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PM IK considering a complete closure of Air Space to India, ban on use of Pakistan Land routes

After getting bashed by his party workers by giving modi PAk airspace access while that animal was ordering killing of Pakistani kids on LoC, Imran Khan still 'considering' airspace closure. What an *******.

Airspace was closed immediately in Feb., it can be done again. I'm also disappointed by Gen.Bajwa. Both BAjwa and Imran has made Pakistanis sitting ducks for Modi to aim and kill.

PM was informed about Modi utilizing Pakistan Airspace for travel, which seems to be not in his information; hence made a decision to completely close Pakistan Airspace for India as well as ban on use of Pakistan Land Routes for Indian trade. Air & land routes are now going to be totally blocked for India. Decision has been made already however, legal process & obligations will be followed for official announcement very soon.
Wht kinda PM he is who doesn't hve any knowledge, who is travling from pak aerospace?
Pls for God sake stop fooling pakistanis, PAK govt can't. Do nothing cause thy knew where he was going and for award????
And stop this PM who don't know nothing, what's happening to his aerospace, and it also shows how incompetent our security is, which can give more chances to our enemy to strike again deep inside our country as what thy did in past FEB?
Leme ask by giving indan commercial flights travling our aerospace is making pakistan economicly stronger or is it bringing far more fruits to India?
So pls shut it down now cause Thts why world isn't taking u serious

Good close it all keep no relations with them at all they don't want peace let them keep following the Nazi ways.
Cut em out of all the options what u can, thn give kashmiris weaponry to deal with RSS forces, and then go to UN and tell the world no we not ready for talks Thts the simplest d. Way our govt and our tweeting military leadership has to do tht bt look thy r joking around, and giving dam statements every in millions
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Amazingly you are convinced despite having knowledge so I don't have anything to offer to you. OK is the word in the end.
If u can use, Jst 2 words thn just use them instead doin a sermon like ur coward leader who is shaking to tell the world, we ill hit, and support kashmiris by all means avalible be it diplomacy or armed supplies cause kashmir isn't a a free dam area of dam modi Nagar?
It's a disputed state?
Yea I know, wht u talking bt it's our national duty to let our govt stand and dam deliver at the time we need, and I'm Jst doing tht, nothing personal with u or any other pakistani, evn if he isn't agreeing with ma POV
Unintended Collateral damage in this scenario would be Qatar Airways. They already suffering due to UAE and Saudia Airspace closure. This will cause more hardship to them as well.

Airspace closure is the one of the effective strategies. It will bankrupt several of Indian airlines

Not just Jet, 12 airlines went bust in 21 years - Times of India

From being India's top airline to near bankruptcy: The Jet Airways crisis explained

Both of these news are of this year. Jet Airways and Air India are on the brink of bankruptcy. This push will have a domino effect on their demise
India is a thriving, up and coming and a strong economy with a billion plus patriotic people. This will be a drop in the bucket for them.
If u can use, Jst 2 words thn just use them instead doin a sermon like ur coward leader who is shaking to tell the world, we ill hit, and support kashmiris by all means avalible be it diplomacy or armed supplies cause kashmir isn't a a free dam area of dam modi Nagar?
It's a disputed state?
Yea I know, wht u talking bt it's our national duty to let our govt stand and dam deliver at the time we need, and I'm Jst doing tht, nothing personal with u or any other pakistani, evn if he isn't agreeing with ma POV

Listen! If you had a bad day then I can pray for you but getting personal like that wouldn't serve you any purpose. Your rants are becoming more useless and seems attention seeking. I didn't invite you to quote me here and start blabbering like this. If you aren't interested, call it sermon or whatever make you feel good, ignore and instead of seeking my attention, try to put something qualitative to the topic in hand if you could.

If you can't be respectful, avoid to quote and save me some time. using slang & question marks ? are beyond comprehension for anyone. You get personal and then in the same post you deny so make up your mind first what do you want to say and be sure what you wrote. Time for you learn some ethics while quoting others.

Instead of judging me & making baseless claims; be worthy to be paid attention and read about.
Good decision... Now this is our IK which we voted... Put pressure on this MF modi.. If WAR is only option then get ready.. We are all ready to sacrifice for the sack of our kashmiri brothers & sisters

If Pakistan lets go of Kashmir to India then not only it would be the end of the Kashmiri identity as such, but Pakistan will be even more under threat of water blackmail by India. Indian water crisis is huge, just like Pakistan has the water crisis, but maybe even worse given the population. So they could very well be looking to grab the water from Indus.

I am still giving some credence to the idea that there might be some backdoor plan behind this stupid and cruel Modi move to find a solution guaranteed by big powers.

But I think Pakistanis should start mobilization for a bloody war NOW: Conserve resources, stock up, cut down imports... Be prepared. Hopefully that day will never come but be prepared.
India is a thriving, up and coming and a strong economy with a billion plus patriotic people. This will be a drop in the bucket for them.
So be it, the frist drop, but not the last, take it I'm sure it ill bring some pain bt not u, for those elites of india who travl accros the world like TATAs and Ambanis hell, at least it brings I pain of some kind and thts we want the pain
We need to stop parroting to the world "we don't want escalation" because India clearly does want escalation. We should say "we will escalate our response until Hindustan desists from targeting civilians". We need to start writing the narrative.
If Pakistan lets go of Kashmir to India then not only it would be the end of the Kashmiri identity as such, but Pakistan will be even more under threat of water blackmail by India. Indian water crisis is huge, just like Pakistan has the water crisis, but maybe even worse given the population. So they could very well be looking to grab the water from Indus.

I am still giving some credence to the idea that there might be some backdoor plan behind this stupid and cruel Modi move to find a solution guaranteed by big powers.

But I think Pakistanis should start mobilization for a bloody war NOW: Conserve resources, stock up, cut down imports... Be prepared. Hopefully that day will never come but be prepared.
Realise Jst one thing this world stand with powerfull countries specilly military wise, don't u think UAE king wasnt a fool awarding modi? For wht?
Yes his boldness, his genocidel attitude?
And hve u seen same fool Arabs, when u took down abhinandans mig?
Thy were calling ur PM and were praising ur national bravness?
There is not dam back door in problems like kashmir and Palestine, it's simple be patient and support all means to kasmirus all means is the weapons and diplomacy, frist cut whatever the sources u can of ur enemy, thn let kashmiris under some elite forces gudence start a smart gurrllia war and forget to stop untill kashmir, khalistan, and Nagaland emerge from it use diplomacy to delay all cease fire and then tell India Thts ur internal matter?
Excellent decision. Now go through with it.

India is a thriving, up and coming and a strong economy with a billion plus patriotic people. This will be a drop in the bucket for them.

Even a drop is good, but it is not a drop. It is a whole bucket.

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