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PM and Army worried about Afghanistan while Karachi?

my dear ser!

mqm or ptm or any such bs be it ttp they only come to power because they can tap into pain points of people they deliver their evil msg in a very cute package to gain support! and how are they able to manupilate the people whats the pain point! injustice!

comon people feel that a malik a wadera a choudary has power over his life because he is protected by state and he is above the law and the only way comon man can stand up to these powerful bastards is if arms himself or join a group that is against these powefuls then bastards like altaf step in and exploit the people! what had state of Pakistan done to end this injustice! fk all! the all powerful in Pakistan military establishment is working with the corrupts to expand their military inc!
Partially agreed with your post excluding the military part.

But that's my point, removal of bad system has to be done in a gradual, smooth and a way which doesn't land us into more troubles.

Palestinians and IOK Kashmiris at least have a say in running their local affairs. People from Karachi don't even have that right. People from Karachi are completely disenfranchised. There's a ban on them from getting federal and provincial jobs and there's no local government to speak of.
Sorry that you feel that way, however that's fact less and comparison of apples and oranges. Unless you also feel that karachi is occupied territory.
If only you knew the situation of KHI while enjoying the atlantis of Pakistan (Lahore), You wouldn’t have uttered such rubbish.

Don’t justify, They are not your abbu. It is Gov and Military’s primary responsibility to safeguard the interest of nation and its people first than to give a f about US and Ukraine
I would've responded to his idiotic post but he sure doesn't understand the dynamics of Politics let alone geopolitics, America is super power and for them their risks and stakes are much higher, they are trying to intervene in Ukraine but see who they are up against Russia. And Pakistan, we hardly have control of half of our country, as for America they are not having civil wars, religious fanatics blowing themselves up every now and then, and they sure not having armed independence struggle in any of their states, America is fully capable of taking care of their own while at the same time they can intervene in any foreign conflict and came out victors, but Pakistani's unfortunately are too dumb to understand that... Karachi is being neglected and they are running out of excuses, PTI did horrible job in addressing Karachi's issues, I will dare say it that next Civil war will be fought in Karachi, Mark my words.

Almost 3 decades since Sindh Rangers has been posted in Karachi.

Anti State / terrorist / Indian sponsored political party of the city / urban sindh is finished since half a decade but still crime hasn't decreased ?

Thousands of Personal of Sindh Rangers deployed in the city ,and billions of rupees spent annually. Still the crime and security in the city hasn't improved but is deteriorating every single day.

18th Amendment is one thing, BUT All the officers of the Sindh Rangers are posted / appointed from Pakistan Army.

So, How the HELL IS THE INSTITUTE OR COAS IN PARTICULAR NOT ANSWERABLE TO PEOPLE OF KARACHI and take responsibility of the worst security in Karachi?
Ask someone from Karachi, Rangers are now part of the bhatta mafia and land mafia...
I would've responded to his idiotic post but he sure doesn't understand the dynamics of Politics let alone geopolitics, America is super power and for them their risks and stakes are much higher, they are trying to intervene in Ukraine but see who they are up against Russia. And Pakistan, we hardly have control of half of our country, as for America they are not having civil wars, religious fanatics blowing themselves up every now and then, and they sure not having armed independence struggle in any of their states, America is fully capable of taking care of their own while at the same time they can intervene in any foreign conflict and came out victors, but Pakistani's unfortunately are too dumb to understand that... Karachi is being neglected and they are running out of excuses, PTI did horrible job in addressing Karachi's issues, I will dare say it that next Civil war will be fought in Karachi, Mark my words.
On the basis of what? Karachi independence, or ethno-nationalism, Sindh independence, etc?
Sorry that you feel that way, however that's fact less and comparison of apples and oranges. Unless you also feel that karachi is occupied territory.

I am what would be considered a hyper-Pakistani nationalist, or at least I was until reality set in and I realized that it's a hopeless case. I supported PTI and my family made substantial contributions to their political effort.

