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PM Hasina thanks Modi for gifting 2m doses of COVID-19 vaccine

Sinovac showed 90%+ efficacy in Turkey, Indonesia should have accepted it as it is. Oops they didn't, conducted trials on it's own people and found it ~65%. Brazil did trials on it's own people too and found ~50%+.
Do you understand now? I am sure no, so I am done trying to educate a Pakistani.
As far as safety is concerned, it's clear that you have trouble comprehending basic English, and I give up on that too.
K dude. Let me know when you reject the Oxford vaccine and take the Bharat one. Feel free to post your personal experiences.
K dude. Let me know when you reject the Oxford vaccine and take the Bharat one. Feel free to post your personal experiences.

I would not waste any more time on the Indian.
His stupidity is beyond question.

AstraZeneca vaccine has been approved by more countries around the world than any other and first completed phase 3 trials were carried out in UK, Brazil and S Africa and so we know the vaccine is safe and effective in different demographics.

In the UK, plenty of S Asian volunteers got the AstraZeneca vaccine to prove it is safe and effective for that group as well and so no idea what the Indian is blathering on about it not being tested on S Asians properly.
1.What else explains the massive drop in infections since September last year in India? Weather in north India getting much colder, people spending more time indoors and infections have dropped 80%.
As for new strains, have proper border controls and India cannot import more virulent strains.
Worry about new infectious strains inside India once they happen.

2. Myth? Warm and sunny weather is proven to rapidly degrade corona.
Also it allows windows to be kept open and people to spend more time outside. Look at infections rates dropping down to almost zero in Europe last summer as evidence. Obviously if you are like the USA or Brazil where the leaders(ex now for USA) do not take it seriously at all, then some people will not carry out any precautions and still catch the virus in warm and sunny weather.
I did say more than half of India is warm during winter and not the whole of it and so please read my posts more carefully going forward.

3. Like I say India is a young country with a life expectancy of 69 years.
India has only 52 million people over 70 and so where does this number of 300-400 million come from??
Are you saying 250-350 million Indians are immunocompromised?
While it needs more than 100 million doses(50 million people) eventually it is not that urgent that you need to inject a vaccine that has not gone through the proper phase 3 trials like AstraZeneca/Pfizer and Moderna.

PS - UK strain can be defeated by the same antibodies and T-cells like the other ones after research carried out in UK, and so if a country like India that has a lot of people that have already been infected, it will still find it harder to spread than if the population had lower exposure to the virus like say a country like Pakistan.

Modi is an uneducated dangerous nationalist that is using the Indian population to complete phase 3 trails on the Indian vaccine, and wag the nationalistic flag at the same time.
1. It wasn't some massive drop in infection, it took months to drop down to this level and it was exactly as predicted by our data scientists as well as ones working in infectious disease control. If you have time listen to this explanation link pretty much explains how and why. In countries like India where you don't have to worry about first amendment rights, you can enforce mask rules and handwashing rulers or else you get your arse whooped or kicked out and nobody would give a damn. That beside, just because we have a lot of people, doesn't mean the government can't reach them and they are getting infected in large numbers. There are random PCR tests conducted to see if the person is infected with the findings showing less than 1% +ve rate in most of the places barring two states.

2. We are a living example of it, your claim is nonsense. Here's what WHO said on this claim. If you think it will go away in summer, believe me, it won't.

3. People over 50 are considered vulnerable. Also, there are people at all age groups with co-morbidities Diabetic, asthma, cancer and a variety of such diseases that's how 300+ million comes.

PPS: well obviously, but it is far more infectious. And densely populated countries will have quite a lot of cases.

It doesn't matter what education qualification Modi he doesn't watch every decision made, and our health minister is a doctor more than that an ENT surgeon final decisions were made under his supervision with the help of scientists heading the committee. I can understand your issue with Modi, but there should be common sense in the argument. And what should Modi do, he is a politician who holds a degree in political science you expect him to overrule scientists who gave the nod? Then we will have people complaining Modi is in the hands of Corporate Adar Poonwala, already he is in pockets of Ambani and Adani lol.
1. It wasn't some massive drop in infection, it took months to drop down to this level and it was exactly as predicted by our data scientists as well as ones working in infectious disease control. If you have time listen to this explanation link pretty much explains how and why. In countries like India where you don't have to worry about first amendment rights, you can enforce mask rules and handwashing rulers or else you get your arse whooped or kicked out and nobody would give a damn. That beside, just because we have a lot of people, doesn't mean the government can't reach them and they are getting infected in large numbers. There are random PCR tests conducted to see if the person is infected with the findings showing less than 1% +ve rate in most of the places barring two states.

