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Police: Bomb blast kills 5, wounds 6 in India

The ULFA blames the central government for taking away considerable oil resources without helping the northeast region to develop

The blame of failure to develop north east region mostly lies with locally elected state government rather than central ones

What does independence mean in Telangana's context?

What sort of authority is handed to the state govts under this model?

Are we talking Provincial/State autonomy?
Not additional independence or autonomy. Just formation of another State with the normal amount of autonomy given to every State of India by the Constitution.

There is no State asking for additional autonomy in India. All States are already pretty much completely autonomous. They elect their own Chief Ministers and local ministers and control law and order of their own State, development of their own State etc, etc.

This is (generally) - Simply to cut away that region from under the existing State and make it into another regular State of India.
For example the people of the region called Telangana have a grouse that under Andhra Pradesh(the current State), they are not able to develop or that they have stunted growth, so they have demanded from GoI that Telangana region be removed from Andhra Pradesh and made into a new State. Andhra Pradesh would then become significantly smaller in size.
This new State would then be called Telangana and would be the 29th State of India, just like Andhra Pradesh or Maharashtra or Punjab.

Now people from Telangana, especially students from Hyderabad University(Hyderabad falls in Telangana region) started violence and self immolation to demand Telangana Statehood. GoI got scared and has acceded to the demand. Now, in the course of time, Parliament will pass a resolution to declare Telangana as a new State.

@Srinivas Im not entirely convinced whether Telangana needs to become another State. If States in US can develop being as large as they are, sure as hell, all regions of Indian States can develop as they are much smaller in size.

Though I agree that dividing States does give an economic boost, but where do we draw the line.
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In other words its similar to our demand to create around 30 or so provinces in Pakistan.


In other words its similar to our demand to create around 30 or so provinces in Pakistan.
I really have no idea about the demands in Pakistan. Though I did see Najam Sethi's show in which he said Pakistan needs to stop getting scared of making more provinces and look at India how it is successfully doing it.

India has been steadily dividing its large States into smaller ones since 1953.

There is a Central Commission called "State Reorganization Commission". They sit down and decide if a new State need to be made. Among the first members of this were Nehru, Patel.

The factors of consideration are Language, Economics, Administrative Convenience.

The last time it was done in 2001, when Uttarakhand, Chhatisgarh and Jharkhand were carved out from UP and MP and Bihar respectively.

EDIT: Till now the smaller States have been a resounding success. But the question now arises that is doing more counterproductive.
And my last post was edited as well, do go through it again @Aeronaut
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