The reality is that Karachi has been grievously mismanaged, and abused. Books can be written about how Ayub Khan took away the capital. How Bhutto broke the back of business and education in Karachi and banned Karachiites from govt. jobs. Zia flooded Karachi with Afghan refugees. During that time you could rent a Kalashnikov by the hour to commit robberies in the city. Drugs were sold openly in the markets like potatoes. The list goes on an on, but it's water under the bridge and we need to look at the future.

PTI was supposed to do something, but they haven't. That was the last hope, so what now?

Pakistan is a virtually bankrupt country. It barely avoids total collapse by begging and borrowing from hostile entities like the IMF. Now it's found a new benefactor in the form of China, but even they will get fed up one day. There's no economic benefit from trading with Pakistan. Trade with India is way bigger.

Sooner or later Pakistan will have to fix itself. Hard decisions will need to be made, like getting rid of the provinces that seem to behave like independent countries. Create 30-40 provinces for better administration, ban corrupt politicians, change to a presidential system, etc. Try to create conditions where successful Pakistanis come back instead of running away.

There are solutions for the country's problems, but the establishment supports the status quo. So be it. Counting tanks and fighter planes, like they do here on PDF, may feel good but it won't bring prosperity to the country. The USSR had far more tanks and fighter planes.

I believe that Karachi can be the engine of growth for the whole of Pakistan, and without it Pakistan will stay like it is. That's just the reality.
On the basis of what? Karachi independence, or ethno-nationalism, etc?
Basis of variety of issues, Just go through this thread and you will see how " Parde Likhe " Pakistani's don't have enough mental capacity of even feel sympathy towards Pakistani's living in Karachi, they still think its their fault hence they deprive them of rights/resources/funds and sooner or later basic human rights, They keep repeating like parrot that just because Karachi elected MQM hence they are to blame for their issues, but most of them never set foot in Karachi or even understand the power dynamics of Karachi to begin with, In Karachi we say and we say it right, Pardon my language...(Punjabi Daggon ko aurato ka nach dekhne aur Pashtoono ko beti bechne se fursat mile tu Karachi ke issues ko address karen na) Sindhi wadera's under PPP run rampant and slowly brough Sindhi's from Interior to be posted in almost every Provincial Govt job, why? Karachi's mess is always pointed towards certain community but when it comes to Karachi's benefits it belong to whole nation? why...? Karachi is turning into Baluchistan where people's issues are not being addressed, we have seen this is Baluchistan where Provincial Govt's corruption is leading more and more Baloch youth towards separatism and yet our dumb idiots Pakistani's and leaders are repeating the same in Karachi.

Karachi's civil war will be multi-dimensional, Pashtoons will take over the outskirts of Karachi as they are in majority over their, they have enough guns to give Rangers run for their money, Rangers since they are in Karachi become Hadharam, aur Araam talab, they are taking bhatta, and even forcefully eradicating people from areas, Baloch/Sindhi of Liyari will run rampant with their Gangs and Drug mafia, MQM might reunite or a whole new party with a new leader will pop up who will use this situation for his gain just like Atlaf Hussain did, Punjabi's will remain in Punjabi and laugh it up as they always did, Army will clear these conflicts only to later make few more DHA under the guise of Protecting Pakistani's, and the people who just want basic human rights will be deprived of all them in the middle of all that chaos.
Basis of variety of issues, Just go through this thread and you will see how " Parde Likhe " Pakistani's don't have enough mental capacity of even feel sympathy towards Pakistani's living in Karachi, they still think its their fault hence they deprive them of rights/resources/funds and sooner or later basic human rights, They keep repeating like parrot that just because Karachi elected MQM hence they are to blame for their issues, but most of them never set foot in Karachi or even understand the power dynamics of Karachi to begin with, In Karachi we say and we say it right, Pardon my language...(Punjabi Daggon ko aurato ka nach dekhne aur Pashtoono ko beti bechne se fursat mile tu Karachi ke issues ko address karen na) Sindhi wadera's under PPP run rampant and slowly brough Sindhi's from Interior to be posted in almost every Provincial Govt job, why? Karachi's mess is always pointed towards certain community but when it comes to Karachi's benefits it belong to whole nation? why...? Karachi is turning into Baluchistan where people's issues are not being addressed, we have seen this is Baluchistan where Provincial Govt's corruption is leading more and more Baloch youth towards separatism and yet our dumb idiots Pakistani's and leaders are repeating the same in Karachi.

