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PM Erdogan: Islamophobia should be a crime against humanity

That is a 'crime against humanity' right there. I do not care if you believe in Jesus's existence, I am only offended that you diminished His stature that way. I will now gather a bunch of Christians and protest in front of the Turkish Embassy in DC.

Now do you see how absurd Erdogan is?

No, I don't. I really think you are being absurd here becuase you don't have a clue of niether what we are discussing nor what Erdogan said. Erdogan did not ask other muslims to protest in front of US embassy. On the contrary, he asked everybody to calm down and Barrack Obama showed his appreciations for his speech.

If you think what I said and the movie made about our prophet is even comparable, then you are crazy. That movie includes insults to our prophet whereas what I said is simply a rejection of what you believe and I do have a right to that. I do have a right not to belive what you believe but I don't have a right to insult or swear to your beliefs. Just like you have the right not to believe Muhammed (a.s.) is a prophet but you don't have the right to insult or swear to Muhammed (a.s.)

What Erdogan asked is to label these kinds of acts or words as a crime, just like antisemitism and racism.
And what would be saying "there is no God but Allah" thus effectively ridiculing all other religions as false?

Make that also a crime against humanity.

Yeah because Muslims are forcing your Hindu *** to say that right?
Yes, since anti-Semitism is banned, anti-pretzelism should be banned too! People should be allowed to buy and sell pretzels everywhere without being criticized, and I demand NO ONE SHOULD FEAR THIS!

Who doesn't like pretzels? :undecided:
By the same logic are the non-Muslims forcing your Muslim **** to watch the YT video or read the French magazine ?

No, I watched it because it was emailed to me your point? Who is holding a gun to your head though huh? You are so offended by a statement that by the way you did not even translate correctly?? Dodging my question by posting another question doesn't prove anything. As for the magazine I do not know of any french magazine.

Site crashing.....
Yes, since anti-Semitism is banned, anti-pretzelism should be banned too! People should be allowed to buy and sell pretzels everywhere without being criticized, and I demand NO ONE SHOULD FEAR THIS!

We Pray to Lord .......

We beg you, O Lord, to bless these breads which are to remind us that Lent is a sacred season of penance and prayer. For this very reason, the early Christians started the custom of making these breads in the form of arms crossed in prayer. Thus they kept the holy purpose of Lent alive in their hearts from day to day, and increased in their souls the love of Christ, even unto death, if necessary.

Grant us, we pray, that we too, may be reminded by the daily sight of these pretzels to observe the holy season of Lent with true devotion and great spiritual fruit. We ask this through Christ our prophet. Amen.

--With ecclesiastical approbation.
People of different religions have been fighting religious wars against each other since thousands of years. And if history is a lesson, this may never stop. However, what can be done is to enact laws at international level which should make it a crime to insult different beliefs and religions.
and LOL @ the indian morality brigades here on PDF

i always hold those in contempt who speak out and make mutterances but then dont realize their own hypocrisy....

I still remember M.F. Hussein - the Muslim artist -- who was issued death threats by hindu extremist organizations....they smashed his art works, issued verbal threats against his life; they ranted they raved.

the guy had to seek Qatari asylum and was given citizenship, and is now buried in the UK

so you (of all people) should do the right thing and remain conspicuously silent on this subject of "free speech" !!!

Armed Forces Special Powers Act in occupied Kashmir is a real testament to your democracy and free speech
Care to enlighten which prophets we Muslims says are fake? and which religion are untrue?

Doesnt it say that Islam is the only true religion and Muhammad the only true prophet.. ??

Implies other religions and other prophets are not true/real
I respect your freedom of speech but you are inflaming here.
How come, reciting 'La Ilaha IllAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah' is crime against humanity?
Considering monkey as god and declaring cow urine and dung holy sacrificing infants to kali............. indeed are.

as is getting married to kids and keeping 4 wives.. Do you see what you did there ???

BTW... 'Islamists' is a hate term

Really ??
Islamist - definition of Islamist by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Islamist [ˈɪzləmɪst]
(Non-Christian Religions / Islam) supporting or advocating Islamic fundamentalism
(Non-Christian Religions / Islam) a supporter or advocate of Islamic fundamentalism
A Great speech and good initiative by the turkish PM.:tup:

BTW Why are inferiority complex ridden hindutva clowns trying to divert and flame a thread that doesn't even concern their narrow minded ignorant selfs. :undecided:
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