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Government dissolved itself under foreign pressure and this is suppose to be celebrated as some break the shackles moment?


Will IMF deal be allowed to be made public?
it is better to have no government then showbaz as PM and fazlo as President. Khan did the right thing within next 3 month he will be back with 2/3 majority just wait and watch. people are not fool they saw what the opposition was doing and will stand behind like never before
Which world are you living in?

Here you go:

I have read that news. That action does not justify the blame he is making. Someone is trying to topple you government and conspiring against the nation and you only issues denarche that’s it. Not even arresting those Pakistani’s who conspired. A conspiracy like this should result in life sentence or death. If non of this is done, it’s because Imran knows his evidence to prove is very very weak. He also admitted this in his speech.

“A demarche is a formal diplomatic representation of one government's official position, views, or wishes on a given subject to an appropriate official in another government or international organization. Demarches generally seek to persuade, inform, or gather information from a foreign government.”
آج سپریم کورٹ کیسے لگ سکتی ہے آج تو اتوار کی چھٹی ہے

Sir G, these are the two systems in this country, one for corrupts/thieves/traitors and the other for the common man and that is totally unacceptable - forcing people to stand against it.

Supreme Court to hear AQ Khan’s petition after his death​

The scientist wanted curbs on his movement to end
SAMAA | TV - Posted: Feb 17, 2022 | Last Updated: 2 months ago

Supreme Court to hear AQ Khan’s petition after his death

The Supreme Court of Pakistan has fixed a petition filed by nuclear scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan for a hearing, months after his death.

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The nuclear physicist and metallurgical engineer, who is the father of Pakistan’s nuclear bomb, wanted the curbs on his free movement to be lifted.
His petition has been pending since 2019. AQ Khan passed away on October 10, 2021, and was laid to rest in Islamabad.
The government had restricted his movement since February 2004, when he appeared on national television and confessed to running a nuclear proliferation network.
Then-President Pervez Musharraf pardoned him but put him under effective house arrest. The restrictions were eased and reinforced on and off over the following years.
On the last hearing, the apex court had ordered the Attorney General of Pakistan to make sure that AQ Khan meets his lawyers.
Now, a three-member bench will hear the petition on February 24.

Imran Khan would have lost the PM ship but would emerge stronger politically and crush these clowns in the opposition who have nothing in common except greed for money. I am very disappointed by what Imran Khan did today! I know this forum may roast me for saying these but truth must be told!

Fully agree! He clung on to power too greedily. His supporters are foolishly celebrating. They don't know yet the level of shyt the man has gotten himself into. He deepened the political crisis that has resulted in the NCM, created an foreign relations crisis via lettergate, and has now created a constitutional crisis. It can't end well.

Likely this thing will haunt him, his close ministers, the deputy speaker etc. for years to come.

Maybe Khan sab wanted this? Controlled chaos.
While I feel IK will get a slap on the wrist but I see PML-N more damaged in this and PPP sliding out in spot #1 #2.
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Najam Sethi has clarified on Indian TV that this move by Imran is totally illegal. As per him, Supreme Court will quickly invalidate Imran's actions in a couple of days and allow for a no-confidence vote. :coffee:

Usually, cases in subcontinent can take months to find a resolution. So maybe Sethiji is a tad too optimistic :undecided:
Yeh najam sethi Ch apni maa ke bhi khilaaf ho gaye ga agar woh IK Koh fida de gi
No wonder Indians like him so much
it is better to have no government then showbaz as PM and fazlo as President. Khan did the right thing within next 3 month he will be back with 2/3 majority just wait and watch. people are not fool they saw what the opposition was doing and will stand behind like never before

There was no governance before as well. There was no reason to plunge the country into constitutional limbo for mere 6 votes.
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