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PNS SAIF test fires C 802 Missile and JF-17 fired Air to Sea Missile

C-802 mounted on FC-1 (JF-17) Note the CAIC on tail


stand off precision guided

THANK YOU! I had not seen these before.

Look for ATF video in which the 4th prototype of JF-17 is firing both BVR and Short Range Air to Air Missile. We have done this really long ago. Every Missile is no integrated in JF-17 including RAAD

Can you post a link please? Or did you mean ATV video that @ziaulislam posted?
Was speaking to a PN guy, apparently Navy's media team was located on a ship so the were able to cover the ship borne launch of the missile, the JF-17 was however was flying at a faraway distance, so it was impossible to capture the airborne launch, however that was covered by the team flying in a C-130.
Lets see if and when the PAF releases that footage.
At 0:58 on the clip was it a torpedo fired or a missile? It seemed to bounce along the seasurface. Couldn't tell if it was fired by a sub or a ship as the frame moves so fast.

Its the target getting hit not launch of torpedo same clip at the beginning showing missile approaching the target from right hand side target is not a vessel but square shaped target structure and what appear skipping on left hand side is missile impact and debris
At 0:58 on the clip was it a torpedo fired or a missile? It seemed to bounce along the seasurface. Couldn't tell if it was fired by a sub or a ship as the frame moves so fast.

Good observation. The weapon fuse failed to actuate, but the grazed the radar reflector before hitting the water. The seeker works, the warhead didnt.
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