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PM IK considering a complete closure of Air Space to India, ban on use of Pakistan Land routes

Pakistan should close the airspace only for Indian government officials starting from Modi. This will give a strong message that Pakistan is not against Indian people but their fascist and terrorist leadership..
Pakistan should close the airspace only for Indian government officials starting from Modi. This will give a strong message that Pakistan is not against Indian people but their fascist and terrorist leadership..

Indian people at large elected this Fascist and Terrorist Leadership!

Symbolism doesn't hurt the Fascists. Monetary damage should be inflicted on India and those doing business with India.
it is still under "ghor". the differnece between our leadership and others is that they act and we only do "ghor" and after deliberate "ghor" we issue a threat and a statement of condemnation.
Good decision by pak. We hate air India even more than you guys.. hopefully this will make it go belly up.:-)
All political stunts played by both modi and imran govt, on each side to divert the economic failures of both govts?
While, world takes this news as joke and Thts why awarding dam modi with awards cause thy think he is the power to deal with or can be a reliable partner in all situations, IK has to stop his dam. Khitaabs and do something which shows his seriousness to the situation?

And after 27th Feb, these stupid laws were not there when pak govt banned all the flights?
I am seeing a false flag by Modi, Amit & Doval related to highjacking their own plane and blaming it on Pakistan somehow.
Attacks on Army are losing traction so they will try something new this time.
We shouldn't allow any such plane in our territory. Infact we shouldn't allow any Indian plane in our territory.
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And after 27th Feb, these stupid laws were not there when pak govt banned all the flights?

You do know the difference between situations of 27th Feb and now, for sure. That was a war like situation that both military had a clash. The moment, it is more about diplomatic offense without any active military conflict.
Pakistan's revenue will decrease but this decision will effectively force many Indian Airline industries into administration. I agree wholeheartedly with this decision, my only grievance with IK, he should have done it much earlier.
It looks like that all diplomatic efforts are failed so now only option is military.i recommend joint China and pakistan operation against India which is very unlikely but today we heard statement from indian army about doklam standoff.it looks like India is worried about china.ladakh is still disputed territory.two front war will be nightmare for India.pakistan must do efforts to persuade China to fight for ladakh.together we can defeat India quite easily.
I do not understand this!

Aren't the policy and decision makers in the Pakistani state aware of the Indian psyhe? Is it not a must for the state machinery to always remember the Indian psychological profile? The Indians take any gesture of peace and friendship as weakness and an act of submission. It doesn't register with them when someone is genuinely offering peace and good will. They don't have it in their DNA. They only understand the universe and everything in it in terms of master-slave, winner-loser, and conqueror-conquered. Their history shows it, their belief system shows it, and their collective social dynamics shows it.

The Brahmin only knows to either grab your throat or your feet and mistakes a handshake as a proof of showing a hand without a dagger.

Modi is a classic example. Butter him up at a personal level but hit them hard at a policy level. Only make peace offerings to Indians before an election so Modi keeps winning. It can easily be a win-win situation for Pakistan. Just don't be diplomatic with India. Be absolutely belligerent with India and be and play nice be with the rest of the world.

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