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PM Imran Khan Speech at Naya Pakistan Housing Islamabad Zone IV Launching Ceremony

Ok IK is the son of the devil... who should I vote for in the next elections?

I answered this before elections.... don't go to vote, until you are given a choice of NON in ballot papers.
completely lost hope from the government. IK is a man of words only. i am sure he wont get elected in next election but the bigger problem is that what other options do we have?
Bilawal and mariam are ready for you .
Trust me in few years you would not only celebrate them but dance in front of their cars.
You believe and see media and get played by media and media personnel's half of them don't even know the country basic problems.
What exactly he has done to you .
It seems more like a personal grudge .
When you inherit 19 billion dollars current account deficit and stop your country from going default. It is a feat.
But you can dislike him .
I answered this before elections.... don't go to vote, until you are given a choice of NON in ballot papers.
I have a right to exercise my democratic right. Atleast I won't appear as hypocrite who just runs mouth on PDF but when it comes time to vote sits at home and relaxes.
another stupid project you will see one day PTI in courts for this project
If they take underhand money then yes . But that doesn't mean that you won't start a project .
Don't know why you are so dejected in your country .

you can shut up when you see your country going down the drain. i cant. sorry.

i never claimed that i will make this country riyasat e madina. he claimed and failed miserably rather he is making it riyasat e somalia.

majority of us used to blame patwaris for their blind support for NS despite his proven corruption. same is the case is with ptians. they are supporting IK despite his very obvious failures. dollar, petrol, gas, electricity, taxes all gone up, no relief for a common man and the government has no clue how to control the situation. they can only put more pressure on common man. peshawar metro clearly depicts the incompetence of IK and PTI. election stunt gone terribly wrong.
Your country was in the sky right before .
Logic bhi koi
those 10 months have been terrible for the people. if he continues like this for next 4 years then pak ka khuda hafiz.
Tum logoo ne to Pakistan ko chand pe phuncha diya tha . Ignorance has its limits .

But in your case it certainly doesn't .
I've been thinking and I feel like the Homies that NASA is trying to make will be great for this kind of project. It kills many birds with one stone.
Economically better
Environmental better
Works well with Pakistan's climate
Uses less space
when did i say i was importnat, and 17 mil did not vote for pti, i did but not 17 mil'
no doubt that he was selected by boots, his silence over sahiwal tragedy till date is the biggest proof
Imran Khan is not NS.
It was who used to call Zia-ul-Haq and Jeelani his Daddies and used to police their twice a day and did whatever they commanded like a trained monkey.
I have a right to exercise my democratic right. Atleast I won't appear as hypocrite who just runs mouth on PDF but when it comes time to vote sits at home and relaxes.

Why you ask for opinion on the first place? so i also stated what i believe is correct and democratic!

By not voting, until the condition of NON is made available, at least i'm not a share holder in crimes, corruption, mismanagement and evil of the elected people.
you can shut up when you see your country going down the drain. i cant. sorry.
Oh wow!!! what a hypocrisy. Why were your eyes closed for the past four decades when Pakistan was actually going down?
Now Pakistan is going in the right direction.... so keep your hypocrisy and negativity to yourself.
completely lost hope from the government. IK is a man of words only. i am sure he wont get elected in next election but the bigger problem is that what other options do we have?

I wish we were little active in criticizing previous government as compare to the criticism we are showing for this government. Things would have been a lot different today for Pakistan.
We remained quiet and suffered everything. CORRUPTION, ILLITERACY, NO HEALTH PLANS, and what not?
Hardly one year to PM IK’s government and we are acting like one of the most educated nation on the face of the earth. That question the government on every matter.
Chemotherapeutic time period is the most painful procedure to treat cancer and that’s what Khan is doing right now.
Don’t even expect the result yet, that’s very foolish.
Imran Khan was elected by this awaam. Anyone who doubts that is an idiot. But getting elected doesn't give you the right to be incompetent, not being able to put capable people in proper ministries, not having a straight forward plan of action to tackle the economic crisis, or always taking u-turns. stop being a PTI lapdog and open your eyes.

This shows otherwise if he is competent or not and this is just few things

Why you ask for opinion on the first place? so i also stated what i believe is correct and democratic!

By not voting, until the condition of NON is made available, at least i'm not a share holder in crimes, corruption, mismanagement and evil of the elected people.

In case you didn't know by not voting it also disqualifies you from voicing your concern for the present government. That's how democracy works.
In case you didn't know by not voting it also disqualifies you from voicing your concern for the present government. That's how democracy works.

voting is NOT democracy, and forcing people to vote in party based system is opposite of democracy.
Why you ask for opinion on the first place? so i also stated what i believe is correct and democratic!

By not voting, until the condition of NON is made available, at least i'm not a share holder in crimes, corruption, mismanagement and evil of the elected people.

What we will get voting “non” ?

Imagine one instant the result of election at 80 % Non !

Who will be the prime minister ? A member from “NOON” parti ?

In France we have a special school for wannabe high officer in government and electable for president or prime minister and others public organisations posts : Ecole Nationale de l’Administration.

Very tough selection at entry, very tough teaching... result is they produce high level quality guys.

Do we have this in Pakistan ?

I suppose no.
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