Karachi's civil war will be multi-dimensional, Pashtoons will take over the outskirts of Karachi as they are in majority over their, they have enough guns to give Rangers run for their money, Rangers since they are in Karachi become Hadharam, aur Araam talab, they are taking bhatta, and even forcefully eradicating people from areas, Baloch/Sindhi of Liyari will run rampant with their Gangs and Drug mafia, MQM might reunite or a whole new party with a new leader will pop up who will use this situation for his gain just like Atlaf Hussain did, Punjabi's will remain in Punjabi and laugh it up as they always did, Army will clear these conflicts only to later make few more DHA under the guise of Protecting Pakistani's, and the people who just want basic human rights will be deprived of all them in the middle of all that chaos.
A storm is clearly brewing but no one seems to care in the establishment from what it seems 🤔

Everything just goes unnoticed. The country is likely compromised by foreign powers, and/or everyone is just corrupt out of their own accord and doesn't care about Pakistan's national interests.

I really don't see a good future ahead if this continues, seems like 1971 will occur again, and they believe everything is still fine, not learnt a damn thing.
A storm is clearly brewing but no one seems to care in the establishment from what it seems 🤔

Everything just goes unnoticed. The country is likely compromised by foreign powers, and/or everyone is just corrupt out of their own accord and doesn't care about Pakistan's national interests.

I really don't see a good future ahead if this continues, seems like 1971 will occur again, and they believe everything is still fine, not learnt a damn thing.
Exactly, our PM and COAS are very concerned about getting Taliban their Groceries, but in Karachi their largest city, a city that still is the most important is left to die a slow death under PPPP, and mark my words when another Altaf Hussain rise to power our Establishment first support him, then declare him traitor to launch operations against him and his support, this is the oldest play book our Establishment use. There is anger, there is frustration, but people are still waiting for someone to represent them the only difference is that Karachi's people are not openly declaring a separatist movement like Baluchistan and KPK but our Establishment is pushing them all in the corner, maybe our Establishment and Army like Chaos and chaos is what suits them.
I am what would be considered a hyper-Pakistani nationalist, or at least I was until reality set in and I realized that it's a hopeless case. I supported PTI and my family made substantial contributions to their political effort.

The reality is that Karachi has been grievously mismanaged, and abused. Books can be written about how Ayub Khan took away the capital. How Bhutto broke the back of business and education in Karachi and banned Karachiites from govt. jobs. Zia flooded Karachi with Afghan refugees. During that time you could rent a Kalashnikov by the hour to commit robberies in the city. Drugs were sold openly in the markets like potatoes. The list goes on an on, but it's water under the bridge and we need to look at the future.

PTI was supposed to do something, but they haven't. That was the last hope, so what now?

Pakistan is a virtually bankrupt country. It barely avoids total collapse by begging and borrowing from hostile entities like the IMF. Now it's found a new benefactor in the form of China, but even they will get fed up one day. There's no economic benefit from trading with Pakistan. Trade with India is way bigger.

Sooner or later Pakistan will have to fix itself. Hard decisions will need to be made, like getting rid of the provinces that seem to behave like independent countries. Create 30-40 provinces for better administration, ban corrupt politicians, change to a presidential system, etc. Try to create conditions where successful Pakistanis come back instead of running away.

There are solutions for the country's problems, but the establishment supports the status quo. So be it. Counting tanks and fighter planes, like they do here on PDF, may feel good but it won't bring prosperity to the country. The USSR had far more tanks and fighter planes.

I believe that Karachi can be the engine of growth for the whole of Pakistan, and without it Pakistan will stay like it is. That's just the reality.
Agreed but unfortunately pti hands are tied because it doesn't have a clear majority to make independent decisions in the parliament. It have to walk the right rope cautiously. I hope in the next elections pti is given clear cut majority so that it can bring changes.

