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Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore

Did Punjab gov order them to kill protestors or tuq supporters to kill police?

indeed no one ordered anyone. police is also a mafia which operates as it wills. everyone in pakistan is a mafia from political parties to security institutions. and neither is responsible for each other. happy?
and where is the confirmation of 2 policemen dying? and the firing being carried out in response to that?
Surprise surprise... Karachi is shut down!
MQM just needs an excuse.

Looks like SOB Qadri got what he wanted all along. He put those innocent civilian on streets to serve his own agendas. He should be hanged as soon as he steps inside pakistan.
and when i exposed PTI's tameer e taliban program my post got deleted and i got a warning for it
I know! Their ground their rules. Back on topic
PM Punjab said I didn't knew what happening,
Really ?
Shameless Shariff Brothers. These are Murderous thugs who dont have any problem killing young kids, Women and old People.

I have no doubt this government will soon be booted out and I hope this time they are hung by their delicate Body Parts.
indeed no one ordered anyone. police is also a mafia which operates as it wills. everyone in pakistan is a mafia from political parties to security institutions. and neither is responsible for each other. happy?
and where is the confirmation of 2 policemen dying? and the firing being carried out in response to that?

there is also a mafia in defence.pk as well :azn: hain na @Fulcrum15 kaka?
1)In democray every one has right to protest and freedom of speech to the limit of national security ,tahir ul qadri no matter what we think of him has the right to hold and purpose any new system as long its not a national security matter ,trust me democratic system ,national security council system,turkey model,parliamenatry or presidential system that does'nt matter a lot to national security ,all PMLN supporters should engrave that into their thick skulls .

2) state and administration are two different things the adminsitartion,legislative body,the judiciary exist bcuz of state and not the other way arnd pakistan is not under threat nor is democracy when PML-N is criticised,PML-N dumbos stop living in the 90's go see the calendar its 2014.

3)Democracy is the kind of gvt in which votes are counted and not weighed,i think if we want democracy in pakistan it should be realised not every pakistani is educated or able to make rational decisions i suggest votes be based on persons education as its quantifiable the more the degrees the more voting power the person has will help us get rid of the dumb crowd who always elects the criinals who buy their votes, its quite clear our society is not ready for democracy we need a constant military dictatorship or military filter on the so called democratic decisions ,NSC was a good step by musharaf but politicians hate dit bcuz it restrained them ,takht-e-lahore wont be takht-el lahore with NSC.

4)Finally police reforms would be suggested by any wise man and independent ,objective police,that would be difficult so its better to get a new police force trained in some other country and replace the current police instantaneously never allowing contact btw the two as to allow the current police culture to die with it ,we don't need police which treats its citizens like israeli forces do with palestinians and run with tails btw there legs when an actual threat appears like in swat and many other examples ,the current police is a cancer and should be eliminated at all cost

finally i condemn this cowardice act of police forces (taliban force) and punjab gvt (proxy of saudi"s) (i am a sunni) but we dont need ur F waabi intolerance in our country this is not ksa this is Pakistan ,its not a kingdom its a democracy as u try to tell us all teh time better teach it to pml-n illiterate ministers and prime minister ,(hope nawaz and shahbaz meet the fate of qadafi inshallah )

send all the police to north waziristan and we will see how tough they are beating up pregnant women and kids who are under 18 (imagine the trauma for the kids) jahil anparh police safarshi talway chatnay waley .....
The way the police handled this situation was pathetic. When I saw the videos of what the police were doing to the people it was disgusting. These men had no humanity in them.
Shameless Shariff Brothers. These are Murderous thugs who dont have any problem killing young kids, Women and old People.

I have no doubt this government will soon be booted out and I hope this time they are hung by their delicate Body Parts.

Btw, none of the shohadaa , include the Punjab Police. All the Shohadaa are PAT Workers.
ok so none of those killed include police members. what do the pml-n supporters plan now? fall back to the legal argument to justify the killings? and defend the wrongdoings of their leaders? or maybe do some mud slinging on Dr. Qadri rather than criticize this terrible step take by the govt? if nothing works, then just say that Shehbaz Sharif didnt know and is therefore not responsible. Indeed when were our leaders responsible for what happens under their rule?
WTF is this??? instead of asking his follower to restrain he provoking them....


PS: I don't know the authenticity of this

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