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PM Modi awarded UAE's highest honor

Are these claims hot air or facts? If so please cite your source because I have had keen interest in ME politics since late 1970s and this is news to me.
Admiral Ali Shamkhani

I guess HOT AIR is coming from some where else
He cannot talk like Modi, not even close, Modi has this gift-of-gab, know the electorates inside out, know what and where to talk, Pappu is nowhere close.

What you talk and how you bring in the electorates matters here in India, walking the talk seldom matters. And Modi is charismatic, and can engage with the audience, he is a prolific talker, his one liner 'Jumlas' are legendary. He was a social worker, an RSS Pracharak for 31 years, knows the Indian psyche inside out, the tough training he got there is working to his advantage.

Modi knew how social work and RSS training can be utilized here, how does psychology and empathy plays and how it can be aroused...

Rahul is nowhere near.
Every leader has a set of talented and trained people around them, maybe after 10 years Rahul too will have the aura and appeal modi ji has right now.
We help country and its people and not their religion, you are not Muslims for us, you are Pakistanis for us...

Try to help your own people with food. Your troops beg on the internet. Try to stop rape. Your women are begging for help. Try to give people toilets. The list goes on and on and as you claim to be secular why not help the minorities in your own country like the dalits christians mislims jains etc

The arabs have lost their soul for money. I don't mind UAE improving ties with India, even we want to do that and have peace.

But to award a far right extremist mass murderer is shameful.
Couldnt agree more. Arabs are inherently stupid
Excellent news! These Arabs give Pakistan more and more reasons to improve relations with Iran, which is more beneficial for Pakistan in the long run.
keep out of this UAE and Iran circus doings between them with India. The Correct position for us is remain quite and watch from the sidelines and get a clear picture of this. No one is stopping Pakistani state recognising Israel. If we can ignore Americans will and others in Afghanistan. Arab and Muslims have nothing on us like that. we choose not to do so. So why keep bringing it up for? Just to use it attacking Arabs for our own choices here. Gujarati muslims killings was modi war crime. But it’s not Pakistani state citizens they are Indians. Everyone else is getting on with there life’s we Pakistanis should to. It’s us Pakistanis who go on about ummah constantly preaching to others. China is not ummah brother but we seem to do well because of mutual interest
uae and Iran are oil exporters and that’s what drives them self interest.

This award is for mutual interests, economical and now social integration (as well) between the two countries. India have large presence in ME countries. In UAE alone, there are less Emiratis then Indian expatriates... Emirati population is less than 1/4 of total UAE population. Similar situation can be observed in Saudi Arabia as well. India expatriate on daily bases contribute directly to services, financial, and technological industries in these countries. They have contributors on the top level to the lower echelons. When you have this level on integration, it is difficult to take sides. It is harder for such states to even keep neutral stance. Also, one cannot disregard positive contribution of millions because of handful of a-hole as well. I'm not saying that these states and their leaders are not without flaws... but... yet again neither are we...

Let me ask my Pakistani brothers this... What are we contributing to geo-civil/social/economic/political arena that makes us irreplaceable or indispensable? I apologies in advance for saying this..., but Pakistanis today are not even contributing much to Pakistan itself. We have bad attitudes, we have bad behaviors, we have rampant cheating, corruption, etc you name it. A Pakistani is not safe from another Pakistani, then who the hell are we to point a finger at others. Allot are correctly saying that we have become henchmen but tell me honestly other than PA is there any other stable institute or industry in Pakistan?... You can only offer or contribute what you have... We have strong arm only that what others are requesting for... Become #1 in IT technology and services... these same Arab will request your for that... Become #1 in producing mangoes... these same Arabs will start requesting for that... Start producing world class engineers, doctors, financial experts... These same Arabs will start requesting for that... Pipe dreams no body is interested in...

I grew up with these 'bad' and 'deviant' Arabs... I played with them, I fought with them, I have done good things with them, I have also done some bad shit with them... They are people, same as you are... I have worked with and lived with people of 14-15 different nationalities including Palestinians, Yemenis, Syrians, Jordanians, Egyptians etc... even Indians and Bengalis. They have good in them and they have bad in them. Sometime try to know the people better before passing judgments and relying on second-hand false accounts from some taxi drivers.

These deviants and none-trust-able Arabs have came to Pakistan's help and support many times, whenever it has faced a serious problem, be it a natural disasters, economical issues, or other political issues. A few of them even more so. We used to enjoy relationship with many Arab countries similar to what we have with China. What happened??? As usual Pakistani account will be to point finger at others... But let me ask this, we now-a-days claim all weather friendship with China... what is China getting out of it? other than seeing all its money getting wasted? Tomorrow when this relationship also freezes then we will accuse Chinese also of the same thing which we are accusing Arabs of.

