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PM Erdogan: Islamophobia should be a crime against humanity

Doesnt it say that Islam is the only true religion and Muhammad the only true prophet.. ??

Implies other religions and other prophets are not true/real

No it doesn't.

God sent 124,000 prophets on earth to enlighten its people.

All prophets are revered in Islam.

All came with same message.

Mohammad (SAW) was the last prophet of God sent to enlighten the people.

It is written that Muslims should not insult any other religion.
So if we had to burn down Muslim embassies and kill a Muslim ambassador because of the highlighted statement, I guess the Muslim world would condone our actions yeah? Oh wait, we are more mature. We don't give a jack what people ignorant about our religion has to say about it. We don't go around calling for a ban on anti-Hindu (Hinduphobia? :D) statements. And frankly speaking, if you wanna insult our religion because you are ignorant about it, go right ahead and do it. It's your right to do so. Freedom of speech. But for Gods sake, stop whinning and screeching like babies when we apply our freedom of speech to mock your Prophet and your religion. Inasmuch as the rest of the world are infidels to you, you remain infidels to them. Butter the bread both ways

Some of the Pakistani members are so god damned hypocrites here.. As much as I detest the movie in question, primarily because of bad screen play and lack of finesse, I find it ridiculous when some members start talking in terms of this being a crime against humanity.. I mean, they are pretty ok with insulting other countries' sacred symbols, but heaven forbid someone utters a word against Islam, the drama queens are out in full force...


as is getting married to kids and keeping 4 wives.. Do you see what you did there ???

And we muslims still go by that rule and this laws are ordained by our creator as he is the one who knows our psyche and the solutions to all our problems. BTW having 4 wives is better than having dozens of mistresses and extramarital affairs rampant in the so called suckular countries burdened with broken houses and astronomical amount of social crimes. And having 4 wives is an option given with very strict conditions that a husband must fullfill. SO find something else to troll with. Batmen's reply was to a bigoted extremist countrymen of yours who tried to flame and divert the thread.

Really ??
Islamist - definition of Islamist by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Islamist [ˈɪzləmɪst]
(Non-Christian Religions / Islam) supporting or advocating Islamic fundamentalism
(Non-Christian Religions / Islam) a supporter or advocate of Islamic fundamentalism

Islamist is a term that is coined by the west in line with terms such as capitalist and communist. But the more preferred term is fundementalist as each and every muslim should be a islamic fundementalist and follow all the fundamentals of Islam that will ensure peace and prosperity in this world and the world hereafter.
Doesnt it say that Islam is the only true religion and Muhammad the only true prophet.. ??

Implies other religions and other prophets are not true/real

La Illaha IllaAllah

(There is No God But Allah)

Mohammad Al Rasool Allah

(and Mohammad PBUH is Allah's Messenger)

where did u get this impression....Muslims believe in ALL Prophets. Jesus Christ PBUH (Hazrat Issa) is a highly respected figure for all Muslims. That's why you'll never see Muslims burning Bibles or doing any of those things. . .

dont take actions of taleban types as that which represents all Muslims.......

Karan i know I bust your balls a lot, but i still know you're a little smarter than that. Dont come with silly things like what you have said here.
and LOL @ the indian morality brigades here on PDF

i always hold those in contempt who speak out and make mutterances but then dont realize their own hypocrisy....
I still remember M.F. Hussein - the Muslim artist -- who was issued death threats by hindu extremist organizations....they smashed his art works, issued verbal threats against his life; they ranted they raved. the guy had to seek Qatari asylum and was given citizenship, and is now buried in the UK

so you (of all people) should do the right thing and remain conspicuously silent on this subject of "free speech" !!!

Ah! the so called think tank, comparing reaction of non state actors (Pakistani term, not mine ;) ) to that of a sovereign government.. :lol:

Do you really want to bring the acts of non state actors in this discussion?? I mean comparing death threats to a Muslim artists with blatant acts of terrorism, that Pakistan's non state actors (and sometime state actors post retirement) are world famous for indulging in??

