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Possible Solution of Kashmir issue...Your Opinion

And what exactly is that?
Pakistan is acting like a ziddi bachha crying and shouting for others's property. Indians have been quite passive till date. God forbid the day Indians get worked up and start demanding the rest of Kashmir under Pak occupied Kasmir.

There's an old story:

Ek bande ke haath me aik murgi thi. Then he saw a Bater in a bush. Uske muh mein paani aa giya. he thought tonight I will cook butter chicken and tandoori Bater for dinner. Without any second thought he jumped over the bush to catch the bater and Lo! the Bater flew away and in the commotion the chicken also ran away!!

Hope Pakistanis have read this story in the schools.
Agreed, Pakistan and Kashmir are generally a North Indian concern, South Indians that I have met were generally detached from the conflict maybe because they did not carry the psychological baggage of the partition.
Your assessment of Ayub's actions with regards to the Cold War has it merits, however, Pakistan itself at that time was firmly a part of the anti-China camp, more so than India which had been a committed believer of the "Hindi-Chini Bhai Bhai" doctrine. So even if Ayub had resorted to military adventurism in Kashmir, the US would have been very displeased but it would never have been interpreted as an action in support of communism. At the time, Pakistan was more uneasy of China than India was. Thus the collective defence initiative.

How many south Indian you met so far? here some ignorant comments is not a voice of whole south Indian. Kashmir is vital issue for Indians , India won't agree for plebiscite in Kashmir but you can do it P0K . In worst scenario even if you get Kashmir then you will ask Jammu ,Punjab then it become never ending story. Point is simple Pakistan problem is not Kashmir but India . Everybody know your colors.......
IF Both countries need to Move Forward ... thr has to be a solution ...

Anyone knows the sailent features of Musharraf Plan to Vajpaee for Kashmir here .. i google but couldn't find substantial info... Must have some substance as Vajpaayee almost agree to it !
@ThaniOruvan you troll again and I will ban you, keep it civil.

I never said South Indians are unpatriotic, I said they do not have a psychological attachment to the conflict. Being a hater does not make you more patriotic, it makes you a good mindless drone.
As to the question on how many South Indians I have met, several hundred when I was living in the UK.

When did I troll ?
It is not fair to say south-indians do not have a psychological attachment towards this issue.
Isn't it indirectly questioning their patriotism ? I didn't say you meant it. But.....
If you want you can ban me......It is your decision.
Pakistan is acting like a ziddi bachha crying and shouting for others's property. Indians have been quite passive till date. God forbid the day Indians get worked up and start demanding the rest of Kashmir under Pak occupied Kasmir.

There's an old story:

Ek bande ke haath me aik murgi thi. Then he saw a Bater in a bush. Uske muh mein paani aa giya. he thought tonight I will cook butter chicken and tandoori Bater for dinner. Without any second thought he jumped over the bush to catch the bater and Lo! the Bater flew away and in the commotion the chicken also ran away!!

Hope Pakistanis have read this story in the schools.
Your story better suit to India already annexed many small countries like Hyderabad, Goa etc and trying same with Kashmir since 1947 but fail to succeed still lakhs of army there to protect their rule time is not far when toll on army makes it break down and India will divided into many micro nations.
How many south Indian you met so far? here some ignorant comments is not a voice of whole south Indian. Kashmir is vital issue for Indians , India won't agree for plebiscite in Kashmir but you can do it P0K . In worst scenario even if you get Kashmir then you will ask Jammu ,Punjab then it become never ending story. Point is simple Pakistan problem is not Kashmir but India . Everybody know your colors.......

At least bother to read through the thread before foaming at the mouth and going on your typing rage trip:

Possible Solution of Kashmir issue...Your Opinion | Page 6
By Plebiscite i didn't meant a Lump Sum Region swinging one ... (i will again refer to my first Post i m new can't link it But it is on Page 3 of this thread)

I meant Sector Wise Vote & thn onward affiliation .... in my opinion ... Pakistan would get Gilgit Baltistan, India will get Jammu & Ladakh Regions while Kashmir Valley will decide to be independent .. (Much like Option 5 & 6) in the Opening Post ...

in case of such agreement the shaksgam valley (china controlled- bordering Pakistan GB) in question will not be of any significance and will remain with china .... wheras Askai Chin can be discussed in isolation among India & China !

.. and I will once again repeat what I said.

The area in question is the state ruled by Maharaja Hari Singh - its all or nothing.

As regards the sector wise part - read what the UN had said, it involved pulling ouit completely from the area in question . Pak was to vacate the areas completely.

Here is the UN view on it :

In March 2001, the then Secretary-General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan during his visit to India and Pakistan,remarked that Kashmir resolutions are only advisory recommendations and comparing with those on East Timor and Iraq was like comparing apples and oranges, since those resolutions were passed under chapter VII, which make it enforceable by UNSC.
When did I troll ?
It is not fair to say south-indians do not have a psychological attachment towards this issue.
Isn't it indirectly questioning their patriotism ? I didn't say you meant it. But.....
If you want you can ban me......It is your decision.

That Balochistan comment was completely uncalled for.

I still maintain that South Indians do not have a psychological attachment to the issue. That is because many North Indians and Pakistanis had to leave behind property, family history, even family members to migrate to the other state, especially in the partition of Punjab. So that legacy continues to plague them.
He did not mean that S Indians are any less patriotic.

Were he any other Pak poster I would not have intervened . Having interacted with him I can vouch for his views.

