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PM Erdogan: Islamophobia should be a crime against humanity

And what would be saying "there is no God but Allah" thus effectively ridiculing all other religions as false?

Make that also a crime against humanity.

I respect your freedom of speech but you are inflaming here.
How come, reciting 'La Ilaha IllAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah' is crime against humanity?
Considering monkey as god and declaring cow urine and dung holy sacrificing infants to kali............. indeed are.

Seems Turkey needs a Coup or an Atheist Government soon!

Confine your conspiring self to, what British gifted you as a reward for killing Muslims.

Absolute nonsense. There is no way a reasonably intelligent man like Erdogan believe this is going to be acceptable by the infidels. He is saying this just to make face and to look good to the Islamists, inside Turkey and elsewhere.

So is your govt. issuing statements just to safe face from Muslims.

BTW... 'Islamists' is a hate term and you are an Islamophobic.
You can start by accepting Jesus is son of God.

You don't really understand what "freedom of thought" means, do you?

Nobody "has to accept" what you said or believe, they just need to respect what you said or believe and mustn't insult to what you said or believe. What some christians do is absolutely an insult to islam and our prophet. We don't believe Jesus is the son of God but you never see a muslim insulting Jesus or this thought.
Freedom of thought and belief ends where the freedom of thought and belief of others start. You can say anything about your thoughts and beliefs, but you will have to stop when you are at the border of others' freedoms... :tup::tup::tup:

Sweeping the hate under carpet don't subside it. Absolute Freedom of expression provide one a chance to put his view.

If I hate Islam then there could be two possibility. a) Either I am misinformed or b) Islam is truly bad. If I am misinformed and I am not expressing it, you don't get a chance to correct myself. If Islam is wrong and I am not expressing it, you won't get a chance to correct urself.

Da-Vinci-code attackd on foundation of Christianism, still USA didn't ban it. I believe in freedom of expression, thats too unconditional and absolute.
You don't really understand what "freedom of thought" means, do you?

Nobody "has to accept" what you said or believe, they just need to respect what you said or believe and mustn't insult to what you said or believe. What some christians do is absolutely an insult to islam and our prophet. We don't believe Jesus is the son of God but you never see a muslim insulting Jesus or this thought.

And you think calling all other religions (except islam) as untrue and all other prophets (except Muhammad PBUH) as fake is respecting what others say or believe?
1. Hillary Clinton says the film insulting to Muslims cannot be stopped because of freedom of expression.

2. The French and Italian papers published photos of a naked Duchess of Cambridge. Now a French court has ordered the publishers to surrender all the pictures to the royal couple and to stop publishing them. The Italians are also going to do the same.

3. So freedom of expression is selective, not to be used against a countess but okay for the prophet of the Muslims.

4. I know there are many hypocrites in the West but this is the mother of all Western hypocrisy.

Read more on Dr Mahathir Mohamad blog Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad
And you think calling all other religions (except islam) as untrue and all other prophets (except Muhammad PBUH) as fake is respecting what others say or believe?

Care to enlighten which prophets we Muslims says are fake? and which religion are untrue?
1. Hillary Clinton says the film insulting to Muslims cannot be stopped because of freedom of expression.

2. The French and Italian papers published photos of a naked Duchess of Cambridge. Now a French court has ordered the publishers to surrender all the pictures to the royal couple and to stop publishing them. The Italians are also going to do the same.

3. So freedom of expression is selective, not to be used against a countess but okay for the prophet of the Muslims.

4. I know there are many hypocrites in the West but this is the mother of all Western hypocrisy.

Read more on Dr Mahathir Mohamad blog Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad

Mango is Mango, Orange is orange. Apple can not be grapes while grapes are black.. lol... Got anythin???

Ur statement is similar to it....
1. Hillary is American, Under US 1st ammendment Absolute freedom of expression is granted. Read my post in post#20.
2. Italy is not America, nor UK is, Entire west is not America, so American laws are applicable in west. America is not west so UK laws are not applicable in USA.
3. Freedom of expression is not selective, Its not International law, This law is interpreted by different countries differently.While India scum to Islamic pressure, other won't. So India ban this movie, west not.
4. It is not hypocracy, its Lack of understanding by ppl like you. U don't understand that west is not USA. USA and france talk about absolute Freedom of expression, under same law they didn't ban Da vinci code movie, Same movie was banned in India, and some Western country...

