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PM Modi awarded UAE's highest honor

I am kind of curious to see what our friend Pan-Islamic thinks about this very important internal Pakistani issue. I would tag him myself to find out, but unfortunately I have been on his ignore list since I joined this forum

Do not get too excited about these medals....These ar diplomatic formalities without much significance....Pakistan posters are just getting frustrated with such silly things without realizing the monetary support they have received from same Arab people at their time of need..
So life is a test to get Pakistanis to be arab slaves. Please note, I am not shamima begum.

I said "Our goal in life is to become the best Muslims possible which we can only do by following Islam.". Do you have a problem with that?
First the grand Collar of the State of Palestine, then the UN Champion of the Environment, then the Seol Peace Prize, and now this.
also the same man who was barred from stepping foot in the United states for 12 whole years on terrorism charges.

Btw if uae was that bad how they helped us (Pakistani living in Pakistan) economically ,
And ksa once awarded iranian general highest military award so giving away awards doesn’t matter

Heck even usa gave awards to gaddafi and saddam did it changed the reality?

Spot on...these awards are diplomatic niceities...But i am amazed to see the hypocracy of posters from Pakistan towards UAE...UAE and Arabs are always standing for Pakistan at the time of your need...Even at recent crisis, Uae supported Pakistan...So your hatred for Hindus is so much that you will not even spare your friend who atood for at the time of crisis...
I don't think anyone is arguing that we stop caring about the Ummah, but caring about the Ummah does not mean we ignore the fact that we get back-stabbed by parts of the Ummah. Let's not be naive either. We also have to look after our own interests.

Sure and that is why we ignore when a third brother country of ours try to invade us seeking perfect opportunity in the Indian invasion of Pakistan.

You do not see the concentrated effort to disown the Ummah in those threads. Why? i can innocently ask
@Khafee you do realise Modi wasnt allowed to step foot in USA for 12 whole years on terror related charges.

he's got alot of blood on his hands, especially minorities in india.
So exactly how are you 'caring' for Muslims by living in a heathen society, implicit loyalty to the Queen, paying taxes to a government that supports, arms Israel?

@AgNoStiC MuSliM Another one with infected with long distance Arab love.

Well the minimum I've done is to actually care when seeing a news report of Muslims suffering somewhere and action wise what I've done is help raise awareness of their plight and donate money to charities which help them.

Not really, I care for plenty of Muslims ranging from arabs to uighurs to kashmiris to rohingyas etc...

I don't think anyone is arguing that we stop caring about the Ummah, but caring about the Ummah does not mean we ignore the fact that we get back-stabbed by parts of the Ummah. Let's not be naive either. We also have to look after our own interests.

Some of the users on this thread are arguing exactly for that. One of them has even stated that he'd support westerners in wars against middle eastern countries.
It is your internal matter who you give your awards to. But since a couple of days, two pieces of mainstream media news came out of UAE and i am not very amused about that.
There is a missing money launderer from your country which Pakistan had eyes set upon.
Was an extradition request made? If so, (even a media link will help), I will personally look into it.

wasn't it a foster brother of Mr. 10% and a accountant/front man?
Mashallah. India relation is improving with many Muslim countries. This is called diplomatic success. And how to remain neutral on international issues, we should learn from india .
We should recognize Israel . And make good relation with every country..

Hi are you JIDF?
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