I agree with what you said in this post and I want ppp to be vanished but I can't run away from reality as well. To get rid of ppp and PMLN, it will be a lengthy process and not an overnight thing. These parties would ve died down by now if musharraf hadn't made the mistake of nro.
Exactly, our PM and COAS are very concerned about getting Taliban their Groceries, but in Karachi their largest city, a city that still is the most important is left to die a slow death under PPPP, and mark my words when another Altaf Hussain rise to power our Establishment first support him, then declare him traitor to launch operations against him and his support, this is the oldest play book our Establishment use. There is anger, there is frustration, but people are still waiting for someone to represent them the only difference is that Karachi's people are not openly declaring a separatist movement like Baluchistan and KPK but our Establishment is pushing them all in the corner, maybe our Establishment and Army like Chaos and chaos is what suits them.
Which separatist movement do you think is the strongest and most likely to happen?

Pashtun (KPK)
Baloch (Baluchistan)

I've met mixed Pashtuns tbh, some incredibly patriotic, others do want reunification with the Pashtuns on the other side, they have stated that they want Pakistan to annex Afghans Pashtun area or KPK to be annexed. I think it's Waziris mostly who are more separatist-oriented.

Baloch, not seen much but I think it's also mixed, the movement is however relatively strong as we've seen.

Sindhis I've heard do not like mixing with others at all, but are not as aggressive. As in they don't create no-go zones?

Would you say this is accurate?
Aisa time sirf Karachi k andhay lulay langry dimagh wali awaam py he aa skta hai.... Explains the shits Karachi is in!
Jab Karachi k andhay lulay langray jo pakistan ki economy mein largest contribution kartay hain ko badly mein chusi hui haddi aur Ganda ghaleez pani milay ga to mqm ko hi support karenge.
... Punjabi Daggon ko aurato ka nach dekhne aur Pashtoono ko beti bechne se fursat mile tu Karachi ke issues ko address karen na...

So, you guys hate all indigenous ethnic groups, say really offensive things about them, and even kill / ethnically cleanse them whenever you get a chance... yet you have the audacity to complain and whine about them not taking YOUR problems seriously and not addressing issues you guys created for yourself??

21 topon ki salami aisi soch ko !!
Which separatist movement do you think is the strongest and most likely to happen?

Pashtun (KPK)
Baloch (Baluchistan)

I've met mixed Pashtuns tbh, some incredibly patriotic, others do want reunification with the Pashtuns on the other side, they have stated that they want Pakistan to annex Afghans Pashtun area or KPK to be annexed. I think it's Waziris mostly who are more separatist-oriented.

Baloch, not seen much but I think it's also mixed, the movement is however relatively strong as we've seen.

Sindhis I've heard do not like mixing with others at all, but are not as aggressive. As in they don't create no-go zones?

Would you say this is accurate?
Come on bhai nothing of this sort is going to happen
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Which separatist movement do you think is the strongest and most likely to happen?
Are you asking about just in Karachi or in Pakistan in General ? In Pakistan we have BLA/BRASS working as separatist in Baluchistan, much deadlier force in KPK with a spice of Religion and shariah is what TTP is, and Jiye Sindh and other Sindhi nationalists groups although they are not that powerful but still can launch attacks, @Foxtrot Alpha has done a amazing work on their attacks, but I don't think they have power and resources such as BLA and TTP.

I've met mixed Pashtuns tbh, some incredibly patriotic, others do want reunification with the Pashtuns on the other side, they have stated that they want Pakistan to annex Afghans Pashtun area or KPK to be annexed. I think it's Waziris mostly who are more separatist-oriented.
Good People are always there, no one say that entire Pashtoon population is traitors and wants to divide Pakistan, but many many of them does holds some serious issues when it comes to reunification with Afghanistan, look at PTM and their manpower and what they represent, its a ethno fascist party which favors Pakistan's KPK reunification with Afghanistan, they attacked PA what else is left? and yet every where they go in Pakistan they get sizeable support from Pashtoons, so obviously it will raise questions of why Pakistani's are supporting these Racists, Fascists', fanatics who care for Afghans and not Pakistani's ?

