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PM Hasina thanks Modi for gifting 2m doses of COVID-19 vaccine

1.What else explains the massive drop in infections since September last year in India? Weather in north India getting much colder, people spending more time indoors and infections have dropped 80%.
As for new strains, have proper border controls and India cannot import more virulent strains.
Worry about new infectious strains inside India once they happen.

2. Myth? Warm and sunny weather is proven to rapidly degrade corona.
Also it allows windows to be kept open and people to spend more time outside. Look at infections rates dropping down to almost zero in Europe last summer as evidence. Obviously if you are like the USA or Brazil where the leaders(ex now for USA) do not take it seriously at all, then some people will not carry out any precautions and still catch the virus in warm and sunny weather.
I did say more than half of India is warm during India and not the whole of it and so please read my posts more carefully going forward.

3. Like I say India is a young country with a life expectancy of 69 years.
India has only 52 million people over 70 and so where does this number of 300-400 million come from??
Are you saying 250-350 million Indians are immunocompromised?
While it needs more than 100 million doses(50 million people) eventually it is not that urgent that you need to inject a vaccine that has not gone through the proper phase 3 trials like AstraZeneca/Pfizer and Moderna.

PS - UK strain can be defeated by the same antibodies and T-cells like the other ones after research carried out in UK, and so if a country like India that has a lot of people that have already been infected, it will still find it harder to spread than if the population had lower exposure to the virus like say a country like Pakistan.

Modi is an uneducated dangerous nationalist that is using the Indian population to complete phase 3 trails on the Indian vaccine, and wag the nationalistic flag at the same time.
What explains? Masks, awareness, testing, lockdowns and effective local administration.
What explains? Masks, awareness, testing, lockdowns and effective local administration.

Yeah, whatever you say.

All developed countries during the colder months have seen massive increases of infections with masks, lockdowns and paying people to stay at home whereas poor India has done much much better than them somehow.

Modi is using millions of Indians to complete phase 3 trials for bragging purposes no less. A moron if ever there was one and shows what happens when you allow a tea seller to run a country.
What's unproven? Both Covishield and Covaxin are under phase 3 trials. Stop frothing out uneducated, uninformed, ignorant shit from your mouth.
Yeah, whatever you say.

All developed countries during the colder months have seen massive increases of infections with masks, lockdowns and paying people to stay at home whereas poor India has done much much better than them somehow.

Modi is using millions of Indians to complete phase 3 trials for bragging purposes no less. A moron if ever there was one and shows what happens when you allow a tea seller to run a country.
Say, why open your mouth when you don't know anything?
What millions? Both vaccines have got EUA, the vaccination drive going on is for front line workers and VOLUNTARY.
Whatever vaccine you are getting from India is the SAME vaccine which hasn't passed phase 3 trials here, YET.
Forget chaiwala, you should contact your PM because they trust the chaiwala and his vaccine more than Indians themselves. So sad they haven't contacted you for your expert medical advice.
Say, why open your mouth when you don't know anything?
What millions? Both vaccines have got EUA, the vaccination drive going on is for front line workers and VOLUNTARY.
Whatever vaccine you are getting from India is the SAME vaccine which hasn't passed phase 3 trials here, YET.
Forget chaiwala, you should contact your PM because they trust the chaiwala and his vaccine more than Indians themselves. So sad they haven't contacted you for your expert medical advice.

Another Indian getting angry to deflect from the fact that he has no clue what he is talking about.

UK vaccine has been approved by more countries than any other vaccine in the world, while the Indian one only has the tea-seller Modi's approval.

PS - BD is getting the UK vaccine licence manufactured in India you dolt.
Another Indian getting angry to deflect from the fact that he has no clue what he is talking about.

UK vaccine has been approved by more countries than any other vaccine in the world, while the Indian one only has the tea-seller Modi's approval.

PS - BD is getting the UK vaccine licence manufactured in India you dolt.
Dear little PDFiya quack, vaccines show different results in different population groups. That's WHY "diversity" is preferred in a clinical trials everywhere.
Since you've had NO clinical trials in your own country for this vaccine- It effectively means you are relying on our interim data. Now buzz off.
What's unproven? Both Covishield and Covaxin are under phase 3 trials. Stop frothing out uneducated, uninformed, ignorant shit from your mouth.
Infact, Covaxin is MUCH safer than all other vaccines around.
Where is the evidence of any degree of phase 3 trial correlation for Bharat's home grown Covaxin?? Don't call out others who are entirely correct unless and until you can prove them wrong.

Did you even read the article you posted? This paper describes phase 1. Phase 2 isn't even documented, never mind phase 3.

