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Political rights in China

Guys, I had this discussion a couple of days back with a friend and were comparing different forms of government - democratic, republic, authoritarian etc. The point where we got stuck was around political rights in non-democratic countries.

How do people exercise their political rights in China? By political rights I mean the right to complain against their government and if need be change it. In a democracyin if the public ain't happy with one party [/B]they vote them out and bring somebody else , for better or worse! But how do things work out in China? What options do the Chinese people have in case they aren't pleased with their government?
I am not going to bring in N. Korea as thats an extreme example. But China, being a capitalist (well, sort of) yet non-democratic country, I was curious to know about.

And I hope people don't take it the wrong way. Just wanted to know thats all. I could have Googled but I thought I should first hear it from the Chinese members in this forum who might have seen things first hand. So dccafe, conworldus, sinoindus, feifanke and the gang, what do you think?

P.S. If the Mods think this ain't the right forum for this topic, feel free to move it to the member's club. I wanted to get the attention of the Chinese members specifically, hence I posted it here.

my answer:
revolution would be the only option to bring down the leadership in non-democracy country, which would be exactly the same way of that in the democracy country.

my explanation:
obviousily, i don't need to explan the first part to you, do i. so let me explan the second part. you said in your post that " In a democracyin if the public ain't happy with one party they vote them out and bring somebody else ". but are you sure that it is the case or can you tell the defferences between:
a)you vote them out;
b)you belived(were told or were being used to) you vote them out;
if a)is the truth, then "they" are the general civilians.
if b) is the reality, then who are "they"? and are you really voting them out?

or let me make it simple, do you really know which party is better without reading paper, watching TV, surfing internet etc.
Because you are brainwashed.

How does that even make sense? bahahaha

No one votes in China and gets arrested because they protest because i am brainwashed? :lol::lol::lol: wtf that doesn't even make sense.

So when the government decided to have a communist government in 1945 they said "Everyone we will be a communist government because xdrive is brainwashed" ? BAHAHAHAHA.

God you are a great source of comedy. I didn't even exist in 1945.
How does that even make sense? bahahaha

No one votes in China and gets arrested because they protest because i am brainwashed? :lol::lol::lol: wtf that doesn't even make sense.

So when the government decided to have a communist government in 1945 they said "Everyone we will be a communist government because xdrive is brainwashed" ? BAHAHAHAHA.

God you are a great source of comedy. I didn't even exist in 1945.

Hey, dirty mouth. It makes sense because you are an idiot. Hard to understand for you, huh?:lol:

BTW: you didn't realize my previous post is a trap waiting for your reply? What a big idiot are you?:rofl:
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I completely agree with many that freedom and liberty are the essence that humans are striving for, everyone. But please bear in mind that one’s freedom has to be compromised in order not to infringe that of the others’.

A good political system should enable people to forward along this direction. Bad system doesn’t.

There are myriads of political/potential political systems for human society. Event among what you called "democratic systems", different results can yield by different practices.

For instance, Japanese democracy has quite different results from the Philippines’ democracy. India democracy gets different results from US democracy…and so on.

My personal finding is that a good system is a system that must fit the social soil of a country and can help forward the society, regardless what you call that system. As the country gets advanced, the system should be modified accordingly to keep helping the country develop further.

For instance, earlier American democracy is very limited, starting from New England area, where only white male with properties could vote. Female, American Indians, property-less male, etc. were all excluded. Why? If “hooligans” outnumber “gentlemen”, democracy, a game-play based on number, won’t work for “good”, but “evil”.

Our resources are always limited. A political system defines a rule of how to share the pie among people, be it despotism or democracy.

Material freedom is the infrastructure upon which other types of freedoms build.

Americans’ democracy is a democracy for the few Michael Parenti: Democracy For the Few. Nonetheless, “as river rises so the boat”. US has 4% of world population, but consumes 25% of the world energy. Even poor people can have a decent share of material richness compared with those in developing countries, though the percentage is so meager compared with that of the rich in the country. So even the poor in the country can have more liberty.

More advanced system needs more resources to run it. American democracy is a very expensive system, so is UK’s system. Take the judicial system for example, if no enough money were poured in, corrupting judges would be numerous; murder of righteous judges would be more.

For a poor country to practice an expensive system is not optimal, in general.

voting is good, but this should not be extended to everyone, anything. the "people" you mention there has to be well educated and know exactly what they are doing, otherwise, this privilege should not be given. can someone who konws nothing about running a country, choose the best president whose task is to run a country? or can a musican make a correct decision on climate change better than a climate scientist? no, not likely!so why should they be given the voting power?
Hey, dirty mouth. It makes sense because you are an idiot. Hard to understand for you, huh?:lol:

So GSK, could you explain to me and everyone how i made china become a communist country?

According to you, i made China become a communist country in 1945 even though i wasn't born

bahahahha :lol::lol::lol:
Guys, I had this discussion a couple of days back with a friend and were comparing different forms of government - democratic, republic, authoritarian etc. The point where we got stuck was around political rights in non-democratic countries.

How do people exercise their political rights in China? By political rights I mean the right to complain against their government and if need be change it. In a democracy if the public ain't happy with one party they vote them out and bring somebody else in, for better or worse! But how do things work out in China? What options do the Chinese people have in case they aren't pleased with their government?
I am not going to bring in N. Korea as thats an extreme example. But China, being a capitalist (well, sort of) yet non-democratic country, I was curious to know about.