Baloch, not seen much but I think it's also mixed, the movement is however relatively strong as we've seen.
Baloch are getting support from Iran and India, they are right now all time high when it comes to their confidence, thanks to the chawal leadership of IK and Bajwa, they have literally put entire Pakistan's national security in jeopardy. One member here on PDF literally said that we make those isolated Posts only to drive attacks of BLA on these posts which indirectly means we are putting these soldiers as baits, instead what we should've done that when FATA was in relative peace we should've launch multi dimension operations in Balochistan, make sure to attack the command center of BLA and make them run into Iran, we let them reunite, trained and now what you are seeing is the result. When they attacked Chinese Embassy in Karachi and KSE this should be the sign that they are now becoming a more Powerful force and trying to get international reaction, but as I said Bajwa and IK combo is much deadlier for Pakistan than Covid and Ebola outbreaks.

Sindhis I've heard do not like mixing with others at all, but are not as aggressive. As in they don't create no-go zones?
Liyari was although majority Baloch but ruled and run by PPPP, People's aman comity and gang leaders such as Uzair Baloch, Baba ladla were all workers for PPPP, so liyari was a no go zone for a lot of Pakistani's for a long time until Chaudry aslam tried to break through that, PPPP even conspired to kill him when he understand who is supporting Liyari gang wars, and their connection to global terrorists like TTP and AQ.

Now in context of Karachi, all of these Pashtoons+Afghans, Sindhi+Baloch they are up against the Urdu speaking people, in fact they were pitched against them by PPP on purpose, MQM was once third largest party in Pakistan, PPPP and MQM arguments are no secret, remember that time when MQM almost every week quit Govt and then PPP ministers go to 90 and then they rejoin the Provincial Govt ? that time PPPP decides to break MQM and its vote bank and they used Pashtoons+Afghans of ANP and liyari gang to counter MQM's power, they spread hate among pashtoons, Sindhi, Baloch for their own brothers so much so that Karachi becomes a no go zone for almost everyone, I was in university and my friends lived in Nazimabad and N.Nazimabad, I saw that area divided between Pashtoons who used Pahari areas such as Kati pahari to literally make bunkers, and on the other side which was Hyderi market was where MQM sector offices were turned into bunkers with armed people patrolling, I personally saw both from my eyes because my best friend from university was a Pathan and lived very close to kati pahari, his Afghan friends took me to Pahari once, show me those positions, and being a Urdu speaking myself I saw sector offices with guys with guns, both blaming each other for the mess. Who wins in that ? PPPP and this is what Karachi wale like me are shouting to rest of Pakistan, MQM was a pawn for Establishment and so was ANP, instead of blaming MQM or Urdu speaking people, what Pakistani's should do is to rally against PPP, and push for federal Govt to intervene and forcefully kick out PPPP because PPP is much more dangerous than TTP and BLA cause they are political party not a terrorists organization which can lead to a disaster like 71, remember that 71 did not happened because of a Terrorism it happened due to a political failure and mess.

So, you guys hate all indigenous ethnic groups, say really offensive things about them, and even kill / ethnically cleanse them whenever you get a chance... yet you have the audacity to complain and whine about them not taking YOUR problems seriously and not addressing issues you guys created for yourself??

21 topon ki salami aisi soch ko !!
I see how you miss the context of my entire posts, but with your level of IQ i would expect that, no one from Urdu speaking community has ever ethnically cleansed anyone from Karachi, infact every ethnicity enjoy's earning their bread n butter in Karachi, until everyone try to own the city using force.
I see how you miss the context of my entire posts, but with your level of IQ i would expect that, no one from Urdu speaking community has ever ethnically cleansed anyone from Karachi, infact every ethnicity enjoy's earning their bread n butter in Karachi, until everyone try to own the city using force.

No context can justify your racist rants and the vile language you used against other ethnicities.. And no need to lie .. There was no area in entire KP and Punjab that didn't receive dead bodies from Karachi before the government finally decided to curb the Mohajir ethnic terrorism in Karachi in the 1990s. Don't pretend now
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