Talk about trying to divert the topic with that big a fail ;)
Playing the victim has became a widespread method among the Muslims of Turkey, and it is really irritating. I mean Erdogan, he is the one who called atheists as junkies recently.

Yet, he demands more tolerance for the Muslims :disagree:
Going by the delicate sensitivities of these forever hurt people

1) There is no god but Allah is offensive to those who may be believing in gods other than allah
2) Muslims openly say that Jesus is not son of God - a core belief of Christians - thus highly offensive to Christians

Of course the above I do not think offensive as I don't care, but I'm just giving examples.

Thinking has tanked to new abusmal depths :P
and LOL @ the indian morality brigades here on PDF

i always hold those in contempt who speak out and make mutterances but then dont realize their own hypocrisy....

I still remember M.F. Hussein - the Muslim artist -- who was issued death threats by hindu extremist organizations....they smashed his art works, issued verbal threats against his life; they ranted they raved.

the guy had to seek Qatari asylum and was given citizenship, and is now buried in the UK

so you (of all people) should do the right thing and remain conspicuously silent on this subject of "free speech" !!!

Armed Forces Special Powers Act in occupied Kashmir is a real testament to your democracy and free speech

wow ! you guys kill numerous people over a silly cartoon and now complaining an angry mob reaction (even though it's wrong ) against a hypocrite artist who drawn nude pic of Hindu godess, naked bharath mata, naked sita sitting on thigh of ravan..what not..
And he painted his own daughter, mother , and other Muslim ladies fully clothed..

Once asked mf hussain himself told that he painted Hitler in nude because he hated him , and wanted to humiliate him.So this is what he thinks and achieve by painting nude pic.

Lastly- hussain could always fight legaly against the goons who destroyed his paintings and threatened him..it's a free country and there is police and court to approach.

Hussain left India because there were many petitions against him and he was afraid of punishment.so if escaped cowardly.
Yes, since anti-Semitism is banned, anti-pretzelism should be banned too! People should be allowed to buy and sell pretzels everywhere without being criticized, and I demand NO ONE SHOULD FEAR THIS!

Pretzels can be dangerous and borderline deadly, just ask Dubya.
Do you really want to bring the acts of non state actors in this discussion?? I mean comparing death threats to a Muslim artists with blatant acts of terrorism, that Pakistan's non state actors (and sometime state actors post retirement) are world famous for indulging in??

Talk about trying to divert the topic with that big a fail ;)
Armed Forces Special Powers Act in occupied Kashmir is a real testament to your democracy and free speech

yeah! talk about diverting the subject completely! in fact you validate my point further

State Actors in india are responsible for communal/religious bloodshed in india as they are with trampling on the very "democracy" they claim to represent :lol:

unless you're prepared to make the case that BJP and your Shiv Sena types are non-staters ;)

and with regard to M.F. Hussein -- once again; your morality brigades should remain conspicuously silent. The guy had to flee for his life, from india.

if things were my way, religion would be completely left alone.....no satires, no inaccurate or insulting depictions....but anywaz.

Some of the Pakistani members are so god damned hypocrites here.. As much as I detest the movie in question, primarily because of bad screen play and lack of finesse, I find it ridiculous when some members start talking in terms of this being a crime against humanity.. I mean, they are pretty ok with insulting other countries' sacred symbols, but heaven forbid someone utters a word against Islam, the drama queens are out in full force...

actually, now this i do agree with

Showing love for Prophet PBUH does not mean displaying acts of anger and hatred.