And I hope people don't take it the wrong way. Just wanted to know thats all. I could have Googled but I thought I should first hear it from the Chinese members in this forum who might have seen things first hand. So dccafe, conworldus, sinoindus, feifanke and the gang, what do you think?

P.S. If the Mods think this ain't the right forum for this topic, feel free to move it to the member's club. I wanted to get the attention of the Chinese members specifically, hence I posted it here.

How much freedom does their exist in Bharat? Not much. How much does the "voting" count for in India when votes are outright bought, Dalits and minoritis voices are IGNORED, openly in public politicians hold swaths of cash to BRIBE their way? Again not much. When will Akhand Bharat return the land it STOLE? ........ :wave:
Hey everyone, according to GSK i am the one who made china a communist country!

bahahaha. funniest thing i have read all day.
How much freedom does their exist in Bharat? Not much. How much does the "voting" count for in India when votes are outright bought, Dalits and minoritis voices are IGNORED, openly in public politicians hold swaths of cash to BRIBE their way? Again not much. When will Akhand Bharat return the land it STOLE? ........ :wave:

India is not related to this thread. Open a new thread for that if you wish to.

And I wonder how dalits/minorities etc. etc. voices are ignored??
Also votes are brought!! You need a lesson about Indian election. There might be standalone cases but generalization of entire event, is a poor attempt to rant.

Ah....the famous "Akhand Bharat" at last....:devil:
Run away....we are coming to get your land....do it....else you will be killed by evil Indians. RAW aganets are already tracking you.:lol:

Now can we get back to topic please??
Guys, I had this discussion a couple of days back with a friend and were comparing different forms of government - democratic, republic, authoritarian etc.:blah::blah:

While we are on topic of discussing the types of government, how would we classify Akhand Bharat?

A) Savage Dictatorship :agree:

B) Criminal Plutocracy :agree:

C) Authoritarian Hindu Extremists :agree:

D) "India" is not a country, rather a collection of 30-50+ Serfdoms :agree:

While we are on topic of discussing the types of government, how would we classify Akhand Bharat?

A) Savage Dictatorship :agree:

B) Criminal Plutocracy :agree:

C) Authoritarian Hindu Extremists :agree:

D) "India" is not a country, rather a collection of 30-50+ Serfdoms :agree:


It's funny you write "A) Savage Dictatorship " China is exactly that.

China is a communist country, no elections are held and a dictator runs the country.

All protesters are arrested, no one has the right to protest anything.

The government also tries to censor everything. Look at the Tiananmen Square protests. 1000 Students were murdered and the Chinese government tried to cover it up.

Even with the anniversary of it last year, the chinese secret police wouldn't allow any reporters to film in the square.

So i wouldn't be one to talk about other countries having savage dictatorships.

Man why is there a discussion about "political rights in China"??? That term "political rights" is non existent in China. It is like trying to discuss the curent "military dictatorship" in the UK :D

The Chinese members here and some of the Pakistani members will not understand the term "political rights" and "democracy" so please stop trying to debate the issue with them. Democracy is an evolutionary word. Pakistan is now toying with democracy again and hopefully they will understand that it takes time and money to perfect the democratic model. The seed for the democratic baby has not even been planted in China yet. So in effect, trying to talk democracy with the Chinese will be like trying to discuss the effects of labour pains with a woman who never gave birth :D
Man why is there a discussion about "political rights in China"??? That term "political rights" is non existent in China.

Exactly, couldn't agree more.
It is like trying to discuss the curent "military dictatorship" in the UK

Their is no military dictatorship in the uk.

Chinese members could not even comprehend the thought of having a democracy. They have been fed so much propaganda by there government, that they think communism is the best thing.
Exactly, couldn't agree more.

Their is no military dictatorship in the uk.

Chinese members could not even comprehend the thought of having a democracy. They have been fed so much propaganda by there government, that they think communism is the best thing.

then keep your so call democracy.
as long as we are progressing, lives improving, it proofs that the system is working.it surely isn't perfect, but its surely working, and the world recognize it. That's enough for me, we don't need you to choose what system suit us better.
then keep your so call democracy.
as long as we are progressing, lives improving, it proofs that the system is working.it surely isn't perfect, but its surely working, and the world recognize it. That's enough for me, we don't need you to choose what system suit us better.

We will keep our democracy because it's fair and it works.

with your communism system, you basically have no rights. You can't vote for a leader, you can't protest, you can't complain, the government can do whatever they want to you. Such as censor your internet, abuse your human rights, ban things for no reasons, take you away and kill you for no reason at all. They can do whatever they want and no citizen can stop them.

In my country, we control the politicians, they do what the citizens want. If they try to do something that we don't want, we will vote them out in an election.

No one is telling you which system you all should have, but a communism system is bad and most of you just like it because you don't know anything different to it.
We will keep our democracy because it's fair and it works.

with your communism system, you basically have no rights. You can't vote for a leader, you can't protest, you can't complain, the government can do whatever they want to you. Such as censor your internet, abuse your human rights, ban things for no reasons, take you away and kill you for no reason at all. They can do whatever they want and no citizen can stop them.

In my country, we control the politicians, they do what the citizens want. If they try to do something that we don't want, we will vote them out in an election.

No one is telling you which system you all should have, but a communism system is bad and most of you just like it because you don't know anything different to it.

Don't know anything different to it?
Its like you are the only smarty~~.~~
Democratic centralism is our government system.
Communism~~ is practically gone~~ or else how would China being doing business everywhere... ==.=="
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