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PM Imran to visit Russia this month

PM Imran to visit Russia this month​

Premier’s position towards West increasingly becoming defiant

Rizwan Shehzad February 07, 2022

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Prime Minister Imran Khan’s position toward the West is becoming increasingly defiant as he set to visit Russia from February 23 to 25 after completing his “historic visit to China” and attending the Beijing Olympics, which the US and several other western countries had boycotted.

Diplomatic sources confirmed on Sunday evening that the premier was expected to undertake the “all crucial” visit of Moscow in the last week of February -- the first by a Pakistani premier in over two decades. Federal Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry refrained from confirming the development, saying that the foreign affairs ministry should be approached for this purpose.

The premier’s visit to Moscow is believed to be a clear signal to the West, especially after he clearly said “absolutely not” to Washington on giving bases in Pakistan following its withdrawal from Afghanistan and not receiving a phone call from US President Joe Biden since he assumed his office in the White House.
“Prime Minister Imran’s visit under the current circumstances is crucial,” a diplomat told The Express Tribune, requesting anonymity, while referring to the rising tensions between Russia and Ukraine and ultimately between Moscow and the West.

The diplomat further said PM Imran and Russian President Vladimir Putin would exchange views on bilateral cooperation as well as regional and international issues of mutual interest. Recently, PM Imran while speaking to President Putin had lauded his statement on the issue of blasphemy.

In a telephonic conversation with Putin on January 17, PM Imran had underscored that Pakistan’s bilateral relationship with Russia was on an upward trajectory, with an increased focus on trade and economic ties and energy cooperation. He had reiterated the government’s resolve for early realisation of the Pakistan Stream Gas Pipeline Project. According to PM Imran, he and Putin had agreed to enhance bilateral cooperation in different areas, increase high-level exchanges, and remain in close contact on matters relating to Afghanistan.

PM Imran had underscored that a peaceful and stable Afghanistan was pivotal for regional stability.
The official statement had attributed to the prime minister that he looked forward to President Putin’s visit to Pakistan as well as his own visit to Russia at an appropriate time. Now, the diplomatic sources have confirmed that the dates had been finalised and PM Imran and President Putin would be standing together in the last week of February if there are no last minute changes.

Following the diplomatic dispute between Russia and the West on Ukraine, Moscow has reoriented trade, seeking to replace Western imports and reducing its use of the US dollar. Putin’s recent meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping was also taken as a show of unity amid Moscow’s deteriorating relations with the West.
Last month, it was reported that Islamabad and Moscow were in talks to finalise a plan for what would be a landmark visit of the Russian president to Pakistan this year.

The visit was being discussed by the two sides for the last two years but could not be materialised because of a variety of reasons, including the Covid-19 pandemic. For the visit, Moscow wanted to have something “significant” ready before Putin finally undertook his trip to Pakistan.

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The question is, why isn't India supporting Russia at most critical time? Another backstab moment? Your country India buys high-tech offensive weapons from Russia yet here you are spewing anti-Russian propaganda. Why don't you tell your European and American buddies to sanction Pakistan for visiting Russia?

Ukraine is more Russian than European. Your American masters are placing missiles next door to Russia. Why isn't India condemning US move to antagonize Russia?
Well said Bhai.
While Indians & Indian Media are busy in doing propaganda about Imran Khan canceling the visit to Russia PM Imran Khan departs from his hotel to hold a tete a tete followed by a luncheon & delegation level meet at the Kremlin with Russian President Vladimir Putin.....

Good. The position should be neutral and trade needs to continue the same without alienating Russia.

However if Putin has plans like for example to reduce any potential western involvement igniting some conflicts abroad. For example a joint operation with China - sikkim area and Pakistan Kashmir would be very dangerous involvement that can turn into a world wide conflict gaining momentum igniting other areas. Some countries would be used as bait and putin might be on the same camp with zionists that is still a possiblity to consider about trusting putin. They will leave the bait countries alone and zionists would get rid of several countries jumping on putins vagon with ease.

After Ottoman empire joined ww1 and taken out israel is formed and after ww2 israel established their state for example. It is easy to jump in but hard to get out of it.

Once they get the leaders it is easy to start wars. But that is a possibility about putin to consider not some fact I believe. If it comes to that stage I hope Imran Khan and Pakistani establishment will find some way to stay out of this mess. If India attacks that is another issue and can be defended like was in 2019 and before.

Who is fat person on his left ??.......8-)

US 'certainly aware' of PM Imran's Moscow visit, says position on Russia communicated to Pakistan

February 24, 2022


US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price speaks during a news conference at the State Department in Washington, US on Wednesday. — Reuters
US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price on Wednesday said the US had communicated its position regarding Russia's "renewed invasion of Ukraine" to Pakistan, adding that it was the responsibility of every country to "voice objection" to Russian President Vladimir Putin's plans.

He was responding to a question during a briefing about how the US saw Prime Minister Imran Khan's visit to Russia amid tensions between Moscow and Ukraine, which has since escalated to an armed conflict.

"We've communicated to Pakistan our position regarding Russia's further renewed invasion of Ukraine, and we have briefed them on our efforts to pursue diplomacy over war," Price said, according to a transcript available on the State Department website.

Prime Minister Imran arrived in Russia late on Wednesday on a two-day visit to push for the construction of a long-delayed, multi-billion-dollar gas pipeline to be built in collaboration with Russian companies.

The prime minister's trip to meet President Vladimir Putin and discuss issues including economic cooperation came hours after a number of Western nations hit Russia with new sanctions for its military deployment into parts of eastern Ukraine.

During a briefing on Wednesday, Price was asked by a reporter what the State Department's assessment was of the timing of PM Imran's visit.

Saying the US was "certainly aware" of the trip, the spokesperson said, "We believe it's the responsibility of every responsible country around the world to voice concern, to voice objection to what Putin appears to have in mind for Ukraine."

Price said the US viewed its longstanding partnership and cooperation with Pakistan as critical to America's interests.

"We certainly hope, when it comes to those shared interests — the aversion of a costly conflict, the aversion of a destabilising conflict, that every country around the world would make that point clearly in unambiguous language in their engagements with the Russian Federation," he added.

When asked whether the US believed PM Imran's visit was an "indirect endorsement" of Putin, Price said the reporter would have to ask the Pakistani government what its intent was.

"I'm just not in a position to offer an assessment on the timing of foreign counterparts' travel to another country," he said.

In an interview ahead of his trip, PM Imran had expressed concern about the situation in Ukraine and the possibility of new sanctions and their effect on Islamabad's budding cooperation with Moscow.

On Thursday, Russian President Putin announced a military operation in Ukraine with explosions heard soon after in the capital and other parts of the country, prompting outrage from US President Joe Biden who warned of a "catastrophic loss of life".

"I have made the decision of a military operation," he said in a surprise statement on television shortly before 6am (0300 GMT).

Putin warned other countries that any attempt to interfere with the Russian action would lead to consequences they have never seen.
Pakistan must not fall into the 'Russian camp' but very deftly take middle ground between USA and Russia thereby increasing it's stock value to both. Milch both sides to it's advantage.

Countries don't have friends but have interests !
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