaty of Lausanne. The waiver made by Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro was not made in favor of Greece.

Since no renunciation was made in favor of Greece, the three-quarters share of Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro on the Island of Crete became Turkish territory as a recourse.
I asked you the source of this text and you didn't give me any sources.
@Akritas This is gold 😂 First it was the pyramids,now it's this. Oh he also said Turks came before Europeans and Asians,some 40,000 years ago

not me but European historians says that

Robert Schwoebel
Nancy Bisaha
Margaret Meserve
Nicole Gilles
Tyreli William
Andrea Dandalo
Antoninus of Florence,
Sven Lagerbring
Giovanni Mario Filelfo
Thomas J. MacMaster from University of Edinburgh

and many more ...

not me but American geneticist, anthropologists including Spencer Wells says that

I asked you the source of this text and you didn't give me any sources.

I gave you source .. go and read international agreements

Treaty of London 1913
Treaty of Bucharest 1913
Treaty of Athens 1913
Treaty of Lausanne 1923

Our Admirals are not living in fantasy world ... Fantasy world and wet dreams are belong to Greeks
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