2. We are a living example of it, your claim is nonsense. Here's what WHO said on this claim. If you think it will go away in summer, believe me, it won't.

3. People over 50 are considered vulnerable. Also, there are people at all age groups with co-morbidities Diabetic, asthma, cancer and a variety of such diseases that's how 300+ million comes.

PPS: well obviously, but it is far more infectious. And densely populated countries will have quite a lot of cases.

It doesn't matter what education qualification Modi he doesn't watch every decision made, and our health minister is a doctor more than that an ENT surgeon final decisions were made under his supervision with the help of scientists heading the committee. I can understand your issue with Modi, but there should be common sense in the argument. And what should Modi do, he is a politician who holds a degree in political science you expect him to overrule scientists who gave the nod? Then we will have people complaining Modi is in the hands of Corporate Adar Poonwala, already he is in pockets of Ambani and Adani lol.

1. Yes it takes months to drop corona virus cases down due to it's lifecycle of many weeks and 80% in 4-5 months is a massive drop.

Please stop pulling the other one about India being more disciplined than countries in Western Europe where cases over autumn and winter have shot through the roof. In UK mask wearing is a legal requirement and hand sanitiser is available everywhere free to use.

2. Please try to understand that warm weather inhibits the virus to some extent but obviously if people pay no attention then it will still spread. I cannot make it any simpler than that.

3. No they are not if they are not overweight or have co-morbidities.

A healthy 55 year old maybe has a 1 in 10,000 chance or lower chance of dying, and this is from the probably more unhealthy UK population covid-19 deaths data due to more unhealthy lifestyles in the West.

Wow, 300 million Indians are vulnerable? Only 2 million people in UK have co-morbidities that makes them "extremely clinically vulnerable". Say India is similar then that would be 40 million or so Indians.

So many sick Indians according to your information. Indians must be far more sicker than BD'shis, Pakistanis and Africans then. Indians are officially the sickest nation on earth by a mile according to your own government.:what:
Lol, India's home grown vaccine is as bad as of not taking the vaccine. There was no clinical trial conducted and it's being pushed to fill in the pockets of Industrialists. There is nothing in this world called, "Free". Good luck to those million people taking these doses.

you should not use vaccine produced by yahud o hanud , produce your own if you can . better cheer lead chinese vaccine . :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
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you should not use vaccine produced by yahud o hanud , produce your own if you can .

Dada we produced and trialed our own vaccines (at least three) way before India did.

Go search the posts. Some were ready in March 2020.

Your govt. pressures us to help the begging bowl of Indian Serum institute.
Dada we produced and trialed our own vaccines (at least three) way before India did.

Go search the posts.

to apna vaccine khabo . :sarcastic:
though my comment was for pakistani guy .
Bloody lying call centre trash. Where is the evidence of any degree of phase 3 trial correlation for Bharat's home grown Covaxin?? Don't call out others who are entirely correct unless and until you can prove them wrong.

Did you even read the article you posted? This paper describes phase 1. Phase 2 isn't even documented, never mind phase 3.

"BBV152 led to tolerable safety outcomes and enhanced immune responses. Both Algel-IMDG formulations were selected for phase 2 immunogenicity trials. Further efficacy trials are warranted."
Read this from your own posted reference you bharati fraud:

"Because this is an interim report, we are not reporting any data on the persistence of vaccine-induced antibody responses or long-term safety outcomes. The results reported here do not permit efficacy assessments. The analysis of safety outcomes requires more extensive phase 2 and 3 clinical trials. Pre-vaccination laboratory values were similar to values after vaccination. "
Once Again for you @Cheepek

"The results reported here do not permit efficacy assessments"

Bharat Mata jai.

you are requested to use 50 percent effective chinese vaccine which comes free with CPEC.
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meanwhile brazilians thank india :cheers:

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro.(Reuters)
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro.(Reuters)
"Namaskar': Brazil's Bolsonaro thanks 'great partner' India, PM Modi for Covid-19 vaccines
The biggest nation of South America has been facing vaccine shortage and was awaiting the arrival of two million doses of the coronavirus vaccines from India.
By hindustantimes.com | Edited by Deepali Sharma, Hindustan Times, New Delhi
PUBLISHED ON JAN 22, 2021 09:59 PM IST
Brazil's President Jair M Bolsonaro on Friday thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for supplying Covid-19 vaccines to Brazil. The president took to Twitter and said, "Namaskar, Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Brazil feels honoured to have a great partner to overcome a global obstacle by joining efforts. Thank you for assisting us with the vaccines exports from India to Brazil. Dhanyavaad."