Regarding issue of Israel... Many Arab and Muslim countries have diplomatic channels with Israel. Some have revealed it, some have kept it secret including Pakistan (look no further than so called Jihad-e-Afghanistan). However, over the course of this conflict, Arabs have taken a number of ill steps, some due internal dis-unity, some from pragmatic external states who didn't know what they were doing. At each step losing more and more ground to Israel. By recognizing Israel state at the current situation will be huge injustice to common Palestinians, because there is allot of occupied land not only by just Israel but also by neighboring Arab countries. There have to be some sort of reversal in that regards. Also people who are displaced, if we agree to UN resolution on the issue, have to compensated/relocated/facilitated somehow. Till something like that is negotiated, recognizing Israel will be big mistake. Majority of people are ill informed about the whole conflict.
So, is this what you get for butchering nearly 2,000 Muslims. Ummah? *Sigh* Proves what I have said. There is no Ummah. But there is 'self interest'. What matters is numero uno. The faster Pakistan gets over this Ummah fantasy the better for the country.

What is the big deal with 2000 ? most of them have killed more
Yes I do. No denying it.
people in pakistan usually know nothing much about international relations
how it works
how u even do business with ur enemy
how u bring ur enemy to ur playground
a place where u have a say the people u knew from centuries
anyway keep up the good work
today if IK visits uae people will be cheering again
Sheikh Khalifa awards Zayed Medal to Indian PM Modi
Wam/Abu Dhabi
Filed on April 4, 2019 | Last updated on April 4, 2019 at 11.46 am

He has been awarded in appreciation of his efforts in maintaining strategic ties with UAE.

The President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, has conferred on Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi the Zayed Medal, the highest decoration awarded to kings, presidents and heads of states.

The award comes in appreciation of Modi's role in consolidating the long-standing friendship and joint strategic cooperation between the two countries.

Commenting on the announcement, His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, said the Indian Prime Minister had played a pivotal role in enhancing bilateral ties to the level of comprehensive strategic relations.

"By granting our dear friend the Indian Prime Minister the Zayed Medal, we express our appreciation for his role and efforts in developing friendly relations and extending bridges of cooperation between the UAE and the Republic of India in various fields," Sheikh Mohamed added

Mohamed bin Zayed explained that the historical relationship that the UAE shares with India is being renewed strategically and strengthened in preparation for the future. He praised the values that characterise Indian society in its diversity, especially tolerance, coexistence and respect.
Sheikh Mohamed expressed his pride at the strong friendship and cooperation between the UAE and India, and wished the country and its people continued progress, prosperity, security and stability.

Among other honorees, Chinese President Xi Jinping who was awarded the Zayed Medal in 2018, and Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak in 2016.

@Nilgiri @VCheng @Joe Shearer @anant_s @Water Car Engineer @Skull and Bones @Jackdaws @Soumitra @AyanRay @Tshering22 @jaiind @Novice09 @Rollno21 @kris @Sheena1980 @Vikki @scorpionx @MilSpec @KapitaanAli @jetray @Levina @pahadi@Śakra@third eye @Tea addict @Sam. @VCheng @Chhatrapati @Srinivas@Peshwa @Robinhood Pandey @firestorm77 @Ajaxpaul @anant_s @GeraltofRivia @Telescopic Sight@Army research @Hack-Hook @jamahir
@SrNair @koolzberg @Khatri_pune @Axomiya_lora @ajpirzada @SrNair @Smarana Mitra @mastaan @Sekhon Rafiqui @Aryan0395 @Chaukidaar @HydNizam @God Parshuram @mastaan @Jugger @Syed Hammad Ahmed @surya kiran @war&peace
No one is stopping Pakistani state recognising Israel

if you recognize the illegal occupation and colonization of Palestinian lands by the illegitimate Zionist entity then our Kashmir stand also weakens by default and you give legitimacy to Indian occupation of Kashmir.
if you recognize the illegal occupation and colonization of Palestinian lands by the illegitimate Zionist entity then our Kashmir stand also weakens by default and you give legitimacy to Indian occupation of Kashmir.

Don’t really want to go off topic with this but haven’t some of our big Muslim states already recognised Israeli state as it is ? Then what occurs or happens to our Kashmiri brethren’s cause if the Arabs and Israelis normalise things. My post was attempt to deescalate fellow Pakistanis anger. Playing this Israeli cards and threats of our sacarifurs and victim hood for others.
Don’t really want to go off topic with this but haven’t some of our big Muslim states already recognised Israeli state as it is ? Then what occurs or happens to our Kashmiri brethren’s cause if the Arabs and Israelis normalise things. My post was attempt to deescalate fellow Pakistanis anger. Playing this Israeli cards and threats of our sacarifurs and victim hood for others.

We are only responsible for our honorable and just policies. UAE and Saudi Arabia have gone too far in their anti-Iran policies and alliances and now are following the Zionist agenda from the White House.
We are only responsible for our honorable and just policies. UAE and Saudi Arabia have gone too far in their anti-Iran policies and alliances and now are following the Zionist agenda from the White House.

Let’s agree on this, day to day is now becoming a sad fact for us that Iran / Uae are openly rewarding our enemy. I can only describe as very hostile attentions to us. Iran Chabhar port partnership with India has to be one of the biggest betrayal for us pakistan. Saudis I have nothing but great respect and love for them they have never hurt our interests. Iran is a snakes head everyday it’s becoming clear and clear

Jackpot for Modi.

Losing your mig21 and Sukhoi 30 is something you must never forget
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