"BBV152 led to tolerable safety outcomes and enhanced immune responses. Both Algel-IMDG formulations were selected for phase 2 immunogenicity trials. Further efficacy trials are warranted."
Read this from your own posted reference:

"Because this is an interim report, we are not reporting any data on the persistence of vaccine-induced antibody responses or long-term safety outcomes. The results reported here do not permit efficacy assessments. The analysis of safety outcomes requires more extensive phase 2 and 3 clinical trials. Pre-vaccination laboratory values were similar to values after vaccination. "
Once Again for you @Cheepek

"The results reported here do not permit efficacy assessments"
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Bloody lying call centre trash. Where is the evidence of any degree of phase 3 trial correlation for Bharat's home grown Covaxin?? Don't call out others who are entirely correct unless and until you can prove them wrong.

Did you even read the article you posted? This paper describes phase 1. Phase 2 isn't even documented, never mind phase 3.

"BBV152 led to tolerable safety outcomes and enhanced immune responses. Both Algel-IMDG formulations were selected for phase 2 immunogenicity trials. Further efficacy trials are warranted."
What part of English you don't understand?

Infact, Covaxin is MUCH safer than all other vaccines around.

Don't run off now. I'm not done dealing with you. Covaxin cannot be declared effective until due diligence is complete. It may well be, good if it is, but that isn't confirmed yet.

Read this carefully.

Phase3 trials are being done as an active rollout on unwitting guinea pigs from the health care sector. One poor sod is dead already because of this policy. Other health workers refuse to be guinea pigs and instead want the British vaccine.

Here's what Somani said himself:

"India's Drugs Controller General, VG Somani, insisted Covaxin was "safe and provides a robust immune response".

He added the vaccines had been approved for restricted use in "public interest as an abundant precaution, in clinical trial mode, to have more options for vaccinations, especially in case of infection by mutant strains"."


If I offered you the Oxford vaccine or the Bharat vaccine, are you going to take the "clinical trial mode" vaccine?

No surprise then that sensible health care workers will also demand the Oxford one.
What part of English you don't understand?
"The analysis of safety outcomes requires more extensive phase 2 and 3 clinical trials. "

Come back when Lancet validates your safety outcomes.
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Don't run off now. I'm not done dealing with you you little call centre bhakt. Covaxin cannot be declared effective until due diligence is complete. It may well be, good if it is, but that isn't confirmed yet.

Read this carefully.

Phase3 trials are being done as an active rollout on unwitting guinea pigs from the health care sector. One poor sod is dead already because of this policy. Other health workers refuse to be guinea pigs and instead want the British vaccine.

Here's what Somani said himself:

"India's Drugs Controller General, VG Somani, insisted Covaxin was "safe and provides a robust immune response".

He added the vaccines had been approved for restricted use in "public interest as an abundant precaution, in clinical trial mode, to have more options for vaccinations, especially in case of infection by mutant strains"."


If I offered you the Oxford vaccine or the Bharat vaccine, are you going to take the "clinical trial mode" vaccine?

No surprise then that sensible health care workers will also demand the Oxford one.
Do you even know the "Oxford" vaccine is undergoing 3rd phase trials in India?
Same as BB's Covaxin?
Both are approved for EUA- Do you know the meaning?
Do you know the meaning of "voluntary"?

"The analysis of safety outcomes requires more extensive phase 2 and 3 clinical trials. "

Come back when Lancet validates your safety outcomes.

Yes, and that's when rollout for common public will happen. After phase 2+3 trial results. Don't give too much pressure to those endangered brain cells anymore.
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Do you even know the "Oxford" vaccine is undergoing 3rd phase trials in India?
Same as BB's Covaxin?
Both are approved for EUA- Do you know the meaning?
Do you know the meaning of "voluntary"?

Yes, and that's when rollout for common public will happen. After phase 2+3 trial results. Don't give too much pressure to those endangered brain cells anymore.

Note the difference between a proper vaccine accreditation process and the b.s. "clinical trial mode" hit and hope approval for Bharat vaccine.

The above paper specifies phase 3 outcomes that confirm the following:

"Here, we present the first interim safety and efficacy data for a viral vector coronavirus vaccine, ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, evaluated in four trials across three continents, showing significant vaccine efficacy of 70·4% after two doses and protection of 64·1% after at least one standard dose, against symptomatic disease, with no safety concerns."

Efficacy and safety of the Oxford vaccine are already confirmed. Whatever studies you're doing presently on the Oxford vaccine are additional. There is already sufficient validation to approve the Oxford vaccine, which is why it's been rolled out everywhere.

The Bharat home grown vaccine is not yet at this level of validation, as per the paper you yourself posted. Don't mislead people by pretending the Oxford vaccine and the Bharat vaccine are somehow at the same stage of accreditation and validation.