That Balochistan comment was completely uncalled for.

I still maintain that South Indians do not have a psychological attachment to the issue. That is because many North Indians and Pakistanis had to leave behind property, family history, even family members to migrate to the other state, especially in the partition of Punjab. So that legacy continues to plague them.

Oh I differ entirely with your opinion on that south indians part.
Resolutions passed under Chapter VI of UN charter are considered non binding and have no mandatory enforceability as opposed to the resolutions passed under Chapter VII. Kashmir is passed under Chapter VI of UN charter.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 47 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What @Maravan said was completely unworkable. You cited Resolution #47. You might like to look up what happened during its attempted implementation. There is no reason to believe that it won't happen again, in the eventuality of another UN Resolution.
.. and I will once again repeat what I said.

The area in question is the state ruled by Maharaja Hari Singh - its all or nothing.

As regards the sector wise part - read what the UN had said, it involved pulling ouit completely from the area in question . Pak was to vacate the areas completely.

Here is the UN view on it :

In March 2001, the then Secretary-General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan during his visit to India and Pakistan,remarked that Kashmir resolutions are only advisory recommendations and comparing with those on East Timor and Iraq was like comparing apples and oranges, since those resolutions were passed under chapter VII, which make it enforceable by UNSC.

Sir with all due respect to all UN resolution quoters, they mean nothing.

This is an issue between India and Pakistan, and China, insofar as they hold a part of the territory we claim.

We are not going to be able to negotiate or talk to Pakistan on the China held part.

We can only talk and negotiate with them on the Pakistan held part.

Either way, this is going to be resolved by grudgingly accepting what each holds and moving on, or maintaining the status quo and armed conflict.

Wholesale change of territory by force is unthinkable between 3 nuclear combatants sitting cheek by jowl with each other.

What can and probably will continue to happen is territorial attritional conflict like Kargil at one end of the spectrum and small posts and features on the other.

All against the backdrop of sustained covert operations deep into each state with the help of proxies.

My feeling, and this I have articulated more than once in the past, is that Kashmir is no golden sparrow but a red herring.

This fight is left incomplete from 1947, because the Partition was ill conceived and ill executed.

It has been an open wound, and "solving" Kashmir is not going to magically cauterize it.

Cheers, Doc
The solution that would suit us would be merger of Kashmir with Pakistan. The solution suiting Kashmiris of Srinagar and IOK would be independence-most do not want to be with us-just want freedom. Azad Kashmir is different, they want merger with Pakistan. Different groups of people in Kashmir want different things. Though the budhists may be loyal to India many sikhs of Kashmir are supporting Kashmiri independence. So its an intricate, delicate situation
Independent kashmir . 4th or 5th solution

Sir with all due respect to all UN resolution quoters, they mean nothing.

This is an issue between India and Pakistan, and China, insofar as they hold a part of the territory we claim.

We are not going to be able to negotiate or talk to Pakistan on the China held part.

We can only talk and negotiate with them on the Pakistan held part.

Either way, this is going to be resolved by grudgingly accepting what each holds and moving on, or maintaining the status quo and armed conflict.

Wholesale change of territory by force is unthinkable between 3 nuclear combatants sitting cheek by jowl with each other.

What can and probably will continue to happen is territorial attritional conflict like Kargil at one end of the spectrum and small posts and features on the other.

All against the backdrop of sustained covert operations deep into each state with the help of proxies.

My feeling, and this I have articulated more than once in the past, is that Kashmir is no golden sparrow but a red herring.

This fight is left incomplete from 1947, because the Partition was ill conceived and ill executed.

It has been an open wound, and "solving" Kashmir is not going to magically cauterize it.

Cheers, Doc
There can be no talks only on azad kashmir it has to be the whole of kashmir and UN is the only arbitrator in international cases
.. and I will once again repeat what I said.

The area in question is the state ruled by Maharaja Hari Singh - its all or nothing.

As regards the sector wise part - read what the UN had said, it involved pulling ouit completely from the area in question . Pak was to vacate the areas completely.

I was of the opinion we r discussion "POSSIBLE" solutions to Kashmir issue .... if u stick to All or Nothing (& retrospectively) Pakistan) mentality then there is no point to talk .... this all or nothing have been dragged for 70ish years .. may drag a further 70 years ....

but if both countries needs to leave the Past behind & proceed for a better safer prosperous world ... it has to be a MUTUALLY Agreed Solution based on Give & Take & Compromise & Adjust & Accommodate ... i move ahead & proposed a Solution beyond its ALl or nothing if u have any such option .. please bring it on ..... else its all a Moo Point .. nothing to discuss !

And i already responded to de-militarization that with the trust deficit .. it is not Never going to happen ...the best would be UN supervised Elections ... & U & We both Know what would be the result ... Kashmiries (Majority) Need Freedom . Independence from BOTH Pakistan & India ... G & B is well integrated with Pakistan in all aspects ... so is I believe Jammu & Ladakh to india ....

SO why not just do what needs to be done & move on ..... !

& referendum is NOT for the sake of identifying where the region's loyalty lies ... EVERYONE knows the Masses Opinion ... it is in order to sell thi solution to the people of Pakistan & India !

BUt Hey who cares .....

Lets stick to Kashmir Hamara Atoot Ang hai & Kashmir Hamari Sheh Rag hai Slogan !!! ..coz they is good for the politicians & the Military & may be everyone .. BUT KASHMIRIES !!!
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