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Possibility of a nuclear test near Pak India Border


Aug 29, 2011
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FM Shah Mehmood Qureshi recently pointed out another possible attack from Indian side. I think to deescalate current situation, a nuclear test is needed near Pak India border possibly in a dessert area. Nuclear Power was a great deterrence until India crossed LOC. Now we need to highlight our nuclear power again to strike fear in to the hearts of our enemies. This test should be conducted closer to Pak India border so that Indians should feel the shockwaves or earth quake on their side.

This act although is a great demonstration of power, has it’s own negative side as well. It will draw negative attention from western powers and we may face some sanctions as well.

What you guys think?
We need to test thermonucleare weapons , Maybe not right now but the need to show that we are real nuclearweapon state which can and will totally annihilate its adversary is of utmost urgency. This peace /defensive shit of ours aint gonna stop war!

We don’t know if we have that capability yet. I don’t think we have enough resources to create such device.
It is definitely drastic and at a bad time, will invite sanctions to an already crumbling economy. However, if India initiates a war, then your economy is going to plummet either way. So if you are going to test, you might as well go BIG.

You should do what North Korea threatened to do, test an ICBM with a live thermonuclear warhead. Unless Indians and the world do not see a 1+ Megaton explosion, they will not fear you. Testing it on an ICBM will prove that you can deliver the warhead anywhere, so that will stop other countries from targeting you.

It sounds crazy, but before anyone fires bullets at me, please know that India attacks, nuclear war is very sobering possibility. Testing something what is meant to be a deterrent may help prevent something much worse. Besides, Pakistan's nuclear tests in 1998 had a insignificant yield in terms of explosive power. Perhaps the designs were poor back then. Conducting hot tests now with more modern designs will be the only real way to see if they work. Cold tests and supercomputer calculations are no where near as reliable as a hot tests.
Pakistan has nothing to prove. The world knows how capable Pakistan army and Pakistan state is, even with crumbling economy.

Pakistan has years of gorilla and proxy war experience. Once started we can fight for years, we know all the fault lines in India. Modern war is not fought with machines, if America cant conquer Afghanistan which is no match to US resources, how can India ever conquer Pakistan, which has nuclear bomb and trained armed forces.
Only time to test a nuclear weapon is during the next war... Actually not one but multiple. Indians want war? Lets give them one.
We don’t know if we have that capability yet. I don’t think we have enough resources to create such device.

resources required to make nukes are lower when campared to our conventionel capabilty and thermonukes are much more destructief and as such we will need fewer warhead to put ganga to rest if it ever came to full scale war.
We really need to get rid of this apologetic behaviour , we Find important what foreigner would say or think. Its not their security/ppl on the line but ours! And i Find it shameless of ppl to say we dont need to work on thermonukes or icbm, these things will provider us with fullprove security and stability to grow economically . What do you have with big gdp when the enemy can bomb you to stoneage.?
Another point I should make is that if Pakistan successfully tests a hydrogen bomb, it can sell the idea of nuclear umbrella to Saudi & GCC countries. This may help bring in a lot of economic aid from these countries that are right now freaking out now that the west is turning on them.

eventually sanctions will be reversed, but a full, thermonuclear deterrent that can be delivered anywhere via ICBM, is almost priceless. Just look at how hard North Korea is working to achieve this.

On the other hand, look at the economic giants like Japan, South Korea disgracefully begging other countries to protect them. Economic power is good, but it means nothing when you don't have the means to defend your independence. countries like Japan, Germany, South Korea are nothing but emasculated countries.
No need for that. The world will not love that. It's a major tease not good

The world is already against us.

It is definitely drastic and at a bad time, will invite sanctions to an already crumbling economy. However, if India initiates a war, then your economy is going to plummet either way. So if you are going to test, you might as well go BIG.

You should do what North Korea threatened to do, test an ICBM with a live thermonuclear warhead. Unless Indians and the world do not see a 1+ Megaton explosion, they will not fear you. Testing it on an ICBM will prove that you can deliver the warhead anywhere, so that will stop other countries from targeting you.

It sounds crazy, but before anyone fires bullets at me, please know that India attacks, nuclear war is very sobering possibility. Testing something what is meant to be a deterrent may help prevent something much worse. Besides, Pakistan's nuclear tests in 1998 had a insignificant yield in terms of explosive power. Perhaps the designs were poor back then. Conducting hot tests now with more modern designs will be the only real way to see if they work. Cold tests and supercomputer calculations are no where near as reliable as a hot tests.

I agree with you from economic point of view. But testing device on a live missile will be too much I think and will bring environmental issues to us. A controlled underground explosion but with much more power than the last one will convey the message that our nuclear warheads are ready and can be user when the need arises.

resources required to make nukes are lower when campared to our conventionel capabilty and thermonukes are much more destructief and as such we will need fewer warhead to put ganga to rest if it ever came to full scale war.
We really need to get rid of this apologetic behaviour , we Find important what foreigner would say or think. Its not their security/ppl on the line but ours! And i Find it shameless of ppl to say we dont need to work on thermonukes or icbm, these things will provider us with fullprove security and stability to grow economically . What do you have with big gdp when the enemy can bomb you to stoneage.?

I agree we need to work on ICBM and thermonuclear if we have not done already.

Another point I should make is that if Pakistan successfully tests a hydrogen bomb, it can sell the idea of nuclear umbrella to Saudi & GCC countries. This may help bring in a lot of economic aid from these countries that are right now freaking out now that the west is turning on them.

eventually sanctions will be reversed, but a full, thermonuclear deterrent that can be delivered anywhere via ICBM, is almost priceless. Just look at how hard North Korea is working to achieve this.

On the other hand, look at the economic giants like Japan, South Korea disgracefully begging other countries to protect them. Economic power is good, but it means nothing when you don't have the means to defend your independence. countries like Japan, Germany, South Korea are nothing but emasculated countries.

Saudis and GCC leaders are puppets and they won’t do anything against their master wishes. I saw a news today which states that Saudia have not provided oil to Pakistan on deferred payments yet which they promised.
This thread is plain stupid, reminds me of the days when i joined pdf as a 15 year old kid ages ago who thought nukes were the answer to all of our problems. The geo-political implications alone will cripple the country, economic sanctions will be swift to follow along with international condemnation on a scale never seen before. Yes, using neclear tests to send a message is viable but only after hostilities have commenced but that too only if our conventional forces are on the back foot. Nukes are not marriage bombs unlike what most pre-pubescent pdf kids think.
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FM Shah Mehmood Qureshi recently pointed out another possible attack from Indian side. I think to deescalate current situation, a nuclear test is needed near Pak India border possibly in a dessert area. Nuclear Power was a great deterrence until India crossed LOC. Now we need to highlight our nuclear power again to strike fear in to the hearts of our enemies. This test should be conducted closer to Pak India border so that Indians should feel the shockwaves or earth quake on their side.

This act although is a great demonstration of power, has it’s own negative side as well. It will draw negative attention from western powers and we may face some sanctions as well.

What you guys think?

We have no test ranges in the desert, there is also sizable population that would be difficult to relocate, & risk of radioactive fallout is higher in such tests. There are dedicated & prepared nuclear & missile tests ranges in Pakistan.
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