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PM Modi awarded UAE's highest honor

I said "Our goal in life is to become the best Muslims possible which we can only do by following Islam.". Do you have a problem with that?

Too bad that it only applies to Pakistanis. Try telling the arabs the importance of Islam and the Ummah. See what response you would get. By the way, is following Islam only restricted to being arab slaves/lovers or is there much more to it than that?
Just because, UAE gave an award, PDF is on hyper mode...It is a sign on the emotional fluctuation of few privileged Pakistan poster here...But they do not realize, the same award may have been given to US and West about whom whole Pakistan rebukes days in and out...So you guys are fine if Arabs give the award to US but your hatred to Hindus are so much that you can not even tolerate to some sign of support, even if it is just for name sake, to a Hindu nationalist.....
Too bad that it only applies to Pakistanis. Try telling the arabs the importance of Islam and the Ummah. See what response you would get. By the way, is following Islam only restricted to being arab slaves/lovers or is there much more to it than that?

Hey Bro.. Wassup? How is the acid score today in London?

Anyhow tell me do you believe that Islam is an Arabic religion?
So, is this what you get for butchering nearly 2,000 Muslims. Ummah? *Sigh* Proves what I have said. There is no Ummah. But there is 'self interest'. What matters is numero uno. The faster Pakistan gets over this Ummah fantasy the better for the country.

Pakistan please wake up to the reality.

No one gives a flying **** for the Ummah.
It died out centuries ago. The Indian Muslims don't care for us, why do we care for them.
The only time the Ummah is evoked is when some Arab country needs our help, other than that they all line up with India.
Let's look after ourselves and our people because you can rest assured that no one else will.
Lol, this is just one of many crazy things UAE Royal Family has done to Muslims. In Egypt they were helping facilitate the coup against Morsi, they also put American Muslim organizations on a terrorist list(I personally know people that work with these organizations, and now this.

Also believe it or not, some of it jealousy of Saudi Arabia strategic relationship with Pakistan. This is how UAE and Saudi royal family's thought process works, they are rather tribal.
No one gives a flying **** for the Ummah.
It died out centuries ago. The Indian Muslims don't care for us, why do we care for them.
The only time the Ummah is evoked is when some Arab country needs our help, other than that they all line up with India.
Let's look after ourselves and our people because you can rest assured that no one else will.
US$29bn (plus some more coming IA) disagree with you, try again.

Lol, this is just one of many crazy things UAE Royal Family has done to Muslims. In Egypt they were helping facilitate the coup against Morsi, they also put American Muslim organizations on a terrorist list(I personally know people that work with these organizations, and now this.

Also believe it or not, some of it jealousy of Saudi Arabia strategic relationship with Pakistan. This is how UAE and Saudi royal family's thought process works, they are rather tribal.
Classic A class BS from you.
Too bad that it only applies to Pakistanis. Try telling the arabs the importance of Islam and the Ummah. See what response you would get. By the way, is following Islam only restricted to being arab slaves/lovers or is there much more to it than that?

Take it easy ...Arabs are still your best buddies....
It's true, there is jealousy there on a number of issues. And to be fair that is common human condition. The normal citizens get along, though.
You should not comment on things, you are clueless about.
Come on guys, what's with all the negativity here? :meeting:
Look it from the bright side. Every time Modi kills an innocent muslim in Kashmir or elsewhere in India or a mob lynches muslims for just being muslims, the victims can have some solace with the thought that they died at the hands of someone who was decorated and honored by the Arabs. With the kind of obsession we have with the ummah this must count for something right? :yes4:
Come on guys, what's with all the negativity here? :meeting:
Look it from the bright side. Every time Modi kills an innocent muslim in Kashmir or elsewhere in India or a mob lynches muslims for just being muslims, the victims can have some solace with the thought that they died at the hands of someone who was decorated and honored by the Arabs. With the kind of obsession we have with the ummah this must count for something right? :yes4:

Lol, UAE only cares about economy and fitting in with rest of world. The people think you guys(Indians and Pakistanis) have no disputes and get along well.
Musharaff got it in 2007: 25 January 2007: General Pervez Musharraf, President of Pakistan

Took india 12 yrs more to get it...Good to know they are catching up :coffee:
haha, that's one petty comment.

In the same line, congrats for achieving it 11 years before Xi Jinping.:enjoy:

pakistanis have such weird insecurities. How does this affect you?
Modi the mass murderer, terrorist. How dare the 'brotherly':pleasantry: nation give him this award? Not that Brotherly nation's citizen who is tagged here left and right can do something about it.
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