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Poll: For How Many Years Recent Drama of Peace Between India and Pakistan Would Continue?

For How Many Years Recent Drama of Peace Between India and Pakistan Would Continue?

  • Less than 1 Year

  • 2 Years

  • Till India's Election in 2024

  • This Would Continue for a long time

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Please share your views about this drama

My personal believe is that this would continue for 2 years after which India would go back to its election mode and thus the hostilities would start again

Until USA can sell enough arms to India to sustain an attack and defend.

Modi is a full time bitch of Biden now. Foreign policy of India is in control of Washington.
The actual answer is any time this can end.

In Pakistan civil mil establishment I see a desire for peace which is sadly at a wrong time.

Analyze these statements.

Hindutva fascism ruling india - PM Khan

Pakistan facing hybrid war. Gen Bajwa

India's committing genocide in Kashmir - SMQ

We want peace - PM Khan

Lets bury the past - Gen Bajwa

indias policy is simple - a two front war but one at a time. There is a strong possibility that india is planning a trap.

Hope Pakistan establishment stabilizes the country and begin upgrades to its defence systems.
Although I believe it can go anytime soon, however, it may go until next Indian elections. BJP would not like to lose the election and their politics and vote-bank run on hatred of Pakistan and Muslims. Anyhow, both countries are trying to buy time to realign their foreign policies and strategic alliances.

  • For Pakistan, it is economic chokehold which it must break via getting off from FATF grey list, get IMF confidence for investors and let the CPEC rolling while trying to get its GDP expanding 5% ++ in coming years.
  • For India, it is the strategic chokehold which it must break via avoiding a two-front war, getting economy back on track, get their increasingly socially/communally distorted house in order. More importantly, it needs to align itself with West against China at economic and military level.

Pakistan is at more disadvantage position than India :( . Unfortunately, Kashmir's demographics are going to be changed during this 'peace time' and it would impact any future settlement on Kashmir. But I see a long term chance for Pakistan to grow (economically and militarily) and get an important place in this current cold war between China and USA which can be later used to have a Kashmir settlement which does not necessarily be on exactly Indian terms.

For example: China is competitor of USA not of India. USA wants a regional competition for China i.e., India. For China, it makes sense to not go into a regional competition and make sure that Pakistan remains a challenge for India. If this simple fact is realised and used intelligently by Pakistani state, Pakistan can achieve a lot of economic and defence concessions and developments from China, later that leverage can be used for a final Kashmir's settlement.
Till next election in India or maybe even before as soon US realizes that modi is pretty enough and no need for further cosmetics.
It will go till the next attack by Kashmiris. Then India will blame it on Pakistan and start CFVs again.
It will continue until some one from Pakistani army / ISI does another Kargil or a Mumbai or Pathankot.
until hindu extremists establishment in India kills their own innocent people or indian soldiers to blame it on Pakistan for political gains.
until hindu extremists establishment in India kills their own innocent people or indian soldiers to blame it on Pakistan for political gains.

Pakistani and their idiotic conspiracy theories about "Hindus killing them selves to blame Pakistanis or Americans killing themselves to blame Muslims" has no buyers in this world.
Every time India Pakistan hold dialogue, a new episode of same drama starts.The character change, but the output remain same.
India does not want to give any relief to Pakistan. What ever happen in the past, Pakistan had to sacrifice its interests to make any dialogue successful. When India thinks outcome favours Pakistan, it spoils the entire dialogue.
This is a very cleverly thought-out move (as advised by Indian elements in the current Biden administration) by India to improve their image for the new US government which wants to strengthen its ties with India and gang up against China but is also not a right-wing extremist like Donald Trump. So for Biden to allow Modi to sit in his pluralistic, democratic lap, he wants Modi to wash his shitty *** of the racist and confrontational image that he has built for himself over the last many years.

And the best country that can help Modi to improve his image is only its archrival, Pakistan and sadly we will swallow it all the hook, line, and sinker to benefit Modi and India in the hopes of making peace with India and that is not going to happen because Indian intentions are not to make peace but to wash its image to build stronger ties with the US, who wants to prop India against China.

The situation for Pakistan is damned if you, damned if you don't.
We must set some pre-conditions as a pre-curser to judge India's true intentions. The conditions that India will not comply with like vacating the Siachen glacier, revive the special status of Kashmir, revoke the citizenship act, accept our claim on Junagarh, agree to hold a plebiscite in Kashmir before the PM level meeting.

@SQ8 @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Areesh @xyxmt

Please share your views about this drama

My personal believe is that this would continue for 2 years after which India would go back to its election mode and thus the hostilities would start again
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Every time India Pakistan hold dialogue, a new episode of same drama starts.The character change, but the output remain same.
India does not want to give any relief to Pakistan. What ever happen in the past, Pakistan had to sacrifice its interests to make any dialogue successful. When India thinks outcome favours Pakistan, it spoils the entire dialogue.

So it was India, which did Kargil to break apart the Lahore peace summit ?
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