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PNS SAIF test fires C 802 Missile and JF-17 fired Air to Sea Missile


Karachi: In an impressive demonstration of fire power and combat readiness, Pakistan Navy and Pakistan Air Force conducted long range anti-ship cruise missile firings.

Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi along with Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Sohail Aman witnessed the Live Weapon Firing onboard Pakistan Navy Ship NASR.

The Firing was conducted by JF-17 fighter aircraft and Pakistan Navy Ship SAIF which is a multi mission F-22P frigate.

Upon arrival, Chief of the Air Staff was received by Chief of the Naval Staff on board PNS NASR, a combat logistic support ship. Joint PN-PAF firings were conducted on the final day of Exercise RIBAT-18, which was focused on validating war fighting concepts under the evolving multi faceted threats.

The hallmark of exercise was successful firings of C-802 AK (Air to Surface Missile) by PAF JF-17 Thunder aircraft and C-802 (Surface to Surface Missile) by PNS SAIF.

Missiles launched from both platforms, successfully hit their intended targets which not only re-asserts the efficacy of weapon systems but also manifests the extended range of Joint PN-PAF Sea-Air operations and desired synergy between the two Services.

On this landmark occasion, Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi expressed his utmost satisfaction on operational readiness of PN Fleet and commended officers and men for their professionalism and devotion in the line of duty.

The Admiral also added that Pakistan Navy is transforming into a strong and formidable force fully capable to protect and advance the national maritime interests and collaborate international responsibilities across the Indian Ocean.
How good is c802? I'm asking because it was this missile or some say it was the iranian variant of this missile which struck israeli warship during lebanon-israel 2006 war and it failed to explode on time otherwise the ship definitely would have been sunk. It was reported by hezbollah too and since then they have reportedly moved to more advanced missiles. @Zarvan @Windjammer @The Deterrent .
It's good will sink Missile boats and massively damage FRigates and Destroyers will put a larger ship out of war and may be out of use. As for Iranian copy well copy is a copy
What a BS pic! I'm sick and tired of seeing the JF17 with empty pylons :hitwall: unless they intend to shoot the enemy ships with guns, for god sake put some missiles on this plane :angry:

Unless they release pics/vids of the JF17 firing the C802, I don't believe their claims.
Dude, these are just conducting a flypast at the conclusion of the exercise.
How good is c802?

It's a Harpoon Block II or Exocet Block 3 equivalent. Serviceable, but losing effectiveness against electronic and hard-kill countermeasures because the missiles themselves aren't too fast and don't have stealthy features integrated into them like a Naval Strike Missile. Their sea-skimming profile makes them more difficult to detect over a long range, but that's an older trick that's being accounted for on modern ships with weapon systems like ESSM and SeaRAM.


With a C-802 you're looking at damage versus a light frigate like this.





It'll do some damage, but will take 4-5 to sink a ship outright.

When outfitted with IR or TV guidance the C-802 can actually be used as a land-attack missile, not just against static targets, but mobile ones too. The C-701 is more commonly found with either option though.

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Dude, these are just conducting a flypast at the conclusion of the exercise.

Bhai that's the problem. Fly pass is all we see the JF17s doing :hitwall:

We make fun of Tejas, but at least there are pics/vids of it firing missiles. There are no vids of JF17 firing anything other than dropping dumb bombs :hitwall: it's seriously disappointing.
How good is c802? I'm asking because it was this missile or some say it was the iranian variant of this missile which struck israeli warship during lebanon-israel 2006 war and it failed to explode on time otherwise the ship definitely would have been sunk. It was reported by hezbollah too and since then they have reportedly moved to more advanced missiles. @Zarvan @Windjammer @The Deterrent .

The weight of the subsonic (0.9 Mach) Yingji-802 is reduced from 815 kilograms to 715 kilograms, but its range is increased from 42 kilometers to 120 kilometers. The 165 kg. (363 lb.) warhead is just as powerful as the earlier version. Since the missile has a small radar reflectivity and is only about five to seven meters above the sea surface when it attacks the target, and since its guidance equipment has strong anti-jamming capability, target ships have a very low success rate in intercepting the missile. The hit probability of the Yingji-802 is estimated to be as high as 98 percent. The Yingji-802 can be launched from airplanes, ships, submarines and land-based vehicles, and is considered along with the US "Harpoon" as among the best anti-ship missiles of the present-day world.
Joint PN-PAF firings were conducted on the final day of Exercise RIBAT-18, which was focused on validating war fighting concepts under the evolving multi-faceted threats.

The hallmark of exercise was successful firings of C-802 AK (Air to Surface Missile) by PAF JF-17 Thunder aircraft and C-802 (Surface to Surface Missile) by PNS SAIF.

Missiles launched from both platforms, successfully hit their intended targets which not only re-asserts the efficacy of weapon systems but also manifests the extended range of Joint PN-PAF Sea-Air operations and desired synergy between the two Services.

On this landmark occasion, Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi expressed his utmost satisfaction on operational readiness of PN Fleet and commended officers and men for their professionalism and devotion in the line of duty.
Masha Allah, Mabrook
Wesay yeh naya maal kion chuppa kar rakha hay:azn:?CM302 aur CM400AKG
PN rates the C-802AK higher than AM-39 Exocet which shows how reliable these missiles are. They are pretty close to Harpoon Block 2 in general performance. The missile is pretty difficult to detect and engage once it reaches the terminal phase. Some reports say it even achieves supersonic speed seconds before impact.
PN has a really strong anti-ship game.

Weak Air defense game tho.
Can you please share some data about range and other specs of this particular weapon?

Its a pretty public system. C-802AK is the export version of C-802A, which itself is the air-launched improved version of baseline C-802. It can strike up to 180km, uses inertial navigation for majority of the flight and active radar seeker in the terminal phase, can employ terminal maneuvers like pop-up attack.

C-802, C-802A and C-802AK are all export versions.

C-802 (range: 120km) is the baseline version. No longer offered.

C-802A (range: 180km) is the ship/vehicle launched version. 802kg missile with 190kg warhead.


Air-launched version of C-802A is designated C-802AK. It is lighter, sitting at 600kg.


How good is c802? I'm asking because it was this missile or some say it was the iranian variant of this missile which struck israeli warship during lebanon-israel 2006 war and it failed to explode on time otherwise the ship definitely would have been sunk. It was reported by hezbollah too and since then they have reportedly moved to more advanced missiles.

Read the analysis on the below website. You will get the answer.

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