Hope u understand it now...
I respect your freedom of speech but you are inflaming here.
So what?

How come, reciting 'La Ilaha IllAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah' is crime against humanity?
Because I 'feel like it is'. Now do you get the picture?

So is your govt. issuing statements just to safe face from Muslims.
Yes, the US currently have a weak Presidency.

BTW... 'Islamists' is a hate term and you are an Islamophobic.
No worse than how muslims viewed me when I was the ME.
And you think calling all other religions (except islam) as untrue and all other prophets (except Muhammad PBUH) as fake is respecting what others say or believe?

It's obvious that you are confused and you don't seem to know very much about Islam.

Islam doesn't name "all other prophets except Muhammed" as fake and other religions except Islam as untrue. On the contrary, Islam is the only religion which recognizes other religions and Muslims are the only people who recognizes other prophets. Muslims accept all the prophets since Adam, including Jews' and Christians' too. (About Jesus, we simply don't believe he is the son of God but we, of course, believe he is one of thousands of prophets that God sent to world)

I don't think it is a blame or a unrespectful behaviour but if you want to blame someone, you need to blame Jews and Christians who doesn't recognize Muhammed as a prophet.
It's obvious that you are confused and you don't seem to know very much about Islam.

Islam doesn't name "all other prophets except Muhammed" as fake and other religions except Islam as untrue. On the contrary, Islam is the only religion which recognizes other religions and Muslims are the only people who recognizes other prophets. Muslims accept all the prophets since Adam, including Jews' and Christians' too. (About Jesus, we simply don't believe he is the son of God but we, of course, believe he is one of thousands of prophets that God sent to world)

I don't think it is a blame or a unrespectful behaviour but if you want to blame someone, you need to blame Jews and Christians who doesn't recognize Muhammed as a prophet.
That is a 'crime against humanity' right there. I do not care if you believe in Jesus's existence, I am only offended that you diminished His stature that way. I will now gather a bunch of Christians and protest in front of the Turkish Embassy in DC.

Now do you see how absurd Erdogan is?
I respect your freedom of speech but you are inflaming here.
How come, reciting 'La Ilaha IllAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah' is crime against humanity?
Considering monkey as god and declaring cow urine and dung holy sacrificing infants to kali............. indeed are.

Confine your conspiring self to, what British gifted you as a reward for killing Muslims.

So is your govt. issuing statements just to safe face from Muslims.

BTW... 'Islamists' is a hate term and you are an Islamophobic.

So if we had to burn down Muslim embassies and kill a Muslim ambassador because of the highlighted statement, I guess the Muslim world would condone our actions yeah? Oh wait, we are more mature. We don't give a jack what people ignorant about our religion has to say about it. We don't go around calling for a ban on anti-Hindu (Hinduphobia? :D) statements. And frankly speaking, if you wanna insult our religion because you are ignorant about it, go right ahead and do it. It's your right to do so. Freedom of speech. But for Gods sake, stop whinning and screeching like babies when we apply our freedom of speech to mock your Prophet and your religion. Inasmuch as the rest of the world are infidels to you, you remain infidels to them. Butter the bread both ways
That is a 'crime against humanity' right there. I do not care if you believe in Jesus's existence, I am only offended that you diminished His stature that way. I will now gather a bunch of Christians and protest in front of the Turkish Embassy in DC.

Now do you see how absurd Erdogan is

That is crime against humanity that christians consider Mohammad (P.B.U.H) a false prophet and consider him a con man. I will now gather a bunch of muslims and protest in front of the American Embassy in Islamabad.

Now do you see how absurd you are?
That is crime against humanity that christians consider Mohammad (P.B.U.H) a false prophet and consider him a con man. I will now gather a bunch of muslims and protest in front of the American Embassy in Islamabad.

Now do you see how absurd you are?
But you guys DO do that...thus we consider you absurd.
Yes, since anti-Semitism is banned, anti-pretzelism should be banned too! People should be allowed to buy and sell pretzels everywhere without being criticized, and I demand NO ONE SHOULD FEAR THIS!

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