They're best served by learning about how compassionate the Prophet PBUH was when he was facing blasphemers and angry detractors who threw stuff at Him and hurled insults at him in Makkah and Taif; compassion and understanding during much different, much more backwards times in history where there was no sense of humanity or civilization in that region.

in that sense, all of humanity should learn from the deeds and principles of our Prophet PBUH.

oh and lastly ---- when will the media muster the courage to show peaceful protestors in Pakistan -- who obeyed police orders and who dispersed when asked to do so peacefully....of course your media and much of western media would only show fires, shouting, flags burning, etc. because those images sell better and make those media a lot more richer.

media is making great business nowdays......i dont think Sky News, Geo, BBC or CNN will be going out of business ANYTIME soon, i could assure you
And we muslims still go by that rule and this laws are ordained by our creator as he is the one who knows our psyche and the solutions to all our problems. BTW having 4 wives is better than having dozens of mistresses and extramarital affairs rampant in the so called suckular countries burdened with broken houses and astronomical amount of social crimes. And having 4 wives is an option given with very strict conditions that a husband must fullfill. SO find something else to troll with. Batmen's reply was to a bigoted extremist countrymen of yours who tried to flame and divert the thread.

Islamist is a term that is coined by the west in line with terms such as capitalist and communist. But the more preferred term is fundementalist as each and every muslim should be a islamic fundementalist and follow all the fundamentals of Islam that will ensure peace and prosperity in this world and the world hereafter.

True but we seem to forget WHY muslim men WERE allowed to marry up to four wives IF he would treat them equally fair. And God says that he (the man) will not.
Context context context. Muslim men were allowed to marry several wives in a time where wars depleted the number of muslim men, and in a time where muslim women were dependent on a man's protection and him providing for the family. Thus a muslim man would be able to provide for several families, and help them survive. This was never meant as a way for men to enjoy more women as perhaps 90% of the cases are today.
Therefore, muslim men; stick to THE woman you love and concentrate on bringing up healthy well behaving, god fearing and productive children, and love your wife and children and provide for them as this is your responsibility in front of God.
True but we seem to forget WHY muslim men WERE allowed to marry up to four wives IF he would treat them equally fair. And God says that he (the man) will not.
Context context context. Muslim men were allowed to marry several wives in a time where wars depleted the number of muslim men, and in a time where muslim women were dependent on a man's protection and him providing for the family. Thus a muslim man would be able to provide for several families, and help them survive. This was never meant as a way for men to enjoy more women as perhaps 90% of the cases are today.
Therefore, muslim men; stick to THE woman you love and concentrate on bringing up healthy well behaving, god fearing and productive children, and love your wife and children and provide for them as this is your responsibility in front of God.

Funny how these Abraham religions seem to care about the subject's personal life like women and marriages yet fails to explain the laws of physics or Theoretical physics. What is more striking that these Abraham seem to always revolve around semetic traditions and customs (Jewish, Aramaic then Arab)...How bias! Where are the east Asians?

Playing the victim has became a widespread method among the Muslims of Turkey, and it is really irritating. I mean Erdogan, he is the one who called atheists as junkies recently.

Yet, he demands more tolerance for the Muslims :disagree:

I agree. Erdo is laughed at by university students... He has no future and ruined AKP and Turkey's reputation by making stupid statements that attracts far right nuts in Europe
La Illaha IllaAllah

(There is No God But Allah)

Mohammad Al Rasool Allah

(and Mohammad PBUH is Allah's Messenger)

There is no God but Allah... which means all other Gods are fake ?? Well, if you can dish it, learn to take it as well...

where did u get this impression....Muslims believe in ALL Prophets. Jesus Christ PBUH (Hazrat Issa) is a highly respected figure for all Muslims. That's why you'll never see Muslims burning Bibles or doing any of those things. . .

dont take actions of taleban types as that which represents all Muslims.......

Aren't Ahmadis outcasted from Islam because of their belief in another Prophet after Muhammad (PBUH) ???

Karan i know I bust your balls a lot, but i still know you're a little smarter than that. Dont come with silly things like what you have said here.
:lol: Hubris.. anyone ;) ??
I am still not able to figure out what just happened in Pakistan?? :blink:

Its that easy to being them out and burn their own country????
LoL. I was going to write something but AZ has already thoroughly exposed Karan. Cheers!
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