Somani has rolled both out, but only one meets the necessary standards. The other is - as per his own words - in "clinical trial mode".

Note the difference between a proper vaccine accreditation process and the b.s. "clinical trial mode" hit and hope approval for Bharat vaccine.

The above paper specifies phase 3 outcomes that confirm the following:

"Here, we present the first interim safety and efficacy data for a viral vector coronavirus vaccine, ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, evaluated in four trials across three continents, showing significant vaccine efficacy of 70·4% after two doses and protection of 64·1% after at least one standard dose, against symptomatic disease, with no safety concerns."

Efficacy and safety of the Oxford vaccine are already confirmed. Whatever studies you're doing presently on the Oxford vaccine are additional. There is already sufficient validation to approve the Oxford vaccine, which is why it's been rolled out everywhere.

The Bharat home grown vaccine is not yet at this level of validation, as per the paper you yourself posted. Don't mislead people by pretending the Oxford vaccine and the Bharat vaccine are somehow at the same stage of accreditation and validation.

Somani has rolled both out, but only one meets the necessary standards. The other is - as per his own words - in "clinical trial mode".
Breathe. Read. Understand. Shoo away.

Dear little PDFiya quack, vaccines show different results in different population groups. That's WHY "diversity" is preferred in a clinical trials everywhere.
Since you've had NO clinical trials in your own country for this vaccine- It effectively means you are relying on our interim data. Now buzz off.
Why waste your breath?

Our money

Profit of 10 million in initial phases

Pharma exports In First year to year

Africa is buying for atleast 5 dollars

sorry to burst your bubble . Every thread you mentioning profit and Run away when exposed .
Here you go watch this video and only profit you will make is ripping off low caste of your own kind . World says go **** yourself Britain promised the world

Dr Lizzie Burns


Jan 17

If you haven't already watched it: so inspiring the extraordinary work of scientists in Oxford developing a vaccine & thanks to
not for profit but for everyone's future. I live in Oxford - I'm *so* proud. Thank you!

Profiteering from misery only in India lol but won’t be allowed by British

who said . Head of Oxford AstraZeneca say so .

James Campbell


Jan 20

The Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine will cost the UK government "the same as a cup of coffee". Sky News says it will cost a little under £3 per dose, with two doses needed. AstraZeneca said it will not sell it for a profit so it is available to all countries.


Andrew Pollard is Director of the Oxford Vaccines Group - who, along with Astra Zeneca, have developed an modified adenovirus vaccine for SARS-CoV-2.

In this interview we talk to him about the development of that vaccine - what he thinks about the UK government's plan to increase the interval between doses; if he worries about a mutating virus and vaccine escape; and how the university came to make a deal with a commercial company to provide cost-price vaccinations for the world.


Breathe. Read. Understand. Shoo away.
"What's unproven? Both Covishield and Covaxin are under phase 3 trials. Stop frothing out uneducated, uninformed, ignorant shit from your mouth.
Infact, Covaxin is MUCH safer than all other vaccines around."

Here's your original statement that I responded to. You claimed two things here that I disputed. (1) both the Oxford vaccine and BB vaccine are at a similar trial stage - I showed you that the Oxford vaccine is progressed beyond that as per published global data. (2) covaxin is much safer than the other vaccines - your own cited paper disputes this and suggests further trials are needed to clarify safety claims.

This sort of misleading conjecture is pretty much fake news. Hence, I responded. The Bangladeshi poster whom you replied to so arrogantly is actually correct and such diligence should be encouraged.
Breathe. Read. Understand. Shoo away.
"What's unproven? Both Covishield and Covaxin are under phase 3 trials. Stop frothing out uneducated, uninformed, ignorant shit from your mouth.
Infact, Covaxin is MUCH safer than all other vaccines around."

Here's your original statement that I responded to. You claimed two things here that I disputed. (1) both the Oxford vaccine and BB vaccine are at a similar trial stage - I showed you that the Oxford vaccine is progressed beyond that as per published global data. (2) covaxin is much safer than the other vaccines - your own cited paper disputes this and suggests further trials are needed to clarify safety claims.

This sort of misleading conjecture is pretty much fake news. Hence, I responded. The Bangladeshi poster whom you replied to so arrogantly is actually correct and such diligence should be encouraged.
Sinovac showed 90%+ efficacy in Turkey, Indonesia should have accepted it as it is. Oops they didn't, conducted trials on it's own people and found it ~65%. Brazil did trials on it's own people too and found ~50%+.
Do you understand now? I am sure no, so I am done trying to educate a Pakistani.
As far as safety is concerned, it's clear that you have trouble comprehending basic English, and I give up on that too.
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