The biggest nation of South America has been facing vaccine shortage and was awaiting the arrival of two million doses of the coronavirus vaccines from India, though experts feel the shipment from India would not be sufficient to compensate for the paucity of vaccines in Brazil.

Also Read | Brazil sends aircraft to collect vaccines, 'too early' for exports, says India
"Counting doses from Butantan (a Sao Paulo state research institute) and those from India, there isn’t enough vaccine and there is no certainty about when Brazil will have more, or how much," Mário Scheffer, professor of preventive medicine at the University of Sao Paulo was quoted as saying by the Associated Press.
Bolsonaro had written a letter to PM Modi urging him to expedite the shipment as he was facing pressure in the country to roll-out vaccination. Brazil also sent an Airbus A330neo aircraft of Azul Airlines equipped with special containers to Mumbai to bring vaccines from India, even before India finalised export plans.
“To [ensure] the immediate implementation of the Brazilian National Programme of Immunisation, I would highly appreciate your good offices in expediting the shipment of two million doses of the vaccine produced by the Serum Institute of India to Brazil urgently, but as long as it does not impact the Indian vaccination programme,” Bolsonaro had written in the letter in Portuguese.

Also Read | Brazil's Bolsonaro asks India to expedite Covid vaccine shipment as delays loom
India had started exporting the Astrazeneca/Oxford coronavirus vaccine doses from Wednesday, The first two countries that India exported vaccines to were Bhutan and the Maldives. Seychelles, Morocco and Brazil have received the vaccine shipments on Friday. Morocco receiving two million doses of the Covid vaccine is also the first big shipment of the vaccines to Africa.
Brazil has recorded around 214,000 deaths from the coronavirus disease (Covid-19), which is the second-highest in the world after the United States.
better cheer lead chinese vaccine
I would be happy to take chinese vaccine which underwent phase 3 trial. Do you know what phase 3 is? I bet you don't, lol. With indian vaccine, 500 people were vaccinated and then they pushed it to the market.
“You know the Coronavirus vaccine that India provided us as a gift has already arrived. I thank the Indian Prime Minister for that reason. The vaccines which we have bought will arrive by January 25 to 26,” she said.
anyone else sense sarcasm in what she said? doesn't it sound like a diplomatic way of saying "yeah so...thanks but no thanks, we'll still rely on the ones we paid for arriving by January 25 to 26...y' know...the REAL vaccines, we'll uhm...save these free ones for our live stock"! :lol:
All the vaccines have been rushed to the market if compared to the normal time taken for previous vaccines.
I guess the risk in waiting for a perfect vaccine, was deemed too disastrous as compared to the potential benefits, even to a limited percentage of the population.
Even the oxford vaccine has a funny trial history, with the 1st dosage to the volunteers being halved by mistake . And surprisingly the ppl who got the lower dose by mistake showed better results.
The bharat vaccine is under a cloud , but because its from a dead virus , the worst that can happen is it being more ineffective than its peers. The chances of serious side effects are very low. Rest is our ingrained trust in foreign , western, stuff , evidence not important.
The American vaccines are from a new process and carry more risk as per my uninformed opinion. Its new for everyone.
The Chinese vaccine- no comments as they have no history of vaccine development and do have a history of manipulation of vaccine data and use of expired ingredients.
Like all new medicines, the first receivers will be the test subjects.
I would be happy to take chinese vaccine which underwent phase 3 trial. Do you know what phase 3 is? I bet you don't, lol. With indian vaccine, 500 people were vaccinated and then they pushed it to the market.

that is your fate to be a testing sample population for 50 percent efficasy trial vaccine made by copycats , world is already rejecting chinese failed vaccine . but you are living in shadow of ccp enslavement so no use to awake you . better you make your own dogbite vaccine which you get from india .boycott fully indian products .
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2 million doses of Oxford-AstraZeneca is a generous gift from India.
Oxford-AstraZeneca has been trialed in many countries it isn't an Indian vaccine. It is license produced in India.

What has Pakistan done for the world lately?
Mr Sam...you don't know?? they are helping China to complete vaccine trials in Pak..
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