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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

Master stoke

  • Right decision

  • Wrong decision

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It may cost IK dearly in elections. He involved army and DG ISPR had to clarify that they were not in on this. SC ordered to let NCM run constitutionally which he didn't.
At the moment this move is amusing to PTI workers but what would be long term consequences, only time wil tell.
Fresh elections is the best option for ALL involved. It allows face saving for all. It levels the playing field, allows the establishment to not be actively involved in mediation and peace-keeping and most importantly, allows the PEOPLE of Pakistan to decide how they perceive the current events and then vote to their conscience.

The Judiciary must also consider the extra-constitutional measures taken by the opposition to bring this VoNC to pass in its deliberations/ruling.
Maybe you are right. But Pakistani political class, the judiciary, and the military have historically come together to find creative ways of going around seemingly too complex problems. They all learned well from the 1971 crisis.
And I expect them to do the same here too- like it or not all 3 need to come up an give us direction, legality of it
Support for a man is different, but I don't want them to pull unconstitutional stuff (your differences with it aside but when you take oath, you say to follow and defend the constitution- it's extremely important for countries to function)
Fresh elections is the best option for ALL involved. It allows face saving for all. It levels the playing field, allows the establishment to not be actively involved in mediation and peace-keeping and most importantly, allows the PEOPLE of Pakistan to decide how they perceive the current events and then vote to their conscience.

The Judiciary must also consider the extra-constitutional measures taken by the opposition to bring this VoNC to pass in its deliberations/ruling.
Agreed. Regardless of who was right and who was wrong. Elections are the way forward. All of the people of Pakistan were not in support of the VoNC at all. Just as not all are in support of IK. So let elections decide who has the majority. Both sides have made major legal mistakes, and unless both sides are punished for them, crying for one or the other won’t do anything.
Will SC call all the chiefs to verify they signed the minutes of NSC meeting declaring this NCV as foreign hatched?

I doubt it!

Either way, if SC doesn't declare, after seeing communication (letter) and NSC stamp, that the letter is fake, it would open the path for IK to demand sedition cases all these party heads.

He's aiming to cull the lot!
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in my opinion and thought process, I think the SC will withhold the verdict as decision in either side’s case may bring civil unrest.

But what they might do is order elections as soon as possible as both sides seem to want that. This will also save the army from being dragged into either side.

Still this is considering our SC judges still have some shame and brain cells left to function.

Hor choppooo....
in my opinion and thought process, I think the SC will withhold the verdict as decision in either side’s case may bring civil unrest.

But what they might do is order elections as soon as possible as both sides seem to want that. This will also save the army from being dragged into either side.

Still this is considering our SC judges still have some shame and brain cells left to function.
I agree. Though the judiciary is also corrupt with many judges paid for and in the pockets of NS and Zardari, they also understand that undoing the Deputy Speakers decision will just result in chaos and the end Game will be elections which are happening anyway. No one wants the 111 Brigade to roll in. Though I doubt that I have my suspicions about Bajwa or should I call him